Psalm 133:3 says this: "Consider and hear me, O Lord my God; Enlighten my eyes, Lest I sleep the sleep of death;"
So yes, there is Scriptural precedence for viewing sleep as a foreshadowing of death.
Ok, i'll give you that one, but only partially because, although sleep is a foretaste of what death is like, it's only so in the sense of what the BODY will feel like in death, NOT what the SPIRIT will feel like. An OBE is a foretaste of what the spirit will feel and be like at death, your just reffering here to the body. But their are two parts to a death experience, the body and the spirit. Body dies(sleeps) spirit comes out(OBE}. So, sleeping is only a part of what the death experience is like as a foretaste, an OBE completes what the death experience is like as a foretaste.
Mystics by the boatload experience God through sound and sight while being in the body.
I'm sure they do and that's great, i'm just trying to figure out how their experiences with God in the body are superior over the experience with God OUT of the body? Or what makes praising God walking up a trail any better then praising God flying through the milky way in a OBE? We already astrablished that God is OK with the spirit leaving the body sometimes, so you can't make the point that God made soul and body to be united ALL the time, because God did not even unite them ALL the time in cases in scripture. So, if one is having an OBE self induced, praising God flyin through the milky way, and then comes back to the body, and has other down to earth experiences, while praising God, what's so bad about it?
If you're hungry for higher or different levels with God, then cooperate with Him and ask Him that you may be made worthy or deigned as such by God. The suggestion you made is the type of thing that got Adam and Eve kicked out of Paradise. "Oh, you want to be like God? Alright, eat this fruit from the tree that God told you not to eat of, and BADABING! You'll be like Him, you'll become gods! You don't have to work with Him or obey Him, you have a shortcut!"
Now i can see where and why you could see this, but their is a DIFFERENCE between adam and eves case and doing a self induced OBE. Here is how i see the Adam and Eve case. God wants us to come to knowledge the RIGHT WAY, not the WRONG way. We should not come to knowledge the HARD way, the hard way is the wron way. Think of a parent who tells their child not to touch the hot stove, then the child touches it and burns their finger. Ok, the child just learnt (knowledge) the hard way, the WRONG way. Learning the right way would have been: "Dad, why don't you want me to touch the burner?" Dad says "because the day you do, you will burn your hand". Adam and eve already came to knowledge the RIGHT WAY BEFORE they even eat the fruit, for God said "do not eat that fruit, the day you do, you will surely DIE". They KNEW what DIE meant, it meant, no longer being around, not existing anymore, what it was like BEFORE they came to be, that body, hands, feet, head they have, they won't have no more. So, they knew, God told them, they had the knowledge. So, dad says, you will hurt your finger, your hand. Dad might even show him a picture or a video of what a person goes through who hurts their hand. Child may be like, oh my gosh, that don't look good. I don't wanna touch the burner now. I'll trust you dad. That would be learning the RIGHT way, the easy way, not the hard way. Was God forbiding Adam and Eve from comming to the knowledge of good and evil? No, he wanted them to have knowledge, just not the wrong way, not come to that knowledge through SINNING, but through trusting and through seeking to understand the reasoning behind the rule God gave. Personally, i think that fruit was probably a drug, that is personally my interpretation, based off of some other biblical passages where God is against drugs. Witchraft in gelatians is "pharmakia" which means taking drugs and worshiping false idols.
What is the benefit of any of this for us spiritually?
The benifit of all the reasons for having an OBE that i mentioned, is a fewfold. When you travel to heaven, you experience what goes on their, that would be a spiritual experience. When you travel to hell, that would magnify your graditude that this would not be your God given destiny. Traveling to area 51, the white house, the bildeburg group, all of this is to expose the fruitless deeds of darkness in DETAIL. To go to a friends house, look at the objects on the table he puts their, go back to your body, call your friend, tell him what you saw. It's to help HIM and YOU, build your trust in the reality of the spirit world. It's to expell doubt. Expelling doubt, that is beneficial spiritually. Learning God's creation, both in the physical and in the spiritual, that is benificial spiritually, because God wants to bring us into knowledge and wisdom. The bible says God prizes knowledge ABOVE ALL things (proverbs 2)
God gave us bodies for a reason. They're not things that we just leave sitting around while we have OBE's all over the place.
Ok, using your same line of logic, i will make a point against you. God GIVES someone an OBE, they don't self induce it, so God gives them a body, unites their soul to it, then he disunites the soul and gives it an OBE, so then God is not fullfilling the purpose of uniting the soul and body together? You see how pointless that sounds. Well, it's just as pointless using that line of logic against someone self inducing an OBE, because whether God does it, or we self induce it, we are not ALWAYS at ALL times AWAY from our body, traveling all over the place, ALL the time. No, we still live in the body and have experiences in the body and do things in the body TOO. But if a person was to have lets say, 3 OBE's per week, and lets say they lasted 2 hours, and then ALL the other days in the week, and the rest of the days hours on the day's you have OBE's, you have all of that time combined IN your body, to experience more then enough IN body stuff. So, what's the problem? Your MORE then enough in time fullfilling the purpose of having the soul and body united.
The people building the Tower of Babel thought they could reach Heaven through their own efforts. God sure shot them down for their arrogance. He'd do the same for you if you tried to reach Heaven by yourself. Heaven is God's domain. It's His call on who He will bring there for such an awesome encounter with Him.
You bring up an interesting point here and i have thought about this passage for quite sometime. However, their is MUCH to be gleaned from this passage. First we have to take into account motives. What was their motive for building this tower? Obviously people build towers much larger today and God did not stop those buildings from being built. What was their motive? Look at Isaiah with regards to the message against the king of babylon, in chapter 14:12-15 "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth,
you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit." What was his motive? What was THEIR motive at this tower? It was to be LIKE the most high, not to be above him, they knew that would be a futile attempt, and to raise their positions above the stars of God, that is the gods/angels/aliens, whatever you wanna call them, i don't care at the moment, i'm just trying to make a point here. So, their motive was one of rebellion against the structure of authority that GOD set in place. Their motive was one of arrogance and pride. But if their motive would have been to LEARN and WORK with the most high, with the stars of God, building this tower would have been just fine. You see, that is what lucifer was all about, rebellion against everything God is about. Look at Balaam, at one point he was walking along on his donkey, ready to go meet balak and God was going to strike him for going. Then when Balaam seen the angel ready to strike him, God then told him, to go see balak. Well, wait a minute? God was going to strike him for going to see balak, then God told him to go see balak? Huh? The "HUH" goes away once you take into consideration MOTIVES. God was keeping his evil motive IN CHECK with warning him. It was not that going to see or meet balak in and of itself was evil, it was that going with an evil motive, WAS EVIL!
By this logic, necromancy and witchcraft (which God expressly forbade) can be a "work of faith."
Absolutely! Necromancy and witchraft IS a work of faith. And no, God does not forbid these things in their UNPERVERTED structure and if their done in context of serving God. I have a whole article written up on this backing my points with scripture, i can paste it here in a seperate post if you wish, it's pretty big though.
Works of faith are to pray, give alms, fast, follow the commandments, practice silence, worship, study the Scriptures, and practice the virtue, and obey all the things that Christ set out for us to do. Works of faith are to cooperate with God's will, to deepen our relationship with Him and with our fellow man.
And OBE's can be used to pray, to fast, to follow the commandments while in the spirit realm, to be silent, to worship, practice virtue, you can cooperate with God's will while your out of your body, like "ok, God, where would you like me to fly to today? and for what purpose?"