John Lennox talked about this problem inside Christianity and i agree with him.
The thing is , that people are taught to play the victim role , and we have developed awful victim culture.
That is very unhealthy thing, from many perspectives.
I find truth in his sayings,that Christ has been the victim to save us from that kind of culture.
Trying to give some kind of reason based on emotion to try to change the argument is emotional fallacy.
I was exposed to Christianity in three froms as a child, two from my two aunts, and a third by my grandmother. I was suspicious of the claims made by my various family members even as a child. For some reason none of it added up, even though I wasn't sure why. One thing I saw was the rift and conflict between my Catholic aunt and my Bapist aunt, with the Baptist being the most conservative form, and certain we was correct, and the Catholics all wrong. My presbytarian grandma tried to keep the peace as a moderate. My grandma took me to church, and I had loads of questions. She often criticized the sermon and pastor, and I said we don't have to go. LOL. No, it was part of her community.
When I was in high school she made me go help at the church food kitchen. Her church fed about 200 people twice a week. It was all they could afford. What I learned was this is what church is, helping others. They didn't pray, they didn't require anyone to acknowledge Christianity or Jesus or anything religious. There was no test to deserve food. They helped their community. To my mind these people were true Christians. THIS is what Jesus taught, not church pews filled with people hearing how they are no good scumbags destined for hell if not for Jesus, and pony up a few bucks. I could see an ideal Christian church be little more than just a group of people helping others. No church service, no pews, just people coming together to celebrate the dignity of others.
Self-serving dogma is just self-service. Greed for an absolute truth, and other vices are justified. I remember a big debate on the old Beliefnet boards where the topic was whether works was necessary for salvation. There were a few folks who were adamant that all that is required for salvation is to accept Jesus as savior, and then, essentially, nothing can displace this, even murder. Once saved, always saved. These folks were more dogmatic, and demonstrably selfish and nasty. They claimed to be moral because they believed their salvation washed them from sin. It certainly showed that Christians do create a form of Christianity that doesn't require any moral thought or action. As I often note, Christianity is a collection of sects that allows "anything goes", a religious buffet where a believer can choose their type of salvation to fit their existing attitudes. This can allow the worst in the self, and avoid a path where challenges makes a better person.