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Ask any questions about Islam!


Why did Muhammad feel the need to lay seige to the city Mecca with the army he gathered in Medina?
He was supposed to do so from the beginning, so that to turn the Islamic holy city from woreshiping stones to woreship God....
Note that he killed no one that day, and he forgived all of the unbelievers, regardless the passion they cuzed to him (pbuh)


Well-Known Member
EiNsTeiN said:
He was supposed to do so from the beginning, so that to turn the Islamic holy city from woreshiping stones to woreship God....
Note that he killed no one that day, and he forgived all of the unbelievers, regardless the passion they cuzed to him (pbuh)
Got it. Thanks.

Follow-up: Why was Mecca the Holy City? Why did Muhammad have to expand Islam from Mecca...why not Medina?


To Save A Lamb
i dont know if this was already asked, but can you please explain to me the whole "women" issue. I have respect for culture, but dont oppression. Right now, from speaking with numerous muslims and others, I have come to find out that women shield themselves for a number of reasons: respect for God, respect for their bodies, BUT my favorite; because of their culture.

I just wanted to hear from another Muslim the whole issue.
The Qur'an says to dress modestly. It also says to cover your breasts (not hair- but you are free to if you want under the whole dress modestly thing, covering the breasts is the only requirement) and not to walk in a way that jiggles what yo momma gave you. ;)


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
The Qur'an says to dress modestly. It also says to cover your breasts (not hair- but you are free to if you want under the whole dress modestly thing, covering the breasts is the only requirement) and not to walk in a way that jiggles what yo momma gave you. ;)
That's awesome!

The Bible says women should cover their heads and aren't to speak (although I don't see this as oppression, but i know others will disagree with me).


(not hair- but you are free to if you want under the whole dress modestly thing
Well....I disagree with that...you have to wear Hijab, which cover the parts unbelievers used to show, like chest, breast, neck and hair...You can show your arms, foot and face


women can speak normaly....the purpose of Hijab is to prevent sexual attractiveness due to the look..
But a woman still can look pretty, no problem


Why was Mecca the Holy City? Why did Muhammad have to expand Islam from Mecca...why not Medina?
Actually, Islam expanded from Medina not Mecca...Prophet Mohammed enterd Mecca at the lsat years of his life, after Islam had a strong back bone

Mecca is our Holy city cuz it has the Ka'ba, which was built by prophet Abraham...


Well-Known Member
EiNsTeiN said:
Actually, Islam expanded from Medina not Mecca...Prophet Mohammed enterd Mecca at the lsat years of his life, after Islam had a strong back bone

Mecca is our Holy city cuz it has the Ka'ba, which was built by prophet Abraham...
Nuhammed lived in Mecca for most of His life. It was not until He began His revelation that the idol worshippers and chiefs of the major clans of Mecca decided to kill Muhammed, so He fled with His primary followers and was welcomed in Medina. The Meccans continually attacked Medina over a period of years, until they lost the war with the Prophet and Muhammed led His army to Mecca to take it back from the idolators.

A good look at the history of Islam is Muhammed and the Course of Islam; H. M. Balyuzi, George Ronald Press: London. It can be found in most libraries as it is a standard work on the subject.




To Save A Lamb
Well....I disagree with that...you have to wear Hijab, which cover the parts unbelievers used to show, like chest, breast, neck and hair...You can show your arms, foot and face

You can disagree all you want, but you better back it up right now with where it says in the Qur'an that the hair is to be covered.


To Save A Lamb



[7:26] "O children of Adam, we have provided you with garments to cover your bodies, as well as for luxury. But the best garment is the garment of righteousness. These are some of GOD's signs, that they may take heed."

This is the BASIC rule of DRESS CODE in the Quran. This is the first rule in WOMEN DRESS CODE in Islam (Submission).


The second rule can be found in 24:31. Here God orders the women to cover their bosoms whenever they dress up. But before quoting 24:31 let us review some crucial words that are always mentioned with this topic, namely "Hijab" and "Khimar"


"Hijab" is the term used by many Muslims women to describe their head cover that may or may not include covering their face except their eyes, and sometimes covering also one eye. The Arabic word "Hijab" can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word "Hijab" include, screen, cover(ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider.

Can we find the word "Hijab" in the Quran??

The word "Hijab" appeared in the Quran 7 times, five of them as "Hijab" and two times as "Hijaban," these are 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 & 19:17.

None of these "Hijab" words are used in the Quran in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today (Hijab) as a dress code for the Muslim woman.

God knows that generations after Muhammed's death the Muslims will use the word "Hijab" to invent a dress code that He never authorized. God used the word "Hijab" ahead of them just as He used the word "Hadith" ahead of them.

Hijab in the Quran has nothing to do with the Muslim Women dress code.


While many Muslims call "Hijab", an Islamic dress code, they completely ignore the fact that, Hijab as a dress code has nothing to do with Islam and nothing to do with QURAN.

In reality "Hijab" is an old Jewish tradition that infiltrated into the hadith books like many innovations that contaminated Islam through alleged Hadith and Sunna. These in reality, came from Jewish origin. Any student of the Jewish traditions or religious books will see that head cover for the Jewish woman is encouraged by the Rabbis and religious leaders. Religious Jewish women still cover their heads most of the time and specially in the synagogues, weddings, and religious festivities.

Christian women cover their heads in many religious occasions while the nuns cover their heads all the time. This religious practice of covering the head was established from traditions thousands of years before the Muslim scholars claimed the Hijab as a Muslim dress code.

The traditional Arabs, of all religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to wear "Hijab," not because of Islam, but because of tradition. In Saudi Arabia, up to this minute most of the men cover their head , not because of Islam but because of tradition. Thank God this tradition has not been counted as Islamic dress code yet.

North Africa is known for its Tribe (Tuareg) that have the Muslim men wearing "Hijab" instead of women. Here the tradition has the hijab in reverse. If wearing Hijab is the sign of the pious and righteous Muslim woman, Mother Teresa would have been the first woman to be counted.

In brief, hijab is a traditional dress and has nothing to do with Islam or religion. In certain areas of the world, men are the ones who wear the hijab while in others the women do.

Mixing religion with tradition is a form of idol-worship, because not knowing (or not trying to find out) what God asked you to do in His book, the Quran, is a sign of disregarding God and His message. When tradition supersedes God's commandment, the true religion takes a second place. God never accepts to be second, God has to be always the FIRST and to HIM there is no second..


"Khimar" is an Arabic word that can be found in the Quran in 24:31 While the first basic rule of Dress Code for the Muslim Women can be found in 7:26, the second rule of the DRESS CODE FOR WOMEN can be found in 24:31. Some Muslims quote verse 31 of sura 24 as containing the Hijab, or head cover, by pointing to the word, khomoorehenna, (from Khimar), forgetting that God already used the word Hijab, several times in the Quran.

Those blessed by God can see that the use of the word "Khimar" in this verse is not for "Hijab" or for head cover. Those who quote this verse usually add (Head cover) (veil) after the word Khomoorehenna, and usually between ( ), because it is their addition to the verse not God's.

Here it is 24:31;

"And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, (with their Khimar) and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to GOD, O you believers, that you may succeed." 24:31

Here is Yousuf Ali's translation, but the word KHIMAR was put back in place instead of (veils), so the verse would look as it should have been before adding Ali's own interpretation:

"And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments ... that they should draw their KHIMAR over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands.." Y. Ali's translation, with the word khimar put back in place.

"Khimar" is an Arabic word that means, cover, any cover, a curtain is a Khimar, a dress is a Khimar, a table cloth that covers the top of a table is a Khimar, a blanket can be used as a Khimar..etc. The word KHAMRA used for intoxicant in Arabic has the same root with Khimar, because both covers, the Khimar covers (a window, a body, a table . etc.) while KHAMRA covers the state of mind. Most of the translators, obviously influenced by Hadith (fabrications) translate the word as VEIL and thus mislead most people to believe that this verse is advocating the covering of the head.

In 24:31 God is asking the women to use their cover (khimar)( being a dress, a coat, a shawl, a shirt, a blouse, a tie, a scarf . . . etc.) to cover their bosoms, not their heads or their hairs. If God so willed to order the women to cover their heads or their hair, nothing would have prevented Him from doing so. GOD does not run out of words. GOD does not forget.

God did not order the women to cover their heads or their hair. He was not waiting for a Scholar to put the words for Him.

The Arabic word for CHEST, GAYB is in the verse (24:31), but the Arabic words for HEAD, (RAAS) or HAIR, (SHAAR) are NOT in the verse. The commandment in the verse is clear - COVER YOUR CHEST OR BOSOMS, but also the fabrication of the scholars and most of the translators is clear by claiming- cover your head or hair.

The last part of the verse (24:31) translates as, "They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies." The details of the body can be revealed or not revealed by the dress you wear, not by your head cover.

Notice also the expression in 24:31, "They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary." This expression may sound vague to many because they have not understood the mercy of God.

Again God here used this very general term to give us the freedom to decide according to our own circumstances the definition of "Which is necessary". It is not up to a scholar or to any particular person to define this term. God wants to leave it personal for every woman and no one can take it away from her.

Women who follow the basic rule number one i.e. righteousness, will have no problem making the right decision to reveal only which is necessary. The word "zeenatahunna" in this verse refers to the woman's body parts (beauty) and not to ornaments and decorations as some people interpret it or translate it.

At the end of the verse, God told the women not to strike with their feet to show their "zeenatahunna". You do not need to strike your feet to show your ornaments but the way you strike your feet while walking can expose or shake certain parts of the body that do not need to be emphasized.


To Save A Lamb

Accepting orders from anybody but God, means idol-worship. That is how serious the matter of Hijab/ khimar is. Women who wear Hijab because of tradition or because they like it for personal reasons commit no sin, as long as they know that it is not part of this perfect religion. Those who are wearing it because they think God ordered it are committing Idol-worship, as God did not order it, the scholars did. These women have found for themselves another god than the One who revealed the Quran, complete, perfect and FULLY detailed to tell them they have to cover their heads to be Muslims.

Idol-worship is the only unforgivable sin, if maintained till death, 4:48.


The first regulation of DRESS CODE for Muslim women is in 7:26, the second is in 24:31 and the third is in 33:59.

"O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall LENGTHEN their garments. Thus, they will be recognized and avoid being insulted. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful." 33:59

In 33:59, God sets the other regulation for the dress code for the Muslim women during the prophet's life. Although the verse is talking to the prophet which means this regulation applies to the time of the prophet, just like the order in 49:2, the description fits the spirit of Islam, and can teach us a great deal.

If you reflect on this verse and how God ordered the prophet to tell his wives, his daughters and the wives of the believers to lengthen their garments, you would understand the great wisdom of the MOST WISE, the MOST MERCIFUL. In this verse, God, DELIBERATELY, (and all the TRUE believers know that everything GOD says, does, or did is DELIBERATE) said, tell them, to lengthen their garments, and never said how long is long.

God could have said tell them to lengthen their garments to their ankles or to their mid-calf or to their knees, but HE DID NOT. He did not, OUT OF HIS MERCY, not because HE FORGOT as God does not forget. God knows that we will be living in different communities and have different cultures and insists that the minor details of this dress code will be left for the people of every community to hammer for themselves.

It is clear from the above verses that the DRESS CODE for the Muslim women (Submitters) according to the Quran is righteousness and modesty. God knows that this modesty will be understood differently in different communities and that is why He left it open to us to decide for ourselves.

Decide, after righteousness what is modesty. Modesty for a woman who lives in New York may not be accepted by a woman who lives in Cairo Egypt. Modesty of a woman who lives in Cairo, Egypt may not be accepted by a woman who lives in Saudi Arabia. Modesty of a woman who lives in Jidda in Saudi Arabia may not be accepted by a woman who lives in a desert oasis in the same country.

This difference in the way we perceive modesty is well known to God, he created us, and He put NO hardship on us in this great religion. He left it to us to decide what modesty would be. For any person, knowledgeable or not to draw a line and make conclusion for God about the definition of modesty is to admit that he/she knows better than God. God left it open for us and no-one has the authority to restrict it, it has to stay open.


In the family setting, God put no hardship on the women, and permitted them to relax their dress code. If you reflect on the verses, 33:35 and 24:60, you will see that God did not give details of what this relaxation is, because every situation is different. A woman may relax her dress code in front of the four-year-old son of her brother but not as much in front of the 16 year old son.

[33:55] "The women may relax (their dress code) around their fathers, their sons, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, the other women, and their (female) servants. They shall reverence GOD. GOD witnesses all things."

[24:60] "The elderly women who do not expect to get married commit nothing wrong by relaxing their dress code, provided they do not reveal too much of their bodies. To maintain modesty is better for them. GOD is Hearer, Knower."


[7:31] "O children of Adam, you shall be clean and dress nicely when you go to the masjid. And eat and drink moderately; Surely, He does not love the gluttons."


To Save A Lamb
last part.


God, the MOST GRACIOUS, MOST MERCIFUL decided that those who will reject His complete book and go look for other sources for guidance will suffer in this life and in the HEREAFTER by their choice. God never put any hardship on the believers, but the scholars did, they invented their own laws in defiance of God, to regulate everything from the side of bed you sleep on, to which foot should step in the house, to what to do with a fly in your soup, to what to say when having intercourse with your spouse.

Those who believe God and believe that His book is COMPLETE, PERFECT AND FULLY DETAILED, will have everything easy for them as God promised, See 10:62-64, 16:97 while those who could not believe God and have been seeking other sources than the Quran will have all the hardship of this life and the life to come. In the Hereafter they will complain to God, "we were not idol-worshipers," but God knows best, He knows they were See 6:22-24

"On the day when we summon them all, we will ask the idol worshipers, "Where are the idols you set up?" Their disastrous response will be, "By GOD our Lord, we never were idol worshipers." Note how they lied to themselves, and how the idols they had invented have abandoned them." 6:22-24


God, the Most Merciful, gave us three basic rules for the Dress Code for Women in Islam (Submission),

(1) The BEST garment is the garment of righteousness.
(2) Whenever you dress , cover your chest (bosoms).
(3) Lengthen your garment.

While these three BASIC rules may not sound enough for those who do not trust God, the TRUE believers know that God is ENOUGH. God could have given us more details to the point of having graphs, designs and color rules, but He , the Most Merciful, wants to give us exactly these very basic rules and leave the rest for us. After these three basic rules every woman is more aware of her circumstances and can adjust her dress for her situation. Any addition to these basic Quranic rules is an attempt to correct God or improve on His merciful design.

We have no obligation to follow but God's rules. Innovations and fabrications that added thousands of rules to the women dress code are nothing but idol-worship and should be refused.

STAY WITH GOD, that is where the winners go.

May God bless us with His mercy and guidance.


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
You can disagree all you want, but you better back it up right now with where it says in the Qur'an that the hair is to be covered.
The "Hijab" is simply dressing modestly:

Hijab is the modern name for the practice of dressing modestly, which all practicing Muslims past the age of puberty are instructed to do in their holy book, the Qur'an. No precise dress code for men or women is set out in the Qur'an, and various Islamic scholars have interpreted the meaning of hijab in different ways. The most basic requirements are that when in the presence of someone other than a close family member, a woman should cover her bosom, and walk and dress in a way which does not draw attention to her body, and that a man should be covered from at least the navel to his knees, and similarly not wear figure-hugging clothes that draw attention to his body. The way in which Muslims interpret this, if they choose to dress in accordance with hijab, varies greatly from individual to individual, and country to country.

The word "hijab" is also frequently used specifically to mean a headscarf worn by a Muslin woman. In this case, it most often refers to a square scarf which is folded diagonally and worn over the head to cover the hair, ears and throat, but not the face. The word used in the Qu'ran for a headscarf is "khimar", which might be better to use when referring to headscarves in general, as many people argue that this use of "hijab" is incorrect, and it can certainly lead to confusion. See also: veil for a general description of headscarves and veils worn by both Muslim and non-Muslim women; and list of hats and headgear for a list of all kinds of veils.

How do people wear hijab?

Opinions on what exactly constitutes hijab vary among Muslims. Perhaps the most accepted and common practice for women however is the covering of the body except for the face and hands (wrist to fingers), in a simple manner that does not attract sexual attention from men (by avoiding sheer fabrics or figure-hugging clothes for example). Some have said that both sexes should cover their heads, wrists, and ankles; others believe that women should cover their faces as well. Some liberal Muslims in the West choose to follow Hijab by dressing in a way that would be considered modest for the culture in which they find themselves - e.g. western business clothes. "

The Mullahs have over time become more and more restrictive and insistent on an extreme and unbending interpretation of "covering the bosom" and "covering from the "navel to the knees", which is what the Qur'an actually says. Hadith does not even say much more. Ironically the way the Mullahin woulc demand women dress is just like the idolators before Muhammed demanded women to dress - so this is a cultural thing, not a religious one.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
Terrywoodenpic said:
I have seen some incredibly beautiful Moslem buildings,
one everyone knows is the Alhambra in Spain.
They do not allow representational art so they decorate with exceptional Calligraphy, and intricate designs.

They have an ancient musical tradition which is again represented, for western ears, by some of the great Spanish music of Moorish background.

Some of the greatest illuminated books in the world are Islamic in origin.

If they have any great story tellers I don’t know, perhaps they don’t translate into our world too well. But as they are a story telling people I am sure the do.

Ali Baba and the forty thieves originated in the middle east
Thank you Terry and Popeye. VERY good examples, although I wanted a Muslim to explain. I fruballed both of you for your excellent replies.

What both of you and another have pointed out IS very true. I guess what I am realy meaning, and really asking is: Where are these things today? The examples you both site are pretty old. I don't think they can really count someone like Salmon Rushdie LOL. The art thing, I do understand. But what is the state of current Islamic literature?
(I do not think fatwa's can count either.) Maybe one of you can explain why, if such works exist, there is no "cross-over" masterpiece that captures the imagination of Muslims and Non-Muslims alike? Again, I am speaking in present terms, not from the relatively distant past.

One Muslim explained to me quite patiently, not too long ago, that it was because none of these things are considered to be important and are merely diversions from Allah. His answer made sense. My point is, Islam is not condusive to creativity, if that creativity happens to fall outside a religious framework. If I have this all wrong, then Islamic artisitc creativity must be the best kept secret on the planet.


Well-Known Member
YmirGF said:
Thank you Terry and Popeye. VERY good examples, although I wanted a Muslim to explain. I fruballed both of you for your excellent replies.

What both of you and another have pointed out IS very true. I guess what I am realy meaning, and really asking is: Where are these things today? The examples you both site are pretty old. I don't think they can really count someone like Salmon Rushdie LOL. The art thing, I do understand. But what is the state of current Islamic literature?
(I do not think fatwa's can count either.) Maybe one of you can explain why, if such works exist, there is no "cross-over" masterpiece that captures the imagination of Muslims and Non-Muslims alike? Again, I am speaking in present terms, not from the relatively distant past.

One Muslim explained to me quite patiently, not too long ago, that it was because none of these things are considered to be important and are merely diversions from Allah. His answer made sense. My point is, Islam is not condusive to creativity, if that creativity happens to fall outside a religious framework. If I have this all wrong, then Islamic artisitc creativity must be the best kept secret on the planet.
Check out this link http://www.iranian.com/ It is a magazine - mostly in English and Eurofarsi (Farsi written with the English alphabet). It is a liberal magazine featuring art, opinion, political commentary, etc.. It is opposed to the present Iranian government in many ways. The art comment is on both Persian and Arabic material and it covers a lot of Persian film-making as well.



Well-Known Member
I hesitated to mention "bias-blinded" to Ymgir, but we must all realize that everyone has their prejudices inside hidden away even from ourselves. It takes friends to give us a nudge when our blinders are in place, and we should reciprocate whenever possible.
Frubaled you back.



jamaesi...thank you very much for your article..
Can we discuss this matter in the Islam forums?....cuz we need to answer some questions here ;)
I really want to discuss it with you, I will start a thread there :)

What both of you and another have pointed out IS very true. I guess what I am realy meaning, and really asking is: Where are these things today? The examples you both site are pretty old. I don't think they can really count someone like Salmon Rushdie LOL. The art thing, I do understand. But what is the state of current Islamic literature?
(I do not think fatwa's can count either.) Maybe one of you can explain why, if such works exist, there is no "cross-over" masterpiece that captures the imagination of Muslims and Non-Muslims alike? Again, I am speaking in present terms, not from the relatively distant past.
YmirGF...thank you for your post...

You are totally right....there are no impressive artworks nowadays...But why am I not surprised?
We are not good in science, education, politics, and technology...so why are you wondering that we are not good in arts?

That is the truth, and we have to confess it....Mulsims are not good nowadays in ANY field...we are too bad to represent true Islam...
And I ask God to guide us to the right way, as well as forgiving our sins...

this is really sad :(


Opinions on what exactly constitutes hijab vary among Muslims. Perhaps the most accepted and common practice for women however is the covering of the body except for the face and hands (wrist to fingers), in a simple manner that does not attract sexual attention from men (by avoiding sheer fabrics or figure-hugging clothes for example)
Thats the most agreed look of Hijab....to cover the parts that can attract sexual attention from men...
But keeping the face and and the feast is allowable...


Active Member

Did Mohammed marry a 6 year old girl and did he not 'consumate' that marriage when his 'wife' was 9 years old?

Did Mohammed authorize and plan raids on Syria?

Did he not bless an army going to invade Syria from his own death bed?

Did Mohammed , in fact, make a pact with the Quraysin Jewish tribe and the break it?

Did he not physically participate in the massacre of all Jewish males of that tribe?

Does not the Quran, establishe ways of distributing war booty , including female captives?

Does not the Islamic Law, S'hariah,( spelling?) state that there is a death penalty on any Muslim who converts to another faith, as well as, on the person who helped the muslim convert?

Does not the Islamic law establish the concept of dhimminitude , which basically makes all other religion's followers , second class citizens in a Muslim country?

isn't it a fact that there is no other religion that can proselityze in a country ruled by Islamic Law?

Is it not true that under islamic law the testimony of a Muslim male is worth more than that of a believer in another religion , as well as, the testimony of a woman?

Is it not a fact, that any one in a family that converts to Islam in a country under Islamic law, gets to inherit all of an inheritance disowning the rest of the family if he so wishes?

I got more questions , but I will await your answers on these ones.

Ushta Ve


Veteran Member
Premium Member
ashai said:
Did Mohammed marry a 6 year old girl and did he not 'consumate' that marriage when his 'wife' was 9 years old?
People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia. They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum. So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar. Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries.

It is important to know that girls during the Biblical and Islamic days used to be married off at young ages when they either had their first periods, or their breasts start showing off. In other words, when they turn into "women", then they get married off. It was quite different for men on the other hand, because physical power and the ability of living an independent life had always been and will always be a mandatory requirement for men to have in life. So men waited much longer than women in terms of getting married. The guy had to develop both his body and mind before he was ready for marriage.
That is why you see girls as young as 9 or 10 were married to men as old as 30 or even older. The culture back then and in many third world countries today (NON-MUSLIM ONES TOO) is quite different than what you live in today.​

These are some examples:​

According to the Priest of Saint Mary's Catholic Church: "Mary was approximately 14 years old when she got pregnant with Jesus. Joseph, Mary's Husband is believed to be around 36. Mary was only 13 when she married Joseph. When she first was arranged with Joseph she was between 7 to 9 years old."

Well, a lot of the things we do today are not right in the eyes of many. Our "standards" today mean nothing to what took place 1400 years ago. Today, anyone under 18 years old is considered a "child", a baby still under his mommy's and daddy's care. Back then on the other hand, people who reached the age of 18 were considered wise and very mature.
Let me share this Islamic story with you:

There is a famous Islamic figure called "Osama bin Zayd (or Zaid)". This man was once a leader or one of the leaders of the Muslims who met the Roman Christians. He defeated them. He was only 16 to 18 years old.

So the point is, Aisha, peace be upon her, might look as child to you, but back then she certainly was considered as "woman" who was qualified for marriage.

Narrated Aisha: "The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Alright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. (Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Merits of the Helpers in Madinah (Ansaar), Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234)"

Notice here that Aisha's mother and the Muslim women back then were ok with her marriage. It was part of the Arab custom and still is in many of the Muslim and non-Muslim countries today for girls to marry at a very young age. When a girl's body starts showing up (her breasts and her height and physical size), then she would be ready for marriage.

"Firstly - if indeed the marriage of Lady Aisha was something which was despicable even at that time and in that culture, this fact would never have been recorded for posterity and all efforts to conceal or cloud it would have been undertaken.

But the fact that this hadith had reached us after it was recorded centuries ago and to all the Muslim generations in between proved that the marriage was culturally and morally acceptable and the fact is also that the Muslim community at that time remained unshakened in its faith in his Prophethood and the message which he had brought bear testimony to this assertion.

Secondly - we have to look at the life of Lady Aisha afterwards. She was without doubt one of the foremost scholars of Islam. It is even said that she had attained in her lifetime the position of Mufti - someone capable of giving religious rulings - a position very few Muslims will ever occupy.

She was seeked by many, both men and women, who hungered for knowledge and they came to her from all directions, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria. History does not know of any woman who was approached by so many for such a noble purpose.

If indeed she had became a victim of sexual abuse she would in most probability be devastated emotionally, psychologically, mentally and perhaps even physically but the achievements she had made in her life after the death of the Prophet proved that she was a woman who was in complete control of her faculties, becoming one of the intellectual giants of Islam.

And the fact that she had spoken so dearly of the Prophet was indicative of the innocence of the marriage and of the impeccable character of her husband because given the trust enjoyed by her by the virtue of her relationship with him, she could have unleashed a vengeful attack against him by attributing to him words or deeds of horrendous nature if indeed she was a victim of his supposed lust, destroying both the Prophet and Islam.

No sexual abuse victim would ever spoke positively of her attacker, much less becoming a channel that promote love and understanding of him and the message which he had brought."

Did Mohammed authorize and plan raids on Syria?
Syria doesn't exist at that time.

Did he not bless an army going to invade Syria from his own death bed?
Never heard of that.

Did Mohammed , in fact, make a pact with the Quraysin Jewish tribe and the break it?
All Quraysh were calling Mohammed the most truthful "al-sadig" and "al-ameen" honest who fulfill his word whom you can trust whether in words or things you keep with him.

Mohammed never broke a pact with any.

I don't mind if you bring any source so we can discuss about because this thing never happened but the Jewish are broking all the deals and pacts with Mohammed.

Did he not physically participate in the massacre of all Jewish males of that tribe?
Muslims didn't kill the Jewish there but i guess you mean the Jewish in "Madeena" but not in Quraysh because Quraysh was in Mekkah. Moreover, once the Jewish helped the enemies of Muslims and broke a deal held between them and Muslims that they both trust each other and defend the city from any attack from outside but they helped other tribes from outside and they were enemies so prophet Mohammed won in the battle with the tribe which attacked the city then he asked the Jewish to leave the city to another place. That's all.

Does not the Quran, establishe ways of distributing war booty , including female captives?
This act was quit used by all the area of arabia before Islam and about the war thing, it's only to defend ourselves.

Does not the Islamic Law, S'hariah,( spelling?) state that there is a death penalty on any Muslim who converts to another faith, as well as, on the person who helped the muslim convert?
As far as i know the one who convert by himself no body will know about him of course unless he tells everybody that he is no more a muslim and become an enemy of Islam hating it or somnthing asking others to be like him. In this case they will call for him and try to convience him to repent and give him 3 days or sometimes more but if he didn't repent so they must apply the penalty for his betraying Muslims but from the beginning if he wasn't a muslim so no one will force him to be a muslim. it's in his hand.

It's so rare to happen such a thing and i never heard that Muslims killed somebody for that reason and after all, most of Muslims countries nowdays are secular and they no more apply all Islam laws.