From a secular, purely literary point of view, this would be the case in most instances.
Concerning divine intervention however, this is not the case. If God wants a person's understanding to be enlightened, no scholar will be needed. I suspect this is more what you are thinking about when you discuss this.
My recommendation to you is this. Now that you have read the bible cover to cover. Get on your knees, talk to God, and say this, " God if you are real, show me." "If, you can only be found and understood by the words in this book, show me."
Tell God you want to understand the mysteries locked in the bible, tell him you have ZERO faith, but for some reason are compelled to understand why others do.
Then, get off you knees and open your bible. Start with Ephesians 1, and then go to Gospel of John Ch 1.
Do me one favor though, try very hard, at least humor me, when you do this reading of Ephesians, just try and assume that this Paul REALLY does know something from God, that he divinely has understanding and blessings from God, to teach us the mind of God.
Read each word slowly and with the expressed intent of hearing from God.
That's all the tricks I got for you. If that doesn't do anything for you, nothing will. Report what happened and how you felt, feel, etc...
If all else fails, you stay the same, or can investigate some other religions.
Great thready BTW!