Active Member
We haven't even started the debate and you're already shifting the burden of proof. Doesn't it bother you? That I'm willing to be convinced with out 100% certainty and yet you are 100% certain that god exists? As far as convincing each other by argument I'm by far the more generous of the two of us. Giving you a margin of error that you have not given to me. So let's not shift the burden of proof. I've never made the claim that nature is all there is. Let's tackle the fine tuning argument real quick. I've found many problems with this argument. Here are a couple I'd like to point out that definitely outline major flaws in the argument. I have about 20 more problems with the fallacious reasoning supporting this argument that I can show you. I thought it made more sense not to over load you. I don't think that would be fair. If you also find the problems with the argument worrisome we can try another one or keep going. It's up to you.yes but can you prove beyond reasonable doubt that nature is all there is?
but anyway I find the fine tuning argument very convincing.... why isn't this argument good enough for you.?
I suggest that God is the best explanation for the FT of the universe, if you think you have a better explanation feel free to share it and discuss which explanation is better
. this is a summary of the FT argument
+ just to be clear, I Dont claim that the FT argument proves God beyond reasonable doubt, but I do claim that it's the best explanation..... which in my opinion it's enough to justify theism (you don't need proof beyond reasonable doubt)
The fine tuning argument is based on the dichotomy of:
- The parameters of the universe are a "happy coincidence"
- or God selected the parameters to fulfil some purpose.
- The parameters of the universe are a "happy coincidence",
- or God selected the parameters to fulfil some purpose,
- or the universe could not be other than it is,
- or some unknown natural process caused the universe to be as it is.
An Invalid use of Probability
"Premise 2. The existence of the fine-tuning is very improbable under the atheistic single-universe hypothesis."
"Astrophysicist [and creationism apologist] Hugh Ross has calculated the probability that these and other constants-122 in all-would exist today for any planet in the universe by chance (i.e., without divine design). Assuming there are 1022 planets in the universe (a very large number: 1 with 22 zeros following it), his answer is shocking: one chance in 10138-that’s one chance in one with 138 zeros after it!"
The argument assumes that there is a certain range of values that each physical constant could assume. The greater these ranges, the more unlikely that a given set of constants would have assumed the values we observe. However, to simply imagine a certain range of possible numerical values that each constant could assume and calculating the probability that this value would be arrived at by mere chance is fallacious for two reasons. Currently, we have no access to data that would tell us a) what range the constants could possibly assume in reality and b) how many trials there were in which the constants assumed certain values (Texas sharp shooter fallacy). If in a lottery one number were drawn from a pot of five numbers, then winning the lottery would become comparatively likely. Likewise, even if a trial with an extremely unlikely outcome - say winning an actual national lottery - were repeated a sufficient number of times, the outcome would become likely to occur overall.
To avoid an argument from ignorance, you must rule out all other hypotheses, including as yet unknown hypotheses, to make an argument by elimination. It is almost impossible to rule out all undiscovered hypothesis in a field so far removed from human experience. However, without doing this, you inevitably make an argument from ignorance and commits god of the gaps.