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Ask any questions about Islam!


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Something I have been meaning to ask for ages; is it part of the culture to have more than one wife ? - ie does one need to to be a good Muslim?


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MdmSzdWhtGuy said:
At the hand of who? Muslims? Good Greif!!!! Islam is a religion of peace. Lot of people claiming to be Muslims are terrorists, but those people aren't really Muslims, (why, exactly, I can't say) and even tho most Muslims in the world either seem to agree with the terrorists' goals and tactics, or are at best indifferent toward them, we are somehow supposed to beleive that Islam is a religion of peace, because, well, that is the party line.

And we are supposed to somehow overlook the fact that the vast majority of the self professed terrorists in the world claim to be Muslims also. This logic gets very thin every time I discuss this subject. Muhammed gained followers because he convinced the previously pagan Arabian Peninsula natives that God was on his side via his military victories raiding the mostly Jewish caravans and towns. Interestingly enough, Mohammed presented himself to the Jews as a Prophet and was rejected, which led to him turning to the pagan Arabs and presenting himself to them as a prophet.

You want us to ask questions about Islam? Well, for one, when are you going to answer Jayhawker's questions, and you can describe to us why it is that every country in the world which has Islam as its national religion/governmental structure seems to be very backward and terrifying, with lots of car bombs, beheadings, harsh treatment toward women and non-Muslims, etc. . . . ?

Please read the history of Prophet Mohammed "peace be upon him" first.


Lord of the Badgers
Where did the belief in the Jinn come from, is it in the Qu'ran or did it originate as a cultural thing?


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robtex said:
I have Muslim question: I was talking to my friend Reza who was telling me about Hajj. He said, that how he was planning his eventual Hajj, is he will go with a sponser and a group of people. Maybe 100 people that act as a community while on the holy journey. Could the muslims here tell us how Hajj works and have any of you been on one yet?
This is a short explination for it. :)


I havn't been there but i'm planning to as ASAP.


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Jensa said:
Does Islam have angels or other heavenly beings? If so, what are they like?
Yes, We believe in Angels.

Belief in the existence of angels is one of the fundamental articles of faith in Islam. Muslims believe that angels were created by God from light. Angels carry out God’s commandments in nature and the universe. What we usually call the “forces of nature” become active because of the presence of angels behind them, working at the command of God.Angels belong to a level of existence beyond the perceptible world of phenomena, called `alam al-ghayb. As God’s creatures living within the physical world of mundane reality, we humans cannot overstep its confines; nor can we visualize beings that exist outside of it. Muslims believe in the existence of angels because God talks about them through His revelations. Though angels are generally invisible beings, they may appear to the outward eye if required, in forms suitable for the visible world.


see also: http://islam.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=islam&zu=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.islaam.com%2FArticle.aspx%3Fid%3D51

In fact, they have no specific shape like what we see in cartoons and stuff but we believe that they are so great and every single angel have a specific shape that makes him unique and to help him in the task given to him by God.

If you want to know more don't hesitate to ask me about it .. :)


Well-Known Member
Wasn't Mohammed approached by an angel? I thought I remembered reading that somewhere. I think it was Gabriel. I could be completely wrong though.


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michel said:
Something I have been meaning to ask for ages; is it part of the culture to have more than one wife ? - ie does one need to to be a good Muslim?
Not at all. it's legal for Muslims to marry more than one wife but it's not necessary and a muslim can marry more than one wife ONLY if he can treat them equally which is so difficult of course and the first wife has the right in the contract of marriage to state that she doesn't want her husband to marry again and by that she can forbid him from marrying again a second one.

There are many benefits of this such as if there are extra single women in the society because adultry is strongly prohibited in islam so instead of that a muslim can marry another one if he is not satisfied with only one wife. Moreover, there are many cases where the wife can't have children so he can marry the second. I'm talking about the place were i was born and raised but for other most of Muslims they only prefer one wife "the same to me :D ". Sometimes the culture in some countries is to have more than one wife but i didn't get what do you mean by does one need to be a good Muslim.

Do you mean that does one need to be a good Muslims to marry or you mean if he will considered as a good Muslim if he get married with more than one?


To Save A Lamb
Something I have been meaning to ask for ages; is it part of the culture to have more than one wife ? - ie does one need to to be a good Muslim?
No, in fact the Qur'an is VERY against it. I notice a lot of people like to say you can have more than one wife because the man's libido is greater or some other crap which is a complete lie.

"You can NEVER be equitable in dealing with more than one wife, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, do not be so biased as to leave one of them hanging. If you correct this situation and maintain righteousness, GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful." (4/129)

There are many benefits of this such as if there are extra single women in the society because adultry is strongly prohibited in islam so instead of that a muslim can marry another one if he is not satisfied with only one wife.
That's utter toss.

Polygamy is for fatherless ORPHANS. Not so a man can marry as many women as he pleases because his "sexual drive" is greater than a woman's. Not whatever else bogus reason you want to throw out there.



Well-Known Member
Not so a man can marry as many women as he pleases because his "sexual drive" is greater than a woman's. Not whatever else bogus reason you want to throw out there.
Is that what many Muslims think...that men have a greater sex drive than women? If they think that, it must only be because they never pay attention to a woman's sex drive!


To Save A Lamb
Is that what many Muslims think...that men have a greater sex drive than women? If they think that, it must only be because they never pay attention to a woman's sex drive!
I have no idea! But, then again, they certainly aren't paying any attention to the Qur'an, why would they pay attention to women? :rolleyes:

I have a rather healthy sex drive myself, thank you very much.


And people can and do make clear attacks on all religions and it's allowed under free speech. Get used to it. Just because they can say it doesn't mean it's right or that you should pay them any attention. I understand the culture situation, I may not be completely Arab, but my SO and many of my friends are, and do or have lived in the Middle East. I also see that a silly little picture is being blown out of the water. Do you really think the Prophet (pbuh) is going to break down in tears because someone made fun of him? I agree the cartoons were completely distasteful, but they were printed and reprinted just to get a rise- and now those who drew and supported them get to laugh at the blind moral outrage that they spawned. Way to give them power. It's not like they were making death threats to Muslims for just being Muslim or burning our masjidd.
Censourship is a huge pet peeve of mine.

Reacting violently is anti-Peace. So is trying to silence other voices just because they say something different than you.

I'm ashamed of the Muslim community that is reacting in such a childish way to this and ignoring the real issues in the world. Using your energy to help someone starving to death is more important than making death threats at someone for thinking their mind.
If you really want people to think that Islam is a religion of peace, like you keep saying, then you darn well better act like it. Do that by helping others like the Qur'an says so, not tearing them down, not by killing them. If someone spreads mistruth about Islam then calmly and kindly explain to them, using the Qur'an, to prove the it is a peaceful religion- if they still don't believe the truth, then that's their problem. But making death threats and burning buildings because of someone's ignorance? It's shameful and hate and there is no excuse for it.
You are totally right, and I agree with you...I'm ashamed as well...
Prophet Mohammed would never agree with violant responses...he might also not reply at all!!

The Danish Prime Minister can't apologize for an expression of free speech in his own country!
Thats why he hadnt speak at all!!
If he thinks this is normal in his country, why did he bother himself to say :"we will not apologize!!"
This is a clear evidence that he himself attak Islam, thats why the issue bacame larger...

you can describe to us why it is that every country in the world which has Islam as its national religion/governmental structure seems to be very backward and terrifying, with lots of car bombs, beheadings, harsh treatment toward women and non-Muslims, etc. . . . ?
A point here must be cleard....no country follows the Islamic rules....I'm a middle eastern and can guarantee that!!
We have Islam as a national religion, but we dont apply it in politics, economics or in military fields....
the closest country (in my openion) to the islamic teachings is Malaysia, and I think it's developing well in technological field...

To act against diplomats or embassies for such a thing would be like me burning your embassy here in my country because your President did not apologize for your comments on this forum, a forum of free speech. Tell your friends not to take the cartoons personally, and remember that God is more important than any prophet. If God has a problem with the cartoonists, he will deal with them.

This was a perfect chance for Muslims to say "You are acting in an offensive way to us but we follow God therefore we forgive you. Please refrain from offending us anymore". But they blew it in the worst possible way. Now even many tolerant people in the Western world are wondering just how bizzare this 'religon' is. Some are saying 'it's just a culture and that they worship it more than they worship God'. Talk about a PR nightmare.

I said we are ashame from what happend from muslims!!!....I think my reply is clear!!
We dont agree with the violant respond.....this is far away from islamic teachings!!

Could the muslims here tell us how Hajj works and have any of you been on one yet?

I have been in Hajj before....it's one of the 5 corners in Islam...
Hajj is a spirtual journey meant to get muslims closer to God, and to make them feel free from the modern civilization, in order to cure your soul...

Hajj is a long journey, that has lots of stages, most important is spending a day on a mountain called A'rafa...There, God respond to all of your asking....just ask God what you want, and He will reply...

Some scientests think it's a simulation to the judgment day, since all muslims wear white clothes, the poor the rich, everybody regardless his social position...

Ofcaurse we use some modern stuff like bathrooms and air conditionals...

This journey is awarded from God, by forgiving all your sins, as if you were just born..In addition to the spirtual effect you gain...

It's tough...but I can describe it by one word.....Great!!

The truth....Jamaesi....Thank you very much for replying the previous questions..

In islam, we must believe in angels, they are one of our fundamentals...
Jinn are creatures of God, Satan is from Jinn...

Me myself will not marry except once :D
No one can treat his wives equally...thats why it's not good to marry more than one since God will ask you about how you treated them...if you were unjustice to them, God will punish you for this...

Lets stick to the topic guys and not talk about the Danish matter...There is another thread for it :)


Active Member
Can you identify, do you understand the reasons why Muslim terrorists have declared a jihad on the west?

Do you want the world to follow Islam?


To Save A Lamb
Can you identify, do you understand the reasons why Muslim terrorists have declared a jihad on the west?
Colonialism, imperialism, and frequent western military and other such influence in the area.
It's not religious no matter how hard people try to spin it that way.

And a note?

Terrorism is HIGHLY against the Qur'an and Islam. Acts of terrorism are horrible and those who commit them never to be honoured.

Do you want the world to follow Islam?
I want individuals to follow whatever religion they want to and the one that they feel best suits them, be it Islam or Judaism or Christianity or Paganism or Taoism or Buddhism or any other religion they want. (As long as it's not a cult or other such religion that hurts people. Those make me sad.)

The Qur'an says that whoever believes in G-d and does good things and has a strong moral code is safe and has nothing to fear. I like to think that also applies to nontheists because you certainly don't have to be a theist to have strong moral convictions or be able to do good things.


Well-Known Member
Can you identify, do you understand the reasons why Muslim terrorists have declared a jihad on the west?
Colonialism, imperialism, and frequent western military and other such influence in the area.
It's not religious no matter how hard people try to spin it that way.
ji·had also je·had ([font=verdana,sans-serif] P [/font]) Pronunciation Key (j

  1. A Muslim holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels.
  2. A crusade or struggle: “The war against smoking is turning into a jihad against people who smoke”
If it`s not religious then why was a religious holy war declared against "infidels"?

I`m not implying all Muslims are in on this Jihad Jam but you cannot seperate this problem from the religion as the religion is the basis for the culture.

I agree with the reasons Jihad has been called, if I were the victim of western idiocy and intolerance as mid-eastern Muslims have been I`d be mad too.

But you just can`t claim the religion has nothing to do with it.
It`s the core of the problem.


To Save A Lamb
What better way than to get plenty of other people to fight it for you then if you label it a holy war and have "rewards!"
[font=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif][font=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif] Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction. ~Pascal, Pensees, 1670[/font][/font]
[font=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif][font=georgia, bookman old style, palatino linotype, book antiqua, palatino, trebuchet ms, helvetica, garamond, sans-serif, arial, verdana, avante garde, century gothic, comic sans ms, times, times new roman, serif]

But what started this Islamism fanatics was what I mentioned before.


Well-Known Member
I had thought that there was a certain prohibition in Islam against creating human images (in art and such). So I was curious about that specific rule (and if I'm misunderstanding it, what it is) and if things like photos and TV and such are also a problem?