Which God. One God, two Gods. Him or Her or It. El or Elohim, Yahweh, Jesus, Marduk, Allah, Jah, Shiva, Tiamat, Zeus, Odin, Thor, Ahura Mazda, Shang Ti, etcetera and so on. Your question as is makes no sense.
The OP is based solely on the assumption that IF God (but I guess not the plural Gods) exist than it is only your concept of God. That is not worthy discussion. At best it's providing improper validation of a deluded assumption.
Even if the OP is expanded to include every conceivable concept of an "eternal" God for any human being on this planet to say "they know" the mind of such a being is nothing more than a deluded assumption based on nothing more than either the personal whims of their world view or in some cases a mental disorder.
It isn't
His decisions being questioned.
It is just as logical to make the assumption that a God or Gods created the laws of physics and humanity arose by accident. I would also remind you that there is a reason that faith and humility go hand in hand. Precisely because that faith is not an adequate way of knowing. In fact, it is nothing more than an a way of rationalizing belief. If anyone's over their head philosophically it's not atheists. Indeed, with all due respect to everyone on this forum it would be those people who are essentially making things up to justify how they want things to be or believing in archaic forms others made up for the same purpose who stand on shakier philosophical grounds than those who choose not to believe in a concept not empirically verified.