I personally don't relate to atheism as an idea, while I do relate to religions of the world. To me, it seems to be essentially nothing of interest, while coming across as non-pragmatic in the sense that I have few clues as to the origins of the word religion or its use throughout time, and in whatever vague sense you could muster religion to mean (which usually boils down to word-fighting), it's impossible to approach knowing or understanding what every individual of a denomination or shared idea truly thought.
In the sense of any modern conclusion that we can agree on (without resorting to word-fighting), the same still holds true that atheism doesn't tell me anything, while 'Religion' explicitly has a lot to offer me. It's not simply that I'd research a particular religion and derive some common conclusion from it, but rather that, what artifacts there are of religion are rooted in our personal history, which have created, both cynical and non-cynical, cultures which represent a certain level of attainment. Such artifacts demand my attention as a curious resident of life who seeks knowledge & wisdom.
It's far beyond me to reason from my limited experience in life that all or most religious people are indoctrinated or unreasonable, or that the thoughts that they've invested into thinking about, what I consider to be such a deeply profound history, are insignificant, and more irrational of me to take whatever common definition that we share to define any particular religion to at face value without considering what individuals happen to believe regarding their experiences or knowledge, or whatever other possible conclusions I could arrive at from studying religious artifacts myself.