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"Are you scientifically literate? Take our quiz"


Veteran Member
An interesting test from The Christian Science Monitor
"You may have an opinion on climate change, evolution education, stem-cell research, and science funding. But do you have the facts to back up your opinion? This quiz will test your basic scientific literacy.

My score:
You answered 38 of 50 questions correctly for a total score of 76%.
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Enlightner of the Senses
40 out of 50 here. Had some shocking mistakes, such as putting fruit fly instead of pea plant....the shame!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I have a program on my computer that sometimes wipes out scripts. It did in this case, and consequently, my total came up as having missed 50 out of 50. :D

Most of the ones I really did miss were formulas. Pretty interesting test, for once.


Oldest Heretic
It is a long time since my school days. but I still managed 72%
Nearly the same as my age 77 A large part of it was not even known then.
And I missed some I knew......


Well-Known Member
I could have kicked myself with some of the stupid answers I gave :D. 62% in the end which I'm quite pleased with since I know next to nothing of physics and only marginally more about chemistry.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Two that I missed were items on the periodic table that I resolved not to look at for purposes of the test. My dad (who is an organic chemist) would always comment that rote memorization of the table was nonsense, as every scientist has one pinned up in their office, just to avoid having to memorize every little feature of the thing.

Unfortunately most of the test questions were historical and/or ancient Greek etomology, rather than testing on scientific knowledge or reasoning techniques. :shrug:
Yikes. 42 out of 50 correct for me. Pretty embarrassing for a "scientist". I forgot my atomic numbers! Like Daemon Sophic said, I usually just glance at a periodic table if I need a reminder (that's what having the table is for).

And beaten by Revoltingest, too! Surely you must have cheated! :p


She rules her life like a bird in flight
I started it, got to question 17 with already 3 wrong, and then my youngest birdling rescued - er, interrupted - me with a milk request. I have a feeling this test will put me to shame when I finish it.


She rules her life like a bird in flight
Okay, 37/50, and many of those were either sheer guesses or arrived from the linguistic cues, not actual knowledge. But these questions cover such a range of sciences, I wouldn't think even scientists would know some of these outside their field.


OK, I will admit to being the slow kid in class. I got 58%, most of which had nothing to do with science and everything to do with the being able to parse the definitions of science-y words. But in my defense, I didn't cheat, despite the fact that it is an internet test and all the answers are on the internet.