I believe in government support but not enforcement of a strong social core; it should promote the better characteristics of mankind(strength, speed, beauty, compassion, sacrifice, un-entitlement, graciousness, unity, etc.) in order to push us to be the best possible people for the best possible nation.
Economically, I think government should have a policy of more or less limited intervention for the best outcome of the greater people. Freedom to succeed, but intervention where that success comes at the price of harming the people(free trade and automation for instance). Freedom to fail, but not disastrously(social safety nets).
The first problem is that in an Anarchy, without an authoritarian government to enforce and protect property and other rights, someone will inevitably take over and become an authoritarian, and only protect and enforce property and other rights for themselves and their supporters.
The second problem is that, with an authoritarian government, eventually, someone will inevitably take over and become an authoritarian who will not protect nor enforce property or other rights for anyone except themselves and their supporters.
Doesn't much matter whether you're left or right.
The third problem is that with a democratic government, inevitably people will vote to deny or reject rights for others and possibly themselves as well.