We atheists see this sort of thing all the time, and really, it's not very convincing. In fact, what you are doing is the equivalent of saying, "well, the god I believe in is NOT the one you DON'T believe in." But then, you don't say anything about what the god you DO believe in is like.
We gnostics see the same thing as well. I think we understand how unconvincing it can be to equate God to fairies. Or more accurately, to equate God to anything perceived as outside of my self and as 'not me' / separate.
So I would put forth (and have several times before on the forum) the idea that this God I understand exists is a lot like You and Me. Yet if You, and/or Me is filtered through illusion of self that is separated via physical existence, then there is (I think) at best an understanding that occurs. That understanding is based on a couple primary points, one of which is Knowledge based, the other which is understanding how the illusion is undone.
Knowledge base, as I would express it in words is God equals Love. That Love knows no boundaries, is not contained by time, is not divisible by space, regardless of how unfathomable you imagine (that) space to be. This Love is not over yonder, somewhere beyond the stars, resting solely, yet surely with Sky Daddy. That is certainly one way to understand it, but is implausible to know it in that way. That Love is clearly within You. I would say it is (exactly) You, but perhaps that's making too much of an intellectual leap. Me, I don't believe that.
Understanding base, is the illusion is a block to the awareness that Love is all around You, in You, is You (or Me, if you prefer). It's not an actual or real block. That's not possible. The illusion is your making. But the kicker here, and this is highly critical to the intellectual understanding, You are not contained to a single solitary entity (aka a body). That may serve as a starting point (of sorts) within the understanding that has been called forth, yet is the illusion in a most personal form. Undoing the block happens via forgiveness.
But if I keep going in this direction and hard to avoid proselytizing. Perhaps already passed that point, but if going to call out "you don't say anything about what the god you Do believe in is like," then not sure how to respond to that without getting into a diatribe that might look like preaching. How "you" that I may entertain as "not me" processes all this, is truly up to You. In fact, We wouldn't have it any other way.
That's always a little unfair, really. It's like the scientist saying, "I have a theory about how to unite Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, but I can't tell you the details -- but prove me wrong!" No thanks! If you have a theory (or an idea about God), present it, and all the details of what it actually means and how you can know. Then we'll have a look. Otherwise, you're just making a belief statement that anyone else is perfectly justified in ignoring.
IMO, it's a great bigger wall of text to walk someone through it intellectually, and I think highly impractical if not pausing along the way for actual application to daily experience as it exists right now (regardless of appearances of circumstances). Walking the path of intellectual understanding has merit, but is like all other things intellectual, which truly are make belief assertions. Perhaps you disagree with that claim. I know I still find it debatable, yet not a debate I care to shy away from. Too interesting for me, intellectually, to think of the ideas as being filtered only through ancient orthodox understandings of particular ideas. Also too shallow to think certain ideas are epitome of make believe while others are backed by (ahem) knowledge.
And while there are perhaps lots of nuggets of wisdom to chomp on, I'd go with idea that You are (most definitely) God who is make believing that you are, or can be, not-God. Hence the apparent block(s), the alleged idea of insufficient evidence, and plausible deniability around the notion that ye are Gods.