I have an informed opinion, not a fly-by-night set of assumptions built up over our short exchange. I have provided plenty of rebuttal, but I can only lead a horse to water, I cannot make it drink.
Perhaps it would help if I pointed out some of my rebuttal points raised so far:
- Medicinal - Drugs are common in medicine, cannabis is not. Ergo for medicinal purposes it is not a suitable product to displace existing medicines. Either because of cost or benefit.
- Criminalisation - I do not believe young people should be criminalised for trying it, after all curiosity is difficult to stifle, and policing it costs a fortune; but I do believe dealers should be tackled to get it off the streets.
- Legalisation - Cannabis is not safe enough to put in general usage for mental health reasons, we have not discussed social reasons, and people driving round with spliffs in their mouths.
- Environment - Children deserve to grow up in an environment where mind altering drugs is not the norm in society.
- Mental Health Risk - I have first hand knowledge of the mental health links
- Mental Health Risk - There is a plethora of information that appraises cannabis and mental health issues, suggesting a high correlation between cannabis and various forms of mental health problems.
- Risk - You say it is low risk because many people smoke it without harm, and would know if it was bad. I say that people are not that well informed, and that people who smoke cannabis in countries where it is illegal are risk takers, and therefore likely en masse to ignore the risks of taking cannabis and focus on the perceived benefits, so the number of smokers is not a barometer of safety.
and your arguments to my points:
- Medicinal - It has health benefits
- Criminalisation - Everyone in jail because of cannabis should be released because they should never have been there in the first place.
- Legalisation - cannabis should be legalised, the law should never have been bought in and should be repealed (though you give no good reason why?)
- Environment - It should be available to everyone
- Mental health risk - There is none and this is all Propaganda - A propaganda film made in the 30's still applies today which prevents you from absorbing any new information.
- Risk - No risk because millions of casual users smoke it, and if it was bad they would know.
Your approach is more Liaise-Faire than mine. I take a precautionary approach.
Do I want a load of youngsters to have criminal convictions? No I do not. Perhaps on the spot fines, but criminal convictions affect a child's future, and I would not want to see that happen; dealers should have no protection.
It is important to err on the side of caution when looking at these issues, and be sure of science before unleashing it on an entire nation. As long as there is doubt then you should err on the side of caution.
I think it is obvious we are not going to agree because I have already determined what my outcome would be, and you yours.
That is my opinion, and you do not have the argument to change it.