In this thread I'm simply looking for a refutation of self existence, a denial that "I exist" is an axiomatic fact for whoever says it. Whether you're a dualist or monist either way, I don't see how self existence can be denied, and yet most religions, as well as secular philosophies, reject the importance, if not the very existence, of a self/mind/internal experience/etc. Yet it is self evident, relies on no simpler premises, and cannot be denied without relying on it. In my religion/philosophy, rejecting the self is as illogical and hopeless as rejecting the law of identity. I'm curious to see if this view holds.
Xeper and Remanifest.
Have read thru the entire thread (thru post #37) and I'm not as clearly seeing that "most religions, as well as secular philosophies, reject the importance, if not the very existence of a self/mind/internal experience/etc."
If you left it at just "reject the importance," I'd find it easier to relate to as a plausible assertion that does apply to those who are saying it does. But the thread title and rest of that claim is bringing in "existence."
Being Gnostic Christian myself, I understand the Self created by God (the I am) is arguably all that exists, and thus is opposite of what you are conveying, so would think even if you don't fully agree with Gnostic Christian notions, that you'd possibly concede such a paradigm is acknowledging the importance and not rejecting internal in favor of external. Then possibly, you'd add, that's not what you are referring to.
Yet, given my ongoing awareness of this philosophical (and spiritual) predicament, I really don't see most as rejecting the axiom of self existence, but do see how you / anyone could think there is clear rejection of importance of internal (thinking) in favor of external events, or perceived reality.
Anyway, my ongoing understandings would reject the importance of self existing as physical being, so perhaps opposite of what you are getting at, but I actually understand both premises as matter of fundamental faith. (The other defeating premise being rejecting importance self existing as spiritual being. Whereas actual premise, in which the faith resides is the positive claim, i.e. I am spiritual being / physical is illusion; or I am physical being / spiritual is delusion.)
My path to getting there was a retraining of sorts, a review of my daily and overall thoughts, how they are routinely applied and reinforced to get to the point where I (previously) identified self as physical and perceived / believed the spiritual was unreal and/or unknowable.
I say all of this, because given how I experienced the 'cross over,' I think certain notions can be made to work the other way, though I now recognize how implausible it would be to stick to that. And yet, the entirety of physical existence, in my understanding, rests on such notions. For as I understand it, we (or I) were at one point only aware of ourselves as what we now call spiritual being and then had a crossing over of sorts to arrive at basis of an existence / paradigm whereby only the physical is what can be known / said to exist about own self.
Thus, to deny existence of self, could be had with such ideas as:
- (simplistic) I deny that my physical/spiritual self exists (I see that as either/or, but would amount to rejection and denial of that self existing)
- these thoughts are not my own (where thoughts are ideas about own self existence)
- these thoughts are experienced by an entity that is not me
- the meaning and understanding of these thoughts / experiences are given all value by *not me (or something understood by all as external, i.e. the sun)
I'm pretty sure I (or anyone) could come up with a few more, and with only slight nuanced changes in the assertion. I'm just trying to convey what OP is requesting, where OP said: "I don't see how self existence can be denied"
Again, I spin that differently, but do actually think entire basis of physical/external perceived reality is based on such notions, held in place by faith, but generally unexplored because of how 'complete' the cross over is believed to be.