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Atheists and their jargon of insults

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Thank you for your good wishes. Every day is one of thanksgiving for me. I am thankful for the prayer that Jesus Christ, the son of God, instructed his disciples to pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come -- thy will be done on the earth as it is in heaven.
I pray that misguided people of sinister intent would find the peace they already claim to have but clearly do not.

You have a wonderful, wonderful evening. Gotta run.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I pray that misguided people of sinister intent would find the peace they already claim to have but clearly do not.

You have a wonderful, wonderful evening. Gotta run.
I do have concern about those who fight for their country, kill others by command of their governmental authorities perhaps, and may come back to their home country if they are still alive, with sometimes awful mental and physical concerns and disabilities. Yes, I appreciate Jesus' instruction for his disciples to pray -- Lord, let Thy kingdom come. Thank you for your reply. :)
oh -- and likely have killed others, bombed places with women and children, killing them.
Yes, Lord -- let your kingdom come...
for that thought I am eternally grateful.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I do have concern about those who fight for their country, kill others by command of their governmental authorities perhaps, and may come back to their home country if they are still alive, with sometimes awful mental and physical concerns and disabilities. Yes, I appreciate Jesus' instruction for his disciples to pray -- Lord, let Thy kingdom come. Thank you for your reply. :)
Well, that's fantastic. I'm done talking now. I pray that you find whatever peace it is you seek and someone else to focus your attention on. You know. Boundaries.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, that's fantastic. I'm done talking now. I pray that you find whatever peace it is you seek and someone else to focus your attention on. You know. Boundaries.
No one is perfect. I am thankful to God Almighty that I have found peace. I'm sorry you feel that way about focusing on your comments. I find it interesting, but you too have a good evening. Thanks.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
@Dan From Smithville since you desire I do not respond to your comments directly, although they do present viewpoints, nevertheless I will do my best to observe that, thank you. :)


Χριστός ἀνέστη
And I see this happening regularly with members of that same faith group. I often wonder if these people have the peace of Lord why do they seem so spiteful and angry all the time."

Why does their behavior not reflect the values they claim for themselves and so constantly and persistently decry in others?

I think it is just sad.
John Lennox talked about this problem inside Christianity and i agree with him.

The thing is , that people are taught to play the victim role , and we have developed awful victim culture.
That is very unhealthy thing, from many perspectives.
I find truth in his sayings,that Christ has been the victim to save us from that kind of culture.

Trying to give some kind of reason based on emotion to try to change the argument is emotional fallacy.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
John Lennox talked about this problem inside Christianity and i agree with him.

The thing is , that people are taught to play the victim role , and we have developed awful victim culture.
That is very unhealthy thing, from many perspectives.
I find truth in his sayings,that Christ has been the victim to save us from that kind of culture.

Trying to give some kind of reason based on emotion to try to change the argument is emotional fallacy.
Who is John Lennox if you dont mind me asking?


Well-Known Member
How is that working out for you?


- viole

It's almost impossible to affect almost anyone's beliefs about almost anything.

Religion invented science just to affect beliefs through experiment and still science changes one funeral at a time.


Veteran Member
John Lennox talked about this problem inside Christianity and i agree with him.

The thing is , that people are taught to play the victim role , and we have developed awful victim culture.
That is very unhealthy thing, from many perspectives.
I find truth in his sayings,that Christ has been the victim to save us from that kind of culture.

Trying to give some kind of reason based on emotion to try to change the argument is emotional fallacy.
I was exposed to Christianity in three froms as a child, two from my two aunts, and a third by my grandmother. I was suspicious of the claims made by my various family members even as a child. For some reason none of it added up, even though I wasn't sure why. One thing I saw was the rift and conflict between my Catholic aunt and my Bapist aunt, with the Baptist being the most conservative form, and certain we was correct, and the Catholics all wrong. My presbytarian grandma tried to keep the peace as a moderate. My grandma took me to church, and I had loads of questions. She often criticized the sermon and pastor, and I said we don't have to go. LOL. No, it was part of her community.

When I was in high school she made me go help at the church food kitchen. Her church fed about 200 people twice a week. It was all they could afford. What I learned was this is what church is, helping others. They didn't pray, they didn't require anyone to acknowledge Christianity or Jesus or anything religious. There was no test to deserve food. They helped their community. To my mind these people were true Christians. THIS is what Jesus taught, not church pews filled with people hearing how they are no good scumbags destined for hell if not for Jesus, and pony up a few bucks. I could see an ideal Christian church be little more than just a group of people helping others. No church service, no pews, just people coming together to celebrate the dignity of others.

Self-serving dogma is just self-service. Greed for an absolute truth, and other vices are justified. I remember a big debate on the old Beliefnet boards where the topic was whether works was necessary for salvation. There were a few folks who were adamant that all that is required for salvation is to accept Jesus as savior, and then, essentially, nothing can displace this, even murder. Once saved, always saved. These folks were more dogmatic, and demonstrably selfish and nasty. They claimed to be moral because they believed their salvation washed them from sin. It certainly showed that Christians do create a form of Christianity that doesn't require any moral thought or action. As I often note, Christianity is a collection of sects that allows "anything goes", a religious buffet where a believer can choose their type of salvation to fit their existing attitudes. This can allow the worst in the self, and avoid a path where challenges makes a better person.


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Religion invented science just to affect beliefs through experiment....

...and still science changes one funeral at a time.
Who had to die for relativity and quantum mechanics to revolutionise the basics of physics?

There have been countless significant changes both before and since. Science has to follow evidence. If your pet hypothesis is falsified, and you cannot change it to fit the new evidence, it is the hypotheses that dies, not its supporters.
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Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
It's almost impossible to affect almost anyone's beliefs about almost anything.
I daresay, I have no idea what this tells anyone except perhaps to accept defeat without even trying.
Religion invented science just to affect beliefs through experiment and still science changes one funeral at a time.
Which religion? When was that? Where is this published?


Veteran Member
It's almost impossible to affect almost anyone's beliefs about almost anything.
You certainly aren't willing to eamine your own beliefs, nor your thinking process. You hold irrational beliefs, and offer no sound argumenation for why you think your voiews are correct. You resist and ignore criticism that exposes this flaw.
Religion invented science just to affect beliefs through experiment and still science changes one funeral at a time.
False. Religions were the governments until the Enlightenment, and as the governing authority they funded people, often monks, to conduct experiments. It was in some ways much like the arts which was also funded by the church. What religious authorities did not predict was how this work would contradict what they believed, and how they interpreted the Bible. Galileo was an example of how the church freaked out when he discovered their model of the universe, which they adopted from Aristotle, was wrong. This same conflict continued, and still exists to this day with many religious people passively or aggressively rejecting and denying science. You are one of these people. This negative bias against science is the ongoing failure of religion.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm not sure what you don't understand?
Are you aware science is based on experiment because otherwise we continue to see only what we believe?
This has been explained to you numerous times by multiple different posters. You believe it and don't seem to want to learn anything that would call that personal omniscience into question.

It is my conclusion from reading your posts that you express all the views about this subject that you project onto others. You see only what you want to believe and so forth to all the semantics, etc.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I'm not sure what you don't understand?
Is that a statement or a question?

Are you aware science is based on experiment because otherwise we continue to see only what we believe?

Science is based on experiments because that is what is needed to increase confidence in, or kill, a theory.

That has nothing to do with us seeing only what we believe. Whatever that means.


- viole


Lightly seared on the reality grill.
Are you aware science is based on experiment...
It is not based only on experiment. It is based both on experiment and observations. Both are evidence that can support or falsify scientific hypotheses or theories. Theories and hypotheses can make predictions about new experimental results or new observations.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I have a point, or really questions around a point, related to the OP that continue to keep coming to mind as I read the posts.

Is it insulting to challenge the claims of others and request explanation and evidence to back those claims?

Is it insulting to point out flaws and fallacies in what another claims?

If you ask a person you know to review a paper you have written on a subject that you are both familiar with, do you really want that person to just rubber stamp the work? What if they pass on response to important portions of your work that would have benefitted from honest feedback?

I have benefited from that when others on here seem to be decrying it as baseless and boundless insult.

I don't even think the most intelligent in the population are able to come up with perfect conceptions from the very first to last thought on whatever subject is being considered.

It may be hard to take in some cases or with some people, but I don't agree that it is insulting.
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