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Atheism does not exist


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
You know what the mistake of this thread is, far as I can now figure?

It treats "god's existence" as a very serious matter, one that the atheist-to-be can't afford to be mistaken about.

That could not be further away from the truth. Belief in god is a very personal matter and, except for some (relatively few) people who are greatly inspired by it, an almost inconsequential one.

People's reactions to belief or lack of same, by contrast, should have even less importance. But in practice they are a far greater problem.


Active Member
I am asking for a defined and improved definition of atheism.

But every christian has his/her own definition for being a christian.

And every muslim has his/her own definition for being a muslim.

And every buddhist has his/her own definition for being a buddhist.

And so on.

Would it surprise you that every atheist has his/her own definition for being an atheist?


Active Member
I was talking to a friend of mine one day and he told me atheists do not exist. I asked him how can you say that if he himself is an atheist.
He told me that an atheist is someone who reject god or the existence of god and how can one reject what they cannot prove exist yet alone prove does not exist. So by declaring oneself an atheist he or she is making a logical absurdity. Because an atheist can cloud his or her disposition by holding strong to science they are also holding strong to scientific principles. Meaning to declare the unknown that is not known is a fallacy in thought.
Hence no such thing as atheism occurs in the normal sense. Atheists often take a strong stance saying "god does not exist" and will ramble on and on about cosmological sciences when they themselves are a fool by default for ignoring their very own source of reason.

I believe the only proper way of making a logical definition for atheism is to change the definition itself. It is definition by many sources implies the absolute denial of a god. But by denying something unproven it stands at criticism.

But the other issue is that if a person concludes there is no god then they are at equal footing to that of a theist.

See where this confusing puzzle is going folks?

I would like to ask and encourage atheist to provide a proper definition of atheism as it is HEAVILY misused and often contradicts itself when used improperly. The definitive key point though is how can one keep it separate from agnosticism.

But also if this is not the case and it cannot be differed from agnosticism then perhaps atheism should just be lumped with theism as the core thinking is the same :D. Like a sad case of the irony when one realizes their greatest enemy is themselves. :D

I define atheist as somoeone who doesnt believe in God or Gods, but who finds it very very very very very very very very very very very unlikely.


Well-Known Member
But every christian has his/her own definition for being a christian.

And every muslim has his/her own definition for being a muslim.

And every buddhist has his/her own definition for being a buddhist.

And so on.

Would it surprise you that every atheist has his/her own definition for being an atheist?

I've been wanting to say that since the thread started, but I've said it so often that I'm afraid I'll get a rep for nagging. Thanks for taking the heat for me. :)


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
But every christian has his/her own definition for being a christian.

And every muslim has his/her own definition for being a muslim.

And every buddhist has his/her own definition for being a buddhist.

And so on.

Would it surprise you that every atheist has his/her own definition for being an atheist?

I guess higher standards are expected of us. We're a reference or something. The golden beacon of solidity and hope that theists define themselves in relation to. The last, best hope for trustworthiness in a world gone chaotic and berserk. The solid, unbending, uncompromised linchpin upon which all of the other belief stances revolve around gratefully.

You know, the basics.


Admiral Obvious
I define atheist as somoeone who doesnt believe in God or Gods, but who finds it very very very very very very very very very very very unlikely.
I agree.
I do find it very very very very very very very very very very very unlikely that any god exists.


Active Member
If atheism does not exist, and yet atheists exist, then that is an example of how to get something from nothing. :D


Admiral Obvious
If atheism does not exist, and yet atheists exist, then that is an example of how to get something from nothing. :D
A much better example is how so many people get god out of absolutely nothing and stick him in any gap they can create.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
But if that was the case I would not believe you for saying nothing exist outside of our existence or reality.
Can such a thing exist, yes. So why do you deny it? The plausibility is mind boggling

Why is your mind boggled? I suspect that you apply the same rationale to other concepts: in your view, can fairies exist?

There's something worth pointing out here: while the term "god" is defined somewhat differently depending who you talk to, there's one common element in every definition I've ever encountered: a god is an object of human worshipped. This means that for a thing to be a god, it has to have been worshipped by humanity.

The implication here is that when someone asks "do you believe in God?", they aren't asking "do you allow for the possibility that there might be something out there that at least some humans might call 'God' when they find it?"... they mean something more like "do you believe in MY God-concept?" or maybe "do you believe in one of the god-concepts humanity has come up with?"

IOW, the set of "gods" is a finite set that, by definition, can only include things that human beings have had actual knowledge of. It doesn't include - can't include - anything that is completely beyond the sphere of human knowledge.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
So your friend is an atheist?
Or does he accept every single claimed deity?

Good point. If the OP is valid (which I don't think it is, but for argument's sake), then rejection of any god is unreasonable. If it's problem for the atheist, it's also a problem for the monotheist and anyone else who only accepts the existence of a finite number of gods.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Are you an atheist if you don't believe in a God, but really, really wish there was one? I think it would be super-awesome-cool to meet the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Well-Known Member
I guess higher standards are expected of us. We're a reference or something. The golden beacon of solidity and hope that theists define themselves in relation to. The last, best hope for trustworthiness in a world gone chaotic and berserk. The solid, unbending, uncompromised linchpin upon which all of the other belief stances revolve around gratefully.

Atheists are the God of theists?


Active Member
I guess higher standards are expected of us. We're a reference or something. The golden beacon of solidity and hope that theists define themselves in relation to. The last, best hope for trustworthiness in a world gone chaotic and berserk. The solid, unbending, uncompromised linchpin upon which all of the other belief stances revolve around gratefully.

You know, the basics.

Hey, that's a lot of responsibility to shoulder. But if we are going to be the beacon of light in this dark world, so be it.



My god is the deistic god. he does not intervene with his creation .

What evidence for this do you have?

he is so perfect he does not make mistakes

What evidence is there for this?

. SO I challenge you to denounce something which I have experience and nobody else can refute because his only scripture is everything you see and believe.

Your imagination and emotions are not proof of a deity of any kind.

You have provided no evidence to denounce at all.


This is what I was referring to. You claim you can prove god does not exist so please provide the evidence.
This is where atheism leads into a blind dogmatism like theism. You are arguing with yourself when you argue with a theist essentially.
Point me int he right direction of why god does not exist.

I know you cannot provide the evidence and it will only be based of opinion.

circular reasoning

A deity must first be proven to exist before one can prove it does not.

So far no deity has any evidence of any kind, anywhere. So scientifically, they dop not exist until there is something to test for.


Active Member
You've stressed that worship comes first, and then god.

So, why are they worshipping this thing?

Well in those times long, long ago, they didn't have TV's and the internet, so they had to occupy themselves during their spare time. Worshipping was the thing to do. I mean, you had your social network, you could lobby the politicians, gossip all you want, and be lectured by an old fart moralizing over who was doing what to whom. That was a complete program.


Well-Known Member
I think they do exist mate. Look somewhere see if you can spot an atheist like Wolf Blitzer did! you get 100 point's if you can! (lawd o' mercy o' lawdy).