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Ask a Mormon! (Part Two)


Active Member
Katzpur said:
Yeah, if we were born into the faith, we're just sheep, I guess. :rolleyes: As far as I know, all of the Latter-day Saints on RF were born and raised in the Church. I could be wrong, though. Sooner or later you'll probably meet a genuine convert to Mormonism. It might actually not be so far in the future. More than two-thirds of our 12 million+ members are first generation converts. Roughly 900 new convert baptisms take place each day.
Well that answers one of my questions as to why nobody reponded to a previous post... I got one for you Kat, What is up with the goofy looking dudes in black and white outfits...They look like blues brother rejects..They are mormon right?


Not your average Mormon
Well that answers one of my questions as to why nobody reponded to a previous post... I got one for you Kat, What is up with the goofy looking dudes in black and white outfits...They look like blues brother rejects..They are mormon right?
If you're talking about young men wearing dark suits and white shirts, those would be our missionaries.


Active Member
Katzpur said:
If you're talking about young men wearing dark suits and white shirts, those would be our missionaries.
What is the deal with that...Im not knocking the relgion so don't get mad..this is a fasion thing...everytime I see them, they crack me up...I thought theyy were mormons...Wait, you said missionaries...Do mormons go to other countries and do missionary work?


Not your average Mormon
What is the deal with that...Im not knocking the relgion so don't get mad..this is a fasion thing...everytime I see them, they crack me up...
I'm not mad, just incredulous that you're so easily amused. Dark suits and white shirts crack you up? What is it I'm missing here?

I thought theyy were mormons...Wait, you said missionaries...Do mormons go to other countries and do missionary work?
Uh... Now it's your turn not to get mad, Preach, but what planet are you from anyway?

I didn't think there was a living soul (at least not in the U.S.) who wasn't aware of our missionary program. Here, from the Church's official website (www.lds.org) is a brief summary of that program:

We operate more than 330 missions in the world. A mission covers a geographic area and has a central headquarters. Each is led by a mission president who is selected from the ranks of Church membership to a three-year position. The mission president relocates with his family to the mission area and directs the work of the missionaries.

Currently, some 56,000 Latter-day Saints are participating in proselytizing missions around the world. Approximately 75 percent of the Church's proselytizing missionaries are young men between the ages of 19 and 26. They are referred to as "Elder" because of their ordination to that priesthood office. Substantial numbers of single women (about 18 percent) and older couples (about 7 percent) also serve proselytizing missions. Each elder or sister missionary accepts an assignment from Church leaders to serve in a specific mission. Missionaries generally work 60-65 hours per week, for two years (elders) or 18 months (women and couples), teaching the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and participating in community service.

In addition, about 5,100 individuals (including couples) are given special service assignments. Health specialists and doctors go to developing countries where the Church's health services program teaches preventive care. Craftsmen, artisans and construction supervisors train members in local building projects. Agricultural experts train people to produce food more effectively and economically. Other mission assignments include education, family history research and leadership training.

The missionaries or their families donate money to the Church to pay for their personal expenses. When his or her assignment is completed, the missionary returns to home to pursue vocational, academic or other personal goals.

Before leaving on a mission, each missionary is assigned to one of 17 missionary training centers around the world. Those required to learn another language spend eight weeks in training before traveling to their assigned mission. If the missionaries do not need to learn a new language, they attend only two or three weeks of basic orientation.

Aside from their brief orientation at a missionary training center, missionaries receive little formal training for their ministry. Missionary preparation comes primarily from personal study and, in many cases, from examples taught in the home from childhood.


Well-Known Member
I don't know, what if someone could prove they were a decendant of Jesus, would that give them an edge in heaven...I would think so, from a christian perspecitve...As far as the question about being raised into LDS, or comming into it latter...What I meant was I was looking for someone who fit the joining it latter in life criteria. I know how religions work as far as being born into them, I just have a question who was something else then became a mormon. Not for marriage, like chose to join for their own reason.

Aqualung was a convert, but she annoyed the mods so she got banned. I'm still sad about it. Anyway, I'm sure she'd love to talk to you about it if she were here. :sad4:


Not your average Mormon
jonny said:
Aqualung was a convert, but she annoyed the mods so she got banned. I'm still sad about it. Anyway, I'm sure she'd love to talk to you about it if she were here. :sad4:
I miss Aqualung. I wonder how she's doing. :sad4:


Active Member
Katzpur said:
Preach, I'm going to ask you to delete your last post. You can think our missionaries are geeks and you can think our beliefs are crap, but you can't post those opinions on the LDS DIR forum. Take it elsewhere, please.
I didn't say your beliefs where crap, I don't even know what alot of them are. I just have issues with a few key points that I have yet to understand...No offense..If you read a previous post of mine...About 6 months ago a mormon came by my business to sell my insurance..He and I got into a lengthy discussion over religion..I think it lasted 3-4 hours..I even got one of your books to read...He was an intelligent guy and I got along with him well. Oh course I never discussed my true beliefs only briefly touched on the points that always sell me with the christian type. He was insistant I come to his church and try it out...So I don't have a problem with the religion as a whole..


Active Member
jonny said:
Aqualung was a convert, but she annoyed the mods so she got banned. I'm still sad about it. Anyway, I'm sure she'd love to talk to you about it if she were here. :sad4:
How did she get banned?


Not your average Mormon
How did she get banned?
None of us is absolutely sure. All we really know is that she could be abrasive and tended to not choose her words very carefully. She was well-liked by many, but didn't hesitate to speak her mind. Sometimes it takes people awhile to figure that out. Sometimes, as in Aqualung's case, it takes too long. Her story was basically that she went from being vehemently anti-Mormon to being a convert.


Active Member
Katzpur said:
None of us is absolutely sure. All we really know is that she could be abrasive and tended to not choose her words very carefully. She was well-liked by many, but didn't hesitate to speak her mind. Sometimes it takes people awhile to figure that out. Sometimes, as in Aqualung's case, it takes too long. Her story was basically that she went from being vehemently anti-Mormon to being a convert.
Hmmmm, thats a swift change...I can be abrasive at times also, don't mean to be...I am a very outspoken person. I never lie and I usually don't hold back my opinion on a topic when asked...This can make for a harsh combination to things as sensitive as religion..:foot:


Veteran Member
It looks like quite a bit was covered this evening in this thread. :)

It's nice to see it get some use. If there are any other questions, feel free to ask.


Veteran Member
Preach the net said:
This brings me to the question that I have to ask. Who here is now a full fledged mormon but started out as something else...Meaning, didn't become mormon till say late teens or twentys?
My wife is a convert to the LDS church. She grew up Catholic and was the first person to join the church in her immediate and extended family. She was 23 when she joined the church.

The local relief society (LDS women's organization) president invited her to dinner and the missionaries just happened to be there on hand to discuss the beleifs of the LDS church and answer questions...She was offended at first, but then became really interested after this happened a few times...Her mother oddly enough had a lot to do with this whole situation to, yet her mother was not a member yet and did not plan to join the church, but recognized that the local LDS young adult members did not drink and party like the other young adults her age, so her mother encouraged her to hang out with the local Mormon's her age. My wife was uncomfortable with the whole drinking and partying scene so she seemed to fit in better with the local LDS young adults more so than her other friends, so subsequently she was invited to a lot of LDS young adult activities.....

My also wife liked the idea of families being sealed together for eternity, in LDS temples. and living together for eternity. Her father had died at the age of three and I guess the idea of being sealed to him and reuniting with her father in the eternites, caught her attention I think...

Her brother never joined the church but her mother, who passed away a few years ago did join the church about a year after my wife did and they really got into geneology and temple work.

My wife grew up in Springfield, Mass., just outside of Boston, and after she joined the church she attended BYU for a couple of years. then returned home for a few years. then returned to Utah and lived in Salt Lake for a while and attended an LDS singles ward, which is were we met at a Salt Lake valley wide singles ward dance at Snowbird, Utah, which is a large ski and summer resort....sappy story I know...

If you want to ask her some question she might answer them, or I'll just answer for her if she doesn't want to. I think I could accurately respond to your questions on her behalf or if I can get her interested I'll type her response as she tells it to me...


Katzpur said:
I'm not mad, just incredulous that you're so easily amused. Dark suits and white shirts crack you up? What is it I'm missing here?
Sometimes he goes down to Wall Street just for a laugh.


I don't know, what if someone could prove they were a decendant of Jesus, would that give them an edge in heaven...I would think so, from a christian perspecitve.
I don't see why it would.


Well-Known Member
How did she get banned?

It's an RF mystery. Even she doesn't know. She just woke up one day and she wasn't able to access RF (her IP had been banned). I'm sure there's a really good reason, but no one knows what it is. She had a run-in with one of the Mods so I think they felt that she was a disruption and distraction.


The Feisty Penguin
I've read Becky say many times that LDS generally believe that marriage is carried on after death. Why is that?