SOGFPP said:Your organization can try and interpret the Bible.... just tell me where you're Bible came from.... did it fall from heaven complete? How do you know the right books are included? How do you know that some divine writing was not excluded? You organization (and those like it) seems to forget that Christ was not a mere figure in a book... the Apostles carried on the message of the Gospel and CONTINUED to teach before, during, and after the writing of Scripture.
By your comment, I am assuming you are trying to say that our Bible (the NWT) has been changed or given a slant to promote our teachings. You could not be further from the truth. If anything, it is among one of the closest translations to the original manuscripts ever and has been translated from highly acclaimed sources like the Septuagint and many other highly reputable Greek and Hebrew manuscripts.
Before you analyze my Bible, lets have a look at yours. Why has your Bible excluded Gods name of Jehovah/Yaweh in most cases even though they fully appear in the original Hebrew and Greek scriptures? Its not exactly what I would define as accuracy.
Jesus to us is not at all a figure in a book he is second to God in the universe and is Gods son not higher or lower. Im not sure where you deducted that one from and when.
You say that the Apostles preached about the Trinity in the Gospels would you like to kindly show us where?
What makes you think that your organization started by a man.... not chosen by Christ as an Apostle..... some 2,000 or so years later is better suited to interpret the Bible than those 1st and 2nd century Christians.... many of whom were taught by the APOSTLES themselves?
A man did not start our organization, he simply re-discovered what was already there the truth. And by judging what you said, you seem to assume that Jesus chose Trinitarians. Jesus told people to follow him (Matt 16:24) and at the very least, be obedient to him. If you look at mainstream Christianity, they discreetly sweep most of his commandments under the rug and do it their own way. On the otherhand, Jehovahs Witness follow Gods every commandment convenient or not and with full devotion. 2000 years of Trinitarian history means nothing if you do the exact opposite of what God is asking of you.
Again, as soon as you can explain to me where your Bible came from.... the Bible itself is a product of tradition.
You keep saying the word tradition. Would you like to elaborate on the traditions you are talking about? The Bible is a result of divine inspiration from God from the heavens to the paper. Over millenniums, this book has come down in history in tact so that we can see what we see today. The traditions and cultures you talk about affected the content of the Bible, however, did not change its teachings! What God intended to put in the Bible would have been put in there anyway irregardless of the traditions of the local people. To say this would be to deny the power of God.
What's your point?
Several Biblical stories were pre-dated by other cultures... the garden of eden, the flood, the messiah....
I guess that means most of the Bible is invalid and the Bible itself as incorrect as the Trinity.
I don't think that was the point you were trying to make, was it?
The Bible itself invalidates the Trinity, what more proof do you want? Youre not getting the point. You are trying to justify the Trinity via every other means apart from the evidence that really matters the Bible. The word Trinity does not appear in the Bible a single time coincidence or what? This is just one of many hundreds of flaws in the Trinity.
If I had to go through everything that mainstream Christianity that conflicts with the Bible, it would take me weeks but yes, you have 2000 years under your belt so you must be right. Not really. On the otherhand, I would like to see you say what Jehovahs Witnesses dont do either and see how many hits you get.