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Ask Me Anything About Atheism


Well-Known Member
Go ahead, ask me..

I want to say that my answers in this thread are mine and mine alone.

While many of them may echo the beliefs of other atheists they will not echo the beliefs of ALL atheists.

This is because atheism is not a world view or philosophy, it is truly nothing more than a lack of belief in god/gods.

My answers in this thread are mine and mine alone, formed by my own experiences, study, and interaction with both atheists and theists alike.

If any other atheist wants to chime in with their own experiences and worldviews feel free as it can only create a more complete understanding of how we come to our own personal philosophies.


Veteran Member
How do you feel when somebody who use to believe in God becomes an atheist or agnostic?


Mother Heathen
Oh...sorry...I was supposed to ask you ABOUT atheism.

Okay...let me hear YOUR definition of Atheism.


Well-Known Member
Whoa that was quick!!

Robtex said:
How do you feel when somebody who use to believe in God becomes an atheist or agnostic?
Quite honestly it makes me feel good.
It also makes me worry.

I myself have never been a theist and I`ve heard and talked about many conversion stories of thiests to atheism/agnostisim.

They`re scary and heartwrenching.

It`s a difficult change of course to take in our culture especially if the convert comes from a heavily theistic family.
They need alot of support to fill that gap where god used to be.
It is a very courageous move.

Buttercup said:
Why an Atheist and not an Agnostic Linwood?
Honestly I don`t believe in agnostics.
I thought I was agnostic for quite awhile until I realised I was really just trying to keep my options open.
I never really believed there could be a god

Jay will undoubtedly smite me for that but it`s true.

I believe agnosticism is more of an adjective for a belief or disbelief.

I believe a person can be an agnostic/theist as in they really can`t say for sure if there is a god but they think there is.
Or a person can be an agnostic/atheist and say they really can`t be sure there isn`t a god but don`t think there is.

Dawny said:
Linwood, why are you an atheist?
This question is fine Dawny.

The answer is that I have never been able to make that leap of faith in order to believe a god exists.
I`m an extremely realistic person who generally cannot believe what he can not evidence.
I`ve never found evidence for gods existence.

Dawny said:
let me hear YOUR definition of Atheism.
My definition is pretty standard.
An atheist is one who lacks a belief in a deity or deities.

This can and usually is augmented by what we call strong or weak atheism.

Strong atheism is one who states a belief that "There is no god".
Weak atheism is one who simply has no reason to believe there is a god as mentioned earlier when I talked about agnostic/atheism.

I am of the former variety


Veteran Member
Do you feel it is somehow your 'duty' to share your Atheism? Do you feel a compulsion to explain to others the non existence of God?


Mother Heathen
Do you sometimes wish that you could just take that leap of faith?

As an atheist...what are your views on death? The afterlife?


Veteran Member
Ok, you asked for it I guess! I could ask a million questions I think. :)

Do you have supporting friends that think like you?

Is your wife an Atheist as well?

How would you feel if your son or daughter wanted to become a Baptist Minister? :) Would you discourage it?


Well-Known Member
Buttercup said:
Do you feel it is somehow your 'duty' to share your Atheism? Do you feel a compulsion to explain to others the non existence of God?
Not generally but yes sometimes I do although not in that context.

I have only denied my atheism publicly once and am very outspoken when confronted with religious intolerance in real life as well as online.

I don`t usually bring it up but I will speak my mind when it is brought up.

I don`t generally speak out against religion unless the course or discussion of religion is leading towards intolerance such as people rationalising their bias against homosexuality, church/state issues, public education.

Things that directly affect me or my family.

Dawny said:
Do you sometimes wish that you could just take that leap of faith?
Oh yes.
Much of idea of the Christian heaven is wonderful, who wouldn`t want to live eternally with the ones they love?
There are alot of things about religious beliefs that are very attractive.
I just don`t see it as possible.

Dawny said:
...what are your views on death? The afterlife?
I don`t believe there is an afterlife.
My soul (for want of a better word) is the conglomeration of my experiences, morality, wants, needs, and desires.
It is a product of my mind/brain.
Once my brain dies, it dies.

Buttercup said:
Do you have supporting friends that think like you?
Not many but the two I do see on a regular or daily basis huddle together with me for protection .

I live in a very religious area here on the west coast of Florida.
I am surrounded on all sides by very theistic people.
There is a Baptist preacher two doors down that my family is involved with.
Another Strong Baptist across the street and alot of protestants all over my nieghborhood.
I will say it is the best niehgborhood I`ve lived in as far as a communal feeling goes but I am not "out" as an atheist to my neighbors as for all but one the topic has never come up.
It will be intersting to see the reaction when it does and sooner or later it will.

Is your wife an Atheist as well?
Atheist women are very hard to come by.
I think the stats run somewhere around 2000 to 1 men to women atheist ratio.

My wife is a deist, she believes something is out there but it seldom has any direct contact with humanity.
Her answer is simply "I don`t know what it is but it is something"

How would you feel if your son or daughter wanted to become a Baptist Minister?
Would you discourage it?
I really can`t say how I`d feel as it would depend upon his/her personal beliefs within the Baptist denomination.
If they didn`t collide with my humanistic beliefs as far as tolerance and rights go I don`t think I`d be too troubled by it
However if my daughter were to start preaching inequity about homosexuals it would seriously affect our relationship.

My daughter is 5 and has alot of questions about god.
Right now she claims atheism but I`m pretty sure thats because daddy does.
I don`t however encourage this disbelief of hers and in fact I often argue against it with her.
Yes, I even argue with 5 year olds.
I was in a bookstore awhile back with her, she picked up a kids book about Noahs ark and asked what it was because it had cool pictures.
I told her it was a story about god.
She said "Gods not real".
I said we can`t know for sure that gods not real.
She said "I never seen him and you`ve never seen him and nobody has every seen him."
I found myself arguing in public with my 5 year old that the existence of god is possible.
I left the store with the most messed up surreal feeling of confusion.
Talk about devils advocate.

I do this because I dislike indoctrination of any sort.
It is my firm belief that we shouldn`t teach our children what to think but how to think.
If I keep all possibilities open until she is old enough to be able to give her spirituality some rational thought she will come to the "truth" that is right for her.
If this truth leads her to the Baptist pulpit..so be it.
I`ll deal with that when the time comes.


Mother Heathen
Do think you'll remain an atheist?

If you could take that leap of faith and jump into Christianity...what denomination (if any) do you think would interest you?

Is atheism satisfying? Does it leave you at peace? Are your views always changing?


Veteran Member
Thank you for your thoughtful answers Linwood. I have to say that my esteem for your has grown in just a few short posts. You seem more human now! And I mean that as a compliment. I think your neighbors will be surprised that you are an Atheist. And it's probably a good thing you have waited to share the information. This way they can see that you are a good man as they get to know you and will most likely continue a friendship with you according to that fact and not your beliefs.

Why does an Atheist such as yourself enjoy talking about God so much?


Well-Known Member
dawny0826 said:
Do think you'll remain an atheist?
For me to convert would take something that at least I percieved to be a supernatural happening.
I don`t see that happening, however if it did I would become a believer.

If you could take that leap of faith and jump into Christianity...what denomination (if any) do you think would interest you?
I don`t think I could enter any Christian denomination as I cannot abide the dogma associated with it.
If I were to embrace Christianity as in becoming a follower of Christ I would have to dismiss the vast majority of the Bible and simply focus on Jesus himself.
I would probably take a path quite similar to where Michel is going.
He seems to compare what he knows of Jesus with the world around him and decide from there what he think Jesus would want of him.
Thats how I`d do it I believe.

Is atheism satisfying? Does it leave you at peace? Are your views always changing?
It`s not really satisfying in a spiritual manner as my atheism doesn`t define who I am.
It enables satisfaction in my life because I am not limited in what I can bring into my worldview.
There is no rule put upon what I can and cannot believe is right and good or wrong and bad so it is extremely satisfying in the sense that what I ahve accomplished and what I do put my faith into are the products of my own mind/experiences.
It is not always easy making such determinations with nothing but your own introspection to guide you.
That makes it satisfying.

My views are very difficult to change.
My morality is constantly challenged in my own mind in even the smallest of things because I must actually determine on my own what I believe is right and I must evidence it in order to believe it.
This can be very difficult at times but again that difficulty only leads to greater satisfaction once I`ve understood whatever connundrum I`m dealing with at the time.


Well-Known Member
OK, Linwood,

So why are you a self centered, religion hating hedonist?

Don't you think you will change your mind on this whole athiesm silliness moments after you die and are roasting in Hell's fire?

Why haven't you allowed the Holy Spirit to enter your heart?

(At least those are 3 I get a lot)



Well-Known Member
Buttercup said:
Why does an Atheist such as yourself enjoy talking about God so much?
I started seeking answers to moral questions about how my atheism would affect my kids.
I married my wife 6 years ago and had an instant family as she had two boys.

Until then I never really gave it much thought as I had no reason to but I started getting questions from the boys about god an religion and kinda lost it at first because the implications of my beliefs now affected two young impressionable boys.
This responsibility terrified me.
I also didn`t want to start any trouble because the boys grandma is a fairly hardcore Catholic who was teaching them Catholic doctrine.

I regressed and decided I would refer any religious questions to their mom.

I eventually realised this decision was cowardly and condescending to the boys.
As if they weren`t strong enough to resist my evil atheistic viewpoint.
So I started looking for help in determining exactly what my moral obligation to the boys was.
This led to a couple of message boards where I might find someone who had been in my position to see how they handled it considering there aren`t a hell of alot of atheistic help groups in real life.
I eventually had to make my own determination as is my way.

This initial foray into religion was further compelled by the recent rise in religiosity in American culture.
Catholics on my school board were trying to teach kids sex ed in a biblical manner.
This enraged me as I saw it as a direct assault on the safety of my kids.
Abstinence only education is the leading cause of teen pregnancy and STV`s.
Other school boards were trying to teach creationism in public schools.

All kinds of stuff began happening so fast I couldn`t keep up.
One day I was happily cruising along in my wonderful secular world and the next day people were telling my kids that condoms were evil, evolution was a lie, and our homosexual friends were going to burn in hell.

So I started speaking out, and since I was speaking out I figured I should at least know what I was speaking about.

Thats where my interest in god and religion comes from.


Well-Known Member
MdmSzdWhtGuy said:
OK, Linwood,

So why are you a self centered, religion hating hedonist?
Because my Catholic mother didn`t love me.

Don't you think you will change your mind on this whole athiesm silliness moments after you die and are roasting in Hell's fire?
You betcha I will, and how.

Why haven't you allowed the Holy Spirit to enter your heart?
C`mon B, you know atheists have no heart.



-Do you think people who follow religion are less openminded than people who follow their faith?

-Do you have a favourite religion to talk/think about?

-Do you refuse religionthings like going to church when your friend is going to marry or when you're there stand up to pray to God?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
linwood said:
Not generally but yes sometimes I do although not in that context.

I have only denied my atheism publicly once and am very outspoken when confronted with religious intolerance in real life as well as online.

I don`t usually bring it up but I will speak my mind when it is brought up.

I don`t generally speak out against religion unless the course or discussion of religion is leading towards intolerance such as people rationalising their bias against homosexuality, church/state issues, public education.

Things that directly affect me or my family.

Oh yes.
Much of idea of the Christian heaven is wonderful, who wouldn`t want to live eternally with the ones they love?
There are alot of things about religious beliefs that are very attractive.
I just don`t see it as possible.

I don`t believe there is an afterlife.
My soul (for want of a better word) is the conglomeration of my experiences, morality, wants, needs, and desires.
It is a product of my mind/brain.
Once my brain dies, it dies.

Not many but the two I do see on a regular or daily basis huddle together with me for protection .

I live in a very religious area here on the west coast of Florida.
I am surrounded on all sides by very theistic people.
There is a Baptist preacher two doors down that my family is involved with.
Another Strong Baptist across the street and alot of protestants all over my nieghborhood.
I will say it is the best niehgborhood I`ve lived in as far as a communal feeling goes but I am not "out" as an atheist to my neighbors as for all but one the topic has never come up.
It will be intersting to see the reaction when it does and sooner or later it will.

Atheist women are very hard to come by.
I think the stats run somewhere around 2000 to 1 men to women atheist ratio.

My wife is a deist, she believes something is out there but it seldom has any direct contact with humanity.
Her answer is simply "I don`t know what it is but it is something"

I really can`t say how I`d feel as it would depend upon his/her personal beliefs within the Baptist denomination.
If they didn`t collide with my humanistic beliefs as far as tolerance and rights go I don`t think I`d be too troubled by it
However if my daughter were to start preaching inequity about homosexuals it would seriously affect our relationship.

My daughter is 5 and has alot of questions about god.
Right now she claims atheism but I`m pretty sure thats because daddy does.
I don`t however encourage this disbelief of hers and in fact I often argue against it with her.
Yes, I even argue with 5 year olds.
I was in a bookstore awhile back with her, she picked up a kids book about Noahs ark and asked what it was because it had cool pictures.
I told her it was a story about god.
She said "Gods not real".
I said we can`t know for sure that gods not real.
She said "I never seen him and you`ve never seen him and nobody has every seen him."
I found myself arguing in public with my 5 year old that the existence of god is possible.
I left the store with the most messed up surreal feeling of confusion.
Talk about devils advocate.

I do this because I dislike indoctrination of any sort.
It is my firm belief that we shouldn`t teach our children what to think but how to think.
If I keep all possibilities open until she is old enough to be able to give her spirituality some rational thought she will come to the "truth" that is right for her.
If this truth leads her to the Baptist pulpit..so be it.
I`ll deal with that when the time comes.
Frubals ;)


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
linwood said:
Because my Catholic mother didn`t love me.
That is awful; I am so sorry to hear that. Of course, you know that one person doesn't portray a religion, but I can understand how you feel. I stopped going to the local church because seeing the two-facedness of the parishioners hurt me.

You betcha I will, and how.
Good for you; it will never be too late to change your mind (and that isn't supposed to sound condescending)
C`mon B, you know atheists have no heart.
Good thing I know that was sarcastic.;)
