This thread is really interesting - I have found most atheists (particularly those that identify with secular humanism) to be kind, decent and friendly humans willing far more than some theists (listen to sermon first and then you can eat) to help their fellow creatures in need. In fact at one point in my life I was very close to embracing them - what stopped me - if anyone is interested I can provide the answer - not sure it is relevant
Gonna say something that may offend - so apologies in advance
IMHO I find a portion of atheist outlook is very similar to
the Hindu astika school of Samkhya - in that there is a portion of reliance on three principles of
pratyakṣa (
anumāṇa (
inference) and
śabda (
āptavacana, word/testimony of reliable sources)
From Wikipedia -
The existence of God or a supreme being is not considered relevant by the Samkhya philosophers. Sāṃkhya denies the final cause of Ishvara (God)
My personal beliefs are different but I smile to myself when I see how close some of the atheist reasoning comes to what is enumerated above
That is just one layperson's POV - I do not claim any scholarly knowledge - just someone that picks up the shiny pebble on the internet and tries to study it with my limited intelligence and perception
[EDIT] My deepest apologies to OP for the off track post