Citizen Mod
A quick question for you: If you accept that God has no negatives (which I wholeheartedly agree with), why do you perpetually scrutinize Him and His works along with His past and future protocols?
Because the evidence that proposes to come from GOD (in this case THE BIBLE) does not match with the GOD that I K(NOW) in the NOW. Three possibilities must BE considered here; Either the God that I am having a REALationship with is not the ONE TRUE GOD or the God of THE BIBLE is not the ONE TRUE GOD or either of them is not the ONE TRUE GOD.
WitnessOfJah writes: I by no means referred to God as being imperfect/and or negative. I was only referring to your negative outlook on God himself and your scrutiny against his wills and judgements in being looked upon as negative
Wills and judgments are negative aspects. How many LOVING/successful/mature (REAL)ationships do you encourage or support that have any basis where someone applies wills or judgments to your individuality. How long do you think you can condone a REALationship like this before you realize it is impractical and unrealistic? My negative outlook about Jehovah originated from THE BIBLE because that is the way it is supposed to BE read but it is not what I have come to K(NOW) and UNDERSTAND today.
TRUE GOD fact No. 10-There is no will that GOD expects from us.
WitnessOfJah quotes: I shall laud you because in a fear-inspiring way I am wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, as my soul is very well aware. (Psalm 139:14)
This scripture only PROVES to me that David's soul was not aware of GOD no matter how lyrically he expressed it. Anyone who fears GOD does not K(NOW) GOD. The opposite of LOVE is fear.
WitnessOfJah writes: The Bible is the truth, and explains itself remarkably well!
YOU should never think that The Bible is finished or that it is the definitive source of TRUTH.-GOD
From Hello Its Me: An Interview With GOD
Chapter:THE BIBLE Page:10
YOU are talking about wars, starvation, pestilence, disobedience, lawlessness, idolatry, and earthquakes. Why, MY dear boy, these very things have been happening in every century on a worldwide scale. According to this information, MY wrath has come and gone several times already now. How do YOU account for this?-GODWitnessOfJah writes: Scriptures are being fulfilled as we speak about the political climate of our day and it is affecting us now and also tells us in what ERA Armageddon will come! What are these prophecies?
From Hello Its Me: An Interview With GOD
Chapter: Armageddon And The Apocalypse Page: 43
You do not have to answer this question but it is interesting to see that GOD is anticipating your new thread as well.
WitnessOfJah writes: Can I name a religion that has this truth? Carrdero, the very best thing you could do is to go through each and every religion, see how they follow their holy books and most importantly, how they apply them, see their fruitage, how their followers reflect on what they believe, see whether their doctrines are in line with scripture, are they politically influenced or not, and many other more different criterias until you thirst has been quenched onto who is right and wrong. The ball is entirely in your court. It is up to YOU to make that decision nobody on this planet can make that decision for you.
It seems more studious to become a member of every religion this way your soul is covered. If one religion falls from GODs favor you have the other ones to secure your salvation or wouldnt it just be easier if we just asked GOD what religion HE belongs too?
WitnessOfJah writes: Some parts of the Bible are complex for a reason because they symbolize something more than to what they actually are therefore, something deeper than at face value. This could be Gods way of encrypting certain scriptures to make sure that ONLY the people who are INTENDED to understand these scriptures (i.e. chosen by God) get the deeper truths of it.
Deeper, encrypting, intended for certain people, chosen? This does not sound like a book for everyone to prosper from.
TRUE GOD FACT No. 12 GOD does not hold ONE entity higher than the other, every entity (spiritual, physical, animal, plant) is equal.
I apologize for the reminder, I understand your pride in THE BIBLE and your religion but you must BE very careful about statements like this. There is the incident in 1975 that many of the faithful from your organization have not yet recovered from.WitnessOfJah writes: If you look at Matthew 24:14, who is the ONLY religion identified on this PLANET who is fulfilling this scripture? Because I cant think of any other religion who is doing it therefore, not fulfilling Jesus prophecy, and remember, divine to date has NEVER failed.
I am on the quest for TRUTH. You do not need to carry/pack faith for this adventure.WitnessOfJah writes: Even though you have a faith and you are on a quest for TRUTH which is highly commendable.
No you are CORRECT one human cannot bring about Paradise but many humans can bring about peace. But again you will fall into that same trapping-whos idea of Paradise are you trying to recreate? Since there are so many different individuals who have different perspectives I cannot see a common Paradise destined for the earth which leads me to believe that there is another existence that just may cater to our own perceptions of a Paradise. Even Adam and Eve had their own different perspective of Paradise from what Jehovah had. Which means that if Jehovah wants to bring about Paradise for us on this planet it will be under his rule and direction and the first rule in my concept of Paradise is that there are no rules or directions.WitnessOfJah writes: do you think that if God DOES have a will, will personal revelation have any bearings on it? A human by himself cannot create his own paradise