Wonder Woman
If he gets beaten again by any amount are his supporters going to call foul play again? Seriously, this stuff about fraud and coin flips is ridiculous. If the Clinton campaign was going to cheat the difference would have been more than .2% and 1 delegate. And someone said something about "recounting the votes". There are no "votes" in a Dem caucus in Iowa. It is a head count of groups. The only way to do a "recount" would be to hold it all over again and the turnout would most likely be different anyway. And the brouhaha over the coin flips? Holy crap. They were all done in different places, held by different people, witnessed by different people. You can't organize coin flip results in several different precincts like that. It's absurd. The whining done by the Sanders side is making him look like ...well...Trump.ANYWAY........As I was saying, I hope someone can use the link in the OP to volunteer their help to Bernie Sanders' campaign over the next few months.