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Atheism is not a default position


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Similarly, you don't believe in every god ever invented or suggested, right?

I don't see the similarity.

You're saying that atheists make positive belief claims about gods, and that their belief is disbelief, right?
More generally, I'm saying that every belief entails (at least one) disbelief and vice versa. So long as one is able to say that one is an atheist (excepting those who are saying this without any idea whatsoever what it means, such as a child mimicking words and phrases they don't understand when learning to speak), and one believes that one is an atheist (i.e., one isn't lying), then necessarily one is asserting an epistemic position that entails both disbelief(s) and belief(s) (same with one claiming to be a theist, deist, agnostic, etc.). Atheists cannot logically, linguistically, or physiologically truly "lack a belief about god" unless they do so in the same ways that infants or rocks do.

I'll simply ask - why do you think atheists must make claims about such deities if not for the theistic claim that deities exist?
Granted that once atheist came to mean "disbelief in god or gods" because such a position was possible to hold, I DO think atheists must make claims by identifying themselves as such because of theistic, deistic, and other religious claims. That is, without any claims that god or gods exist, there would be no atheists. The reason there are atheists is because such claims exist and there are sufficiently many people who disbelieve them such that we require a word for this position: atheism. We have words relating to epistemic positions only in relation to conflicting or at least differing positions, and self-identification with such a position via a word or construction in a given language only exists in order to make positive belief claims (even if these positive belief claims are positive in the sense that they are claims one believe some state of affairs doesn't exist/couldn't exist/didn't exist/etc.).

Simply put, we don't have words for "lack a belief in leprechauns" or "lack a belief in the luminous ether" or any number of infinitely many other possible words to denote "lack a belief in X" because humans don't identify themselves with what they don't believe nor create words to identify themselves as not believing unless not believing is sufficiently clearly established as a belief claim about the falsity of some position important enough to warrant such a word/construction.

Do you run around talking about how much you disbelieve in the gods that you're unaware of?
No. But I don't identify myself as an atheist but an agnostic, and I regard as patently absurd and prima facie illogical the notion that there exist some default epistemic state. It is trivial and obvious (both philosophically and scientifically) that infants and rocks "lack a belief in god or gods" in ways no atheist capable of identifying themselves as such could. I don't run around talking about positions I don't have a belief in because 1) there are infinitely many such "lack of belief(s) (in)" and 2) we don't have words for more than a handful. Were atheism merely a kind of lack of belief of the sort an infant has, the word "atheist" wouldn't exist.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Show us something that doesn't obey cause and effect law.
That would be difficult, as even Aristotle formulated four categories of causes and the "proto-scientists" (the early modern Western natural philosophers like Newton) were borrowing heavily from Greek thought. Neither they nor modern scientists subscribe to any so simplistic a law. However, to the extent that by "law" you mean something akin to proximal or efficient cause, then nonlocality is perhaps the easiest and most clear counter-example.
That would be difficult, as even Aristotle formulated four categories of causes and the "proto-scientists" (the early modern Western natural philosophers like Newton) were borrowing heavily from Greek thought. Neither they nor modern scientists subscribe to any so simplistic a law. However, to the extent that by "law" you mean something akin to proximal or efficient cause, then nonlocality is perhaps the easiest and most clear counter-example.

Heisenberg uncertainty pRinciple does not invalidate cause andc effect law. It just says about uncertainty, the cause of phenomenon remains.


Just old
Premium Member
Believe in or without 'gods',
believe in or outside of the Bang,
What 'cause' caused the effect of Big Bang inflation ?
From what nothingness did it come ?
Did I ask that right ?


Rogue Theologian
No, YOU dismiss cause and effect as soon at it gets you to your god.
God is the Cause....the universe (one word) is the effect.
I don't mind that you point out the dilemma of Spirit First.
It is a mystery.
No photo, no fingerprint, no equation, and no repeatable experiment.
You can't have proof.

You can have reason.

If you want to.....some people say science allows for some things to have no cause.
If it makes you feel better.....God had no cause and science will not object.


Well-Known Member
God is the Cause....the universe (one word) is the effect.
I don't mind that you point out the dilemma of Spirit First.
It is a mystery.
No photo, no fingerprint, no equation, and no repeatable experiment.
You can't have proof.

You can have reason.
Reasonable people don't just call whatever they can't explain a mystery and blame it on gods. Theists do.


Rogue Theologian
Believe in or without 'gods',
believe in or outside of the Bang,
What 'cause' caused the effect of Big Bang inflation ?
From what nothingness did it come ?
Did I ask that right ?

Close enough.....
and the Lord said unto Moses....tell the people (My Name).....I AM!
and they that understand will know Whose law this is!
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Well-Known Member
oh now....be nice....
and reasonable....
I am being reasonable. Just stating facts. Don't know the cause of earthquakes; blame Poseidon. Don't know the cause of thunder; blame Thor. Blaming gods is a basic survival mechanism and alleviates our fear of the unknown by inventing an explanation for it. The unknown becomes "known" and maybe you can even influence the gods and gain some control over what's happening. The psychology of religion is a fascinating subject.


Rogue Theologian
I am being reasonable. Just stating facts. Don't know the cause of earthquakes; blame Poseidon. Don't know the cause of thunder; blame Thor. Blaming gods is a basic survival mechanism and alleviates our fear of the unknown by inventing an explanation for it. The unknown becomes "known" and maybe you can even influence the gods and gain some control over what's happening. The psychology of religion is a fascinating subject.
I'm not religious.
guess I'm not fascinating.
God is the Cause....the universe (one word) is the effect.
I don't mind that you point out the dilemma of Spirit First.
It is a mystery.
No photo, no fingerprint, no equation, and no repeatable experiment.
You can't have proof.

You can have reason.

If you want to.....some people say science allows for some things to have no cause.
If it makes you feel better.....God had no cause and science will not object.

It's so obvious, all that is, universe is the effect. What is the cause?


Veteran Member
but that's not the default position.
If the soul never develops a declaration.....the default position....back to God.
This is blatantly false. The default position is that held by the blank mind, without any kind of information. The concept of God does not exist to a child until that child is informed about the concept. Thus, that child is in the default position of implicit lack of belief in the existence of God or "atheism".


Veteran Member
The difference is this;

I believe that one either believes or does not - a polarity.

Artie argues that there is a third position, neutral - I disagree. If a person does not believe in god, they are atheist, not neutral.
"Atheism" includes everyone who is not "theist", as it means "without theism". So, in actuality, aren't you guys saying the same thing pretty much?


Rogue Theologian
This is blatantly false. The default position is that held by the blank mind, without any kind of information. The concept of God does not exist to a child until that child is informed about the concept. Thus, that child is in the default position of implicit lack of belief in the existence of God or "atheism".
Someone had to be First.

I think He believed in Himself.
He has been reported to have said......I AM!

If you prefer to call Moses a liar.....now is the opportunity.


Veteran Member
Someone had to be First.

I think He believed in Himself.
He has been reported to have said......I AM!

If you prefer to call Moses a liar.....now is the opportunity.
The default position of human beings, buddy. Not the default position of God or Jesus. Why would anyone even attempt to speak to that?


Just old
Premium Member
Moses couldn't lie ???.......40 yrs....dessert...starving...
inventing his new Ra....called "I AM"
and on and on....Prince who ?
Really ?