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Atheism does not exist


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
The existence of atheists is predicated on there being theists, if there were no theists running around declaring that invisible gods exist out there, there would be no one to say, "I don't believe you."

That's a good point too.


رسول الآلهة
I am supposedly an atheist because I don't believe theists. Why? Because anything that can be presented without evidence can be summarily dismissed without evidence.

But if that was the case I would not believe you for saying nothing exist outside of our existence or reality.
Can such a thing exist, yes. So why do you deny it? The plausibility is mind boggling


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Why not deny the existence of things until and unless some sort of evidence or consequence of their existence is found?

Why consider things while they are established as inconsequential?


Well-Known Member
I would like to ask and encourage atheist to provide a proper definition of atheism as it is HEAVILY misused and often contradicts itself when used improperly. The definitive key point though is how can one keep it separate from agnosticism.
. :D

The definitions I have always gone by, and that I find the most useful, are the following.

Theism/Atheism = Belief/ Lack of belief

Gnostic/Agnostic = To claim knowledge/ Lack of knowledge

These work well because there are distinctions. A Christian may claim to believe a God exist, but also know it exists. This would be a gnostic/theist.

An atheist could also claim to believe and also know that God doesn't exist and would be a gnostic/atheist.

I find both of the above positions completely absurd. Most of the Atheists I have talked to would say they don't believe in a God, but can't know with complete certainty that none exist. They would be Agnostic Atheists. So there lack of belief is reasonable as is there willingness to admit they don't know everything and could be wrong. I would also find Agnostic/Theists reasonable, but have a harder time finding those.
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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Honestly, I find theist and atheist to be extremely problematic labels given that god-concepts literally run the spectrum of everything imaginable. I'd wager there's no such thing as a person who is atheistic with respect to all god-concepts, nor is there such a thing as a person who is theistic with respect to all god-concepts. The only distinction I notice is mostly semantical. For example, my concept of the sacred is synonymous with reality. Obviously atheists don't disbelieve or lack belief in reality. What they disagree with is labeling reality "gods." The label is a pretty trivial distinction, especially considering that some of these atheists practice the exact same religious celebrations and rituals that I do. Atheist? Theist? Both labels are of little informative value.

Not to be contrary, but you could say the same about your definition of god-concepts. The label 'God' becomes of little informative value when applied broadly enough.

In terms of the topic, I've thought about this too, when trying to determine if the label 'agnostic' fits me better than atheist. I lost exactly no sleep over it, since both are (as Quintessence rightly pointed out) broad to the point of being uninformative.

But I decided atheism was a better fit for my world view. If you understand a theist as being someone who believes in a God or Gods, then an atheist is simply someone who does not believe in a God or Gods. It is the contrary position. The term atheist only really exists in opposition to theist.

Agnostic is a tougher term for me, since it includes people who think about religion and have highly developed opinions with those who are kinda...just uncertain about the whole thing, or think's it's all pretty ridiculous to even think about (ie. my wife...lol)


Well-Known Member
I know that atheists exist.
I checked, & there are 2 in my house right now.
Thus, your friend is proven wrong.

Did we all see the Wolf Blitzer atheist interview clip today?

I wish some savvy person would post it in an OP. I swanny... Granny would have fainted to see an interview like that. She didn't believe in atheists either.


Please provide evidence god does not exist.

Your trying to set up a circular argument around atheism, but it is not logical or reasonable questioning.

Please define the specific god you would like me to prove doesn't exist, then we will talk.

Your had now.


رسول الآلهة
Your trying to set up a circular argument around atheism, but it is not logical or reasonable questioning.

Please define the specific god you would like me to prove doesn't exist, then we will talk.

Your had now.

I am not setting up an argument against atheism I am just stating that atheist should keep the meaning of atheism pure to prevent contradictions in the line of thinking.

My god is the deistic god. he does not intervene with his creation because he is so perfect he does not make mistakes so he has no further reason to provide anything else to this universe as it is in accordance to his will. The heavens themselves exist the way there needed and mankind according to my god is not the center of the universe.
I have encountered spirits once and have experience my god multiple times but only 1 moment I can recall.
he existed before religion and he will exist after.
He is irrefutable as well. If he was not then Dawkins himself would not testify that he is unable to do so nor would Michio Kaku. SO I challenge you to denounce something which I have experience and nobody else can refute because his only scripture is everything you see and believe. If you believe in wind, you believe in my god, if you believe that your hand is real you believe in my god.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Why would one need to refute the Deistic version of god to state that he does not believe in its existence, though?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
I am not setting up an argument against atheism I am just stating that atheist should keep the meaning of atheism pure to prevent contradictions in the line of thinking.

My god is the deistic god. he does not intervene with his creation because he is so perfect he does not make mistakes so he has no further reason to provide anything else to this universe as it is in accordance to his will. The heavens themselves exist the way there needed and mankind according to my god is not the center of the universe.
I have encountered spirits once and have experience my god multiple times but only 1 moment I can recall.
he existed before religion and he will exist after.
He is irrefutable as well. If he was not then Dawkins himself would not testify that he is unable to do so nor would Michio Kaku. SO I challenge you to denounce something which I have experience and nobody else can refute because his only scripture is everything you see and believe. If you believe in wind, you believe in my god, if you believe that your hand is real you believe in my god.

Wind is real. And my hand is real. I know because it's injured (basketball) and hurts like buggery.

But I don't believe in your God. As I stated earlier, atheism is the opposite of theism. I don't need to prove there is no God to be an atheist.


رسول الآلهة
Wind is real. And my hand is real. I know because it's injured (basketball) and hurts like buggery.

But I don't believe in your God. As I stated earlier, atheism is the opposite of theism. I don't need to prove there is no God to be an atheist.

That statement was not aimed at you though. I know what you are talking about, I am challenging the atheist who have "proof there is no god" :D.

You are essentially free of criticism buddy.