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Ask any questions about Islam!


Hi everybody...I noticed the thread concerning questions for christianity, thats why I thought it would be usefull to post a threa for Islam, specially most of people worldwide misunderstand it, and as a result, insult it, and therefore some muslims act violently, and thats how people get there idea about Islam....A closed loop as you see!!

So, anyone that has questions, can ask them here and may God help us, we Muslims will try to answer them:)

(I hope it's not a repeated thread!!)


To Save A Lamb
tlcmel, That's sort of a big question. I recommend going to either Religious Tolerance or Submission and poking around a bit. If you have anything a bit more specific or anything you want cleared up do ask!

But to me, the base principals are submission to the one G-d and love and helping others.

I must admit I follow only the Qur'an, so I'm not much help on hadiths or the like, I find them interesting to read but consider them very flawed.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
E i N s T e i N said:
So, anyone that has questions, can ask them here and may God help us, we Muslims will try to answer them:)
Thank you, E i N s T e i N. Allow me to first lay the foundation for my question.
Item 1:
Recently, cartoons were published which were horribly disrespectful of Islam, its Prophet, and, by extension, its God. One might have simply condemned and dismissed this act as an example of irresponsible journalism on the part of an unimportant, fringe newspaper. But soon newspapers in country after country chose to reprint the cartoons in total, as if to demonstrate a total disregard of, and contempt for, Islam.

In response we see wave upon wave of protest, some of which can only be characterized as ugly and violent.​
Item 2:
In the past we have witnessed the most despicable acts of terrorism in the name of Islam. The World Trade Center was destroyed killing thousands. People kidnapped and then savagely beheaded on live TV. Cowardly attacks on innocent subway riders. Terror bombings in Bali.

Each time we are told that Islam is a religion of peace. Each time we are told that those who perpetrate those acts demonstrate a total disregard of, and contempt for, Islam.​
And now my question, E i N s T e i N. If, indeed, Islam is a religion of peace, why are its followers so easily moved to intense massive protest by the cartoons in Item 1, and yet willing to offer little more than lip service in opposition to the barbarism of Item 2? Where is the massive protest against sociopthic terrorism?

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
It is an open forum, jamaesi. Do as you wish. But I need to get some sleep. I'll ckeck here tomorrow. BTW - you made some nice contributions to my "cartoons" thread. Good night.


Have you thought, Jay, that maybe the islam's agree with these attacks on the infidels? Ha, religion of peace.


To Save A Lamb
And now my question, E i N s T e i N. If, indeed, Islam is a religion of peace, why are its followers so easily moved to intense massive protest by the cartoons in Item 1, and yet willing to offer little more than lip service in opposition to the barbarism of Item 2? Where is the massive protest against sociopthic terrorism?
I wish I knew where it was, Jay. I really wish I knew why there wasn't protests against the things that really matter. :/

Next time I talk to my SO I'll ask him about this. He's lived in the Middle East half his life and he might be able to give a better answer. Perhaps the culture.

All I can say is that it breaks my heart when people ignore the teachings of the Qur'an that say to live in peace with each other and with our siblings of the Book and help each other.

Have you thought, Jay, that maybe the islam's agree with these attacks on the infidels? Ha, religion of peace.
Have you ever thought that any religion can be mistranslated into hateful words and used to hurt others?

I read the Qur'an in Arabic and there is NOTHING in it anyway that says to go out and slaughter innocent people just because they follow a different religion. The Qur'an tells us that Jews, Christians, Gnostics- anyone who worships G-d will go to Heaven and we are to live in peace in the meantime. We are only allowed to take up the sword to defend ourselves.

Ok, what really up with the 70 virgins waiting for the homicidal maniacs thing?
First of all, suicide is a very bad thing according to the Qur'an. If you do it, you certainly ain't gonna get rewarded for it. Secondly, killing innocents, especially women and children, is another huge no-no.

Thirdly, I would LOVE to know, too! It's nowhere in the Qur'an. There is no sex in the Qur'anic Heaven (due to us being in a diffferent form than we are on Earth), so I'm puzzled about that myself. The Qur'an does talk about beautiful eyed "angels" that serve both sexes no matter how they died, but not sexually. And due to the fact that translating the Qur'an correctly is a very difficult thing, many times the word (hur) is translated to "virgins."

I think it might have come from a hadith, and as I said before, I do not follow the hadith. Islam tells us to follow the Qur'an, not hadith. And the hadith were written hundreds of years later. They're unreliable.

Here's some links for more information.



Active Member
the base principals are submission to the one G-d and love and helping others.

I must admit I follow only the Qur'an, so I'm not much help on hadiths or the like, I find them interesting to read but consider them very flawed.
Yes, kind sir, it could not be said any better. One entity known as the father and to be a good person looking out for everybody else with compassionate care.

My turn to read and learn!


Well-Known Member
Jayhawker Soule said:
And now my question, E i N s T e i N. If, indeed, Islam is a religion of peace, why are its followers so easily moved to intense massive protest by the cartoons in Item 1, and yet willing to offer little more than lip service in opposition to the barbarism of Item 2? Where is the massive protest against sociopthic terrorism?

Fundamentalist Christian groups have harbored the Murrah Building Bomber, sponsored violent crimes against family planning facilities whether they perform abortions or not, assassinated doctors and nurses with shotguns, planted bombs, assaulted potential patrons.

Christians spouting "Gott mit uns!" started two world wars in Europe.

The Crusades, murdered hundreds of thousands.

Turk militants not sponsored by or answering to Islamic authority committed genocide against Armenians.

Hindus have murdered muslims and destroyed Muslim holy places in India.

Tamil rebels in Ceylon have committed religious atrocities.

Many people robe themselves in the vestments of religion and faith and commit horrendous crimes while trying to further POLITICAL agendas.

Why pick on muslim clergy for doing what Christian, Hindu, and other clergy more interested in personal influence and political power than what is Godly or not Godly?




To Save A Lamb
Yes, kind sir, it could not be said any better. One entity known as the father and to be a good person looking out for everybody else with compassionate care.

My turn to read and learn!
... Is this sarcasm?

G-d isn't known as father, but Allah or G-d.


Thank you jamaesi for replying...I guess you are not middle eastern...
Item 1:
Recently, cartoons were published which were horribly disrespectful of Islam, its Prophet, and, by extension, its God. One might have simply condemned and dismissed this act as an example of irresponsible journalism on the part of an unimportant, fringe newspaper. But soon newspapers in country after country chose to reprint the cartoons in total, as if to demonstrate a total disregard of, and contempt for, Islam.

First of all....I'm sorry for being late here, I wrote a reply previously, but error happens!...thats how my reply was gone!!...

First of all, it's unfair to judge Islam by its followers, cuz mainly, muslims( most of them) now are far away from islamic teachings....

We love prophet Mohammed...our love to him can not be described by words...We are ready to sacrifice our souls for him not to be hurted by a pin...We love him more than we love anyone...thats why we should follow his teachings...

Thats why muslims' react towards the cartoons was inhanced by their emotions...it was not logic...I think the respond was not correct, we love our prophet, but if he was there, he wouldnt do this...
We must use respond by the same way of attack...cultural I mean...the man drew these pictures without knowing much about the charachter he mocked....we must teach the world about prophet Mohammed and about his teachings...so no one will then dare to do such a thing...
We are not following the prophet's teachings, cuz if we did, we wouldnt be that weak that anyone can mock on him...I think our violant respond was not suitable to the case...

And now my question, E i N s T e i N. If, indeed, Islam is a religion of peace, why are its followers so easily moved to intense massive protest by the cartoons in Item 1, and yet willing to offer little more than lip service in opposition to the barbarism of Item 2? Where is the massive protest against sociopthic terrorism?
I agree with you....this is confusing really...we always see muslims making a terrorist attack...but i want to say that Islam never orderd us to kill ourselves..
Muslims who do these attacks are extremists, they misunderstood Islam, and thats how people know Islam, by them!!

Islam is more than 1400 years old, and terrorism wasnt there all this period, this is an exeptional period of time...

About virgins...virgin is not a word used in Qur'an, never used except whn describing Mary...God promissed Shohada' by lots of great things including super women!!
shohada' are those killed in battles for Islam, or for defending country...ir any honor purpose...due to their sacrifice, they got a great position in heaven,,

I hope I answerd this part....If you need more evidences for Islam being a peace religion from Qur'an, i can post them here... :)

First of all, suicide is a very bad thing according to the Qur'an. If you do it, you certainly ain't gonna get rewarded for it. Secondly, killing innocents, especially women and children, is another huge no-no.
It's not only a bad thing, when you do so, you automatically go to hell!!
We dont kill citizins, we only (in case of war) fight fighters...Prophet Mohammed gave clear orders to us:
"not to kill a woman, or a child or old people...Not to cut a tree...not to burn or destroy houses...not to destroy churchs and temples or kill priests...not to fight at night so that sleeping people are not botherd..."

It's clear how peacfull are we in case of war....so how come we are terrorists is case of non-war?....This is a wrong understanding for islam

About the cartoons...we are really angry about them specially when the Danish prime minister refused to show any apologize...Thats why we Muslims are boycotting Denemark...

I know cartoons are not big deal, but the problem is that this is a clear attack on Islam, if the man used Bin Laden, no one would ever say anyhing, but using prophet Mohammed is a direct attack on Islam...And further more, all Eurepean countries puplished them!!



Why pick on muslim clergy for doing what Christian, Hindu, and other clergy more interested in personal influence and political power than what is Godly or not Godly?
Thats a good point....Media always focus on Islamic extremists not taking in consideration other religion extremsits....why do you think they do so?....
I think we muslims are not giving a good presentation for Islam...


Well-Known Member
E i N s T e i N said:
Thats a good point....Media always focus on Islamic extremists not taking in consideration other religion extremsits....why do you think they do so?....
I think we muslims are not giving a good presentation for Islam...
I think to some degree, you are correct. If more Muslims of good will spoke against the actions of extremists, things would be better. One must realize at the same time that Muslims who speak against the extremists take their own lives in their own hands when they do to some extent.



One must realize at the same time that Muslims who speak against the extremists take their own lives in their own hands when they do to some extent.
This is true to some extent...i do agree that some countries helped terrorists some times...But i dont think they are anymore...

We muslim countries suffered too much cuz of them...Specially Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia...We were living in horour cuz of them....this is shame on Muslims...


To Save A Lamb
Thank you jamaesi for replying...I guess you are not middle eastern...
Pakistan not Middle East enough for you? ;)

I'm European and part Pakistani.

About the cartoons...we are really angry about them specially when the Danish prime minister refused to show any apologize...Thats why we Muslims are boycotting Denemark...

I know cartoons are not big deal, but the problem is that this is a clear attack on Islam, if the man used Bin Laden, no one would ever say anyhing, but using prophet Mohammed is a direct attack on Islam...And further more, all Eurepean countries puplished them!!
And people can and do make clear attacks on all religions and it's allowed under free speech. Get used to it. Just because they can say it doesn't mean it's right or that you should pay them any attention. I understand the culture situation, I may not be completely Arab, but my SO and many of my friends are, and do or have lived in the Middle East. I also see that a silly little picture is being blown out of the water. Do you really think the Prophet (pbuh) is going to break down in tears because someone made fun of him? I agree the cartoons were completely distasteful, but they were printed and reprinted just to get a rise- and now those who drew and supported them get to laugh at the blind moral outrage that they spawned. Way to give them power. It's not like they were making death threats to Muslims for just being Muslim or burning our masjidd.
Censourship is a huge pet peeve of mine.

Reacting violently is anti-Peace. So is trying to silence other voices just because they say something different than you.

I'm ashamed of the Muslim community that is reacting in such a childish way to this and ignoring the real issues in the world. Using your energy to help someone starving to death is more important than making death threats at someone for thinking their mind.
If you really want people to think that Islam is a religion of peace, like you keep saying, then you darn well better act like it. Do that by helping others like the Qur'an says so, not tearing them down, not by killing them. If someone spreads mistruth about Islam then calmly and kindly explain to them, using the Qur'an, to prove the it is a peaceful religion- if they still don't believe the truth, then that's their problem. But making death threats and burning buildings because of someone's ignorance? It's shameful and hate and there is no excuse for it.

-Maesi, worried for her faith


Well-Known Member
Popeyesays said:
I think to some degree, you are correct. If more Muslims of good will spoke against the actions of extremists, things would be better. One must realize at the same time that Muslims who speak against the extremists take their own lives in their own hands when they do to some extent.

At the hand of who? Muslims? Good Greif!!!! Islam is a religion of peace. Lot of people claiming to be Muslims are terrorists, but those people aren't really Muslims, (why, exactly, I can't say) and even tho most Muslims in the world either seem to agree with the terrorists' goals and tactics, or are at best indifferent toward them, we are somehow supposed to beleive that Islam is a religion of peace, because, well, that is the party line.

And we are supposed to somehow overlook the fact that the vast majority of the self professed terrorists in the world claim to be Muslims also. This logic gets very thin every time I discuss this subject. Muhammed gained followers because he convinced the previously pagan Arabian Peninsula natives that God was on his side via his military victories raiding the mostly Jewish caravans and towns. Interestingly enough, Mohammed presented himself to the Jews as a Prophet and was rejected, which led to him turning to the pagan Arabs and presenting himself to them as a prophet.

You want us to ask questions about Islam? Well, for one, when are you going to answer Jayhawker's questions, and you can describe to us why it is that every country in the world which has Islam as its national religion/governmental structure seems to be very backward and terrifying, with lots of car bombs, beheadings, harsh treatment toward women and non-Muslims, etc. . . . ?



Out there...
E i N s T e i N said:
About the cartoons...we are really angry about them specially when the Danish prime minister refused to show any apologize...Thats why we Muslims are boycotting Denemark...

I know cartoons are not big deal, but the problem is that this is a clear attack on Islam, if the man used Bin Laden, no one would ever say anyhing, but using prophet Mohammed is a direct attack on Islam...And further more, all Eurepean countries puplished them!!

The Danish Prime Minister can't apologize for an expression of free speech in his own country!
Many people in the Middle East [God bless 'em] don't know how free countries work. There is no attack on Islam, only a percieved attack. Do you know why the cartoons were printed in the first place? I see many Muslim countries' media have been slack in explaining this.:tsk:

To act against diplomats or embassies for such a thing would be like me burning your embassy here in my country because your President did not apologize for your comments on this forum, a forum of free speech. Tell your friends not to take the cartoons personally, and remember that God is more important than any prophet. If God has a problem with the cartoonists, he will deal with them.

This was a perfect chance for Muslims to say "You are acting in an offensive way to us but we follow God therefore we forgive you. Please refrain from offending us anymore". But they blew it in the worst possible way. Now even many tolerant people in the Western world are wondering just how bizzare this 'religon' is. Some are saying 'it's just a culture and that they worship it more than they worship God'. Talk about a PR nightmare.



Veteran Member
I have Muslim question: I was talking to my friend Reza who was telling me about Hajj. He said, that how he was planning his eventual Hajj, is he will go with a sponser and a group of people. Maybe 100 people that act as a community while on the holy journey. Could the muslims here tell us how Hajj works and have any of you been on one yet?