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Ask any questions about Islam!

wmam said:

So I am to ask a Christian about the stance of Islam on LDS and their prophet?
I think his point was that LDS is a Christian issue, not a Muslim issue. And the only Muslim stance would be that, according to the Quran, Muhammed is the final prophet, the "Seal of the Prophets," with the implication that Joseph Smith would be not be seen as a prophet. The Quran does predict, however, the coming of a false prophet to proclaim God's Word. Whether some believe that it's Joseph Smith or not is up to the Theologians.
shytot said:
Perhaps I should ask these questions here.
Is it true, Muslims want the whole world to follow 'Islam'?
If it is true, will the world be run by the Tali Ban?
will people have to live as they did when the Koran was written?
will the world become 'Third world'
will millions die of starvation?
will women be just used for breeding? (uneducated)
I ask you these questions:

Is it true that Christianity wants the whole world to follow Jesus?
Is it true, will the world be run by the Vatican?
Will people have to live like priests?
Will the world become overindustrialized and polluted?
Will millions die of starvation?
Will women be just used for breeding?

These questions are just as ignorant as the Pat Robertson view of Islam (as summarized in your questions).


Active Member
Ibrahim Al-Amin said:
I think his point was that LDS is a Christian issue, not a Muslim issue. And the only Muslim stance would be that, according to the Quran, Muhammed is the final prophet, the "Seal of the Prophets," with the implication that Joseph Smith would be not be seen as a prophet. The Quran does predict, however, the coming of a false prophet to proclaim God's Word. Whether some believe that it's Joseph Smith or not is up to the Theologians.
Thank you.


Active Member
The Truth said:
So, you mean the Jewish are worshipping a false god because they believe like us in one God not three? :sarcastic
You seem a little confused about what Christians believe - they do not believe in 3 Gods, they believe in 1.
That 1 God is a trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Take away one of the persons of the trinity and you no longer have God.
Also the Jews do or did worship God, yet perhaps they refused the futher revelation of who God is that Jesus made know to us, having said that though the case can be made even via the old testament about the trinity check http://www.christian-thinktank.com/trin01.html for more about this also consider the following verse. Even the authors of the bible dont pretend its an easy topic to grasp.
Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great:
He[a] appeared in a body,
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory.

  1. 1 Timothy 3:16 Some manuscripts God
Steve said:
That 1 God is a trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Take away one of the persons of the trinity and you no longer have God.
And that's one of the unexplainable mysteries about certain sects of Christianity.

First of all, not all Christians believe in the Trinity.

Second of all, how can you divide God? Is God not One? Does He not have Unity? Is the Bible taken so literally (by some) that God is perceived to be divisible? Therein is the accusation by many Jews, many protestants, and all Muslims, that some Christians are polytheists. For about 1800 years this concept has survived, as confusing as it is. This is one of the concepts that is more easily accepted than believed. Every religion has such mysteries, and this is one I was unable to reconcile, and one of the main reasons why I left Christianity.

My intent is not be insulting, if it sounds that way. I have just never read, nor been given, an acceptable description of how the trinity is monotheistic, when it is "three" by definition.



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Premium Member
Steve said:
You seem a little confused about what Christians believe
You answered yourself ..

Even the authors of the bible dont pretend its an easy topic to grasp.
and you don't want me to be confused .. :rolleyes:

they do not believe in 3 Gods, they believe in 1.
2-Son and
3-Holy Spirit.

Also the Jews do or did worship God, yet perhaps they refused the futher revelation of who God is that Jesus made know to us
So you mean the Jewish worship the same God as you but they believe in 1 but you believe in 3 ? :sarcastic

but you said ...

That 1 God is a trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Take away one of the persons of the trinity and you no longer have God.
So you mean they picked one and they no longer have God?


Active Member
Am I now under the impression that if one does not believe in the trinity that they are not a christian?
Steve said:
You seem a little confused about what Christians believe - they do not believe in 3 Gods, they believe in 1.
That 1 God is a trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Take away one of the persons of the trinity and you no longer have God.
Definition of Trinity:
  1. A group consisting of three closely related members. Also called triunity.
  2. Trinity Theology. In most Christian faiths, the union of three divine persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in one God.

How can you believe in One God, if it is called a trinity? Trinity means 3, not 1.
Orichalcum said:
Why did the prophet have a nine year old as a wife?
To unite two tribes, as was the custom at the time, almost identically how Middle-Age European alliances were forged 500 years later. Plus, don't forget that on the American frontier men would marry a woman as soon as she was old enough to bear children, which medically is possible at that age.


"Up to the age of 50 years the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had only one wife. After the death of [font=TimesNewRoman,Italic]Hadrat [/font]Khadijh, he married more wives. Polygamy was a common practice of the society. There was not any limit to the number of wives one could have. Abraham had three wives, David one hundred, and Solomon over seven hundred. But the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), according to God’s command limited polygamy to marry up to four wives. All his wives when he married were widows or divorced, except [font=TimesNewRoman,Italic]Hadrat [/font]‘Aisha, the daughter of his beloved companion, Abu Bakr [font=TimesNewRoman,Italic]Siddique[/font], who became the first successor after the demise of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). She was about nine years old when her parents requested to perform her Nikah, and that was according to the Arab customs. But she was married to the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) when she was 12 years of age and well matured. That was the time when people used to arrange marriages for their girls at a very young age. Because of the hot environment of that land the girls reach to the age of puberty in a very young age. As in America a good percentage of girls reaches to the age of puberty just at nine. And that is the natural phenomenon of maturity of age, or the age of marriage by nature. The Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had a very successful and happy married life. It was a personal sacrifice on the part of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to have contracted the marriage, and especially with the women older in age to him. The ladies who married the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did so of their own preference. None of them was forced into marriage."


Active Member
Why does it say "Peace and blessings of allah be upon him" after the words "Holy Prophet"?


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c0da2006 said:
Why does it say "Peace and blessings of allah be upon him" after the words "Holy Prophet"?
In Islam, it's very easy to be rewarded by Allah in your daily life without any serious or so difficult actions.

Islam is Deen "religion" which means in arabic a system of life.

We Muslims will be rewarded by Allah everyday for many acts such as: Smiling "yes only smiling", when you remove any thing which would harm people in the road while they walk, when you gain knowledge, when you treat your wife nicely, when you make kids happy, when you think of how great is Allah Almighty, when you think of how perfect are his creation, etc .., and also you will be rewarded in everytime you pray that may peace, blessing and praying of Allah be upon his prophet Mohammed. Moreover, when you do so, Prophet Mohammed will reply to you once you say it and we also say it as a respect for him because we don't call him as we call each other, normal human beings but he was the best among human beings.

Deem not the summons of the Messenger among yourselves like the summons of one of you to another: Allah doth know those of you who slip away under shelter of some excuse: then let those beware who withstand the Messenger's order, lest some trial befall them, or a grievous Penalty be inflicted on them. (Quran 24:63)

So, the companions of prophet Mohammed "peace be upon him" weren't calling him directly with his name saying "hi Mohammed" for example, but Allah advised them to not do so and to call him, "ya nabi Allah, ya Rasool Allah" ( Oh, prophet of Allah or Apostle of Allah ) and we follow what Allah said in Quran and what the Muslims before us were dealing with him "peace be upon him". We also honor the pervious prophets in the same matter as Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Jonah, etc "peace be upon them all".

This might also help others to understand how we respect our prophet Mohammed "peace be upon him" even when we call him and how it would be if someone had fun of him.

This only from my own understanding and i hope if any brother know more to share with us.

If i made a mistake so it's from myself but if i made right one so it's because of the help of Allah (s.w.t.).

Allah knows best ...

Peace .. :)


Angel slayer
Is there any rationale explanation for the massacre of the Qurayzah?

Surely a prophet of God would not need to stoop to such barbarity?

No intention of insult is meant by this post by the way, I am just curious to hear it from you the believers, thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Orichalcum said:
Is there any rationale explanation for the massacre of the Qurayzah?

Surely a prophet of God would not need to stoop to such barbarity?

No intention of insult is meant by this post by the way, I am just curious to hear it from you the believers, thanks in advance.
What do you know about the Banu Qurayzah and the situation during the siege of Medina?
