NOTHING AT ALL? To this day, Israel keeps losing lifes because of religious conflicts. Jews have always found their enemies. Wars against them has never been as nothing at all.
To this day, still unfulfilled.
...then it´s not rebuilt yet.
Demographics are up for the entire world population.
Wealth too, with some notorious exceptions.
When has this been fulfilled? (it´s actually not a rethorical question
Reading it in context, the spreading of the fruits only happens AFTER God kills Leviatan a sea serpent or dragon. Death itself also has to be killed by Yaveh before this prophecy can be called fulfilled. You are welcome to read it in Isaias.
So no, unless we´ve found that there is the corpse of a giant serpent floating in the sea and that no one else is dying (because death itself is no more) then this piece of prophecy cannot be counted as fulfilled yet. Actually, it also mentions a place called Moab ?
It is supposed than a theocracy would also be in place by this very time. Given that there is no theocracy, then again, the prophecy is false. Actualy, and just reading
nations shouldn´t be fighting against each other in this very time, so how was Palestine and Israel conflict again?
Egypt is still one of the most politically influent places in Africa. Not only is it not The lowliest but Egypt has problems because other Africans want to immigrate there to get more opportunities. If you are in Africa, Egypt is a really good place to be.
Supposedly , there should be peace in this time too. So again, Israel Plalestine conflict shows the prophecy imposible to have been fulfilled yet.
I know little about geography, but a quick wiki search tells me Israel still has deserts.
So still:
No soup for you.
Have you read this prophecy? Unless jewish people stopped being flammable, this hasn´t been fulfilled yet neither.