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Atheists and their jargon of insults


Veteran Member
Because your default position IS unfounded.
How is not accepting the claims of believers unfounded?

Notice this is the default in logic, that ideas claims, and propositions are deemed untrue UNTIL they can be shown to be true, or at least likely true. This is how trials work as well, that an accused is considered by default innocent until evidence demonstrates guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
Yes, they are "believers", like you. So they cannot see that they are confusing a fantasy with reality.
We are all "believers" in the sense that we make judgments about ideas. HOW a person makes judgments is what we are discussing. Those who think Trump did nothing wrong despite 91 counts in four indictments have not read any information about his crimes. Yes, in the court system he is considered innocent, but the evidence that has been reported is quite damning, and it is just a matter of time for the legal system to perform due process. Trump supporters hold a fantasy, and that is built on ignorance. Those who look at the reporting, and use reason, find that it is true that Trump committed crimes. That is reality.
I invite you to do the same.
It's what I do. Notice you push back on my explanations and try to poke holes in what I say that don't really address the evidence, rather the process. On another thread you stated that science doesn't make life better, but then said that it is a choice to use science to make life better. You seem to be your own victim with your bias against science, but also the recognition that science does make life better. You have work to do for your own clarity. You can't debate with such inner confusion.
You don't even know what evidence is. So you're in no position to judge.
Speak for yourself. You like to confuse yourself to fit your agenda and beliefs, which includes bias against science and reason.
Humans ignorance just is. It requires no argument as it's self-evident. Or it would be if we were willing to see past our egos.
What does this have to do with the fact that you insist we aren't equipped to debate, but are arguing your position (which is irony at work, are you even self-aware of it?). You write posts about yourself that you phrase as if you are referring to some other category of people. More of your inner confusion?
The only critical thinkers I've ever met were self-critical, first. And they would NEVER label themselves that way.
More of the "others", and nothing about yourself?

And you are again rejecting the meaning of "critial thinkers" who are those with skilled reasoning ability. Why are you avoiding the real meanings and going off on some invented definition? More of your inner conflict that you can't reconcile? Could it be you see yourself as those you have contempt for, and this is confusing? I suspect you need to examine why you have bias against science and reason so you can let go of your inner conflict.


Well-Known Member
All of the most ancient writing is believed to be magic and incantation by linguists. All of it. Nowhere does it define the nature of "God" or exactly how "Gods" are believed to do anything at all. This is the belief of ALL Egyptologists and Sumerologists. There is the story of Gilgamesh which is widely believed to date back to even before 3200 BC which clearly is not magic and incantation but I do not consider this an exception due to the fact every early version is so highly fragmented it's impossible to determine if it's a "story" or not.

There are new researchers who say that our translations of the story and utterly wrong and the meaning is wholly distinct from what is believed. The professionals got everything wrong because of Champollion. Young was much closer to the reality but Champollion lies at the root of the last two centuries of madness and led to to Darwin, Freud, et al. We reason in circles so when our premises are wrong we are wrong.

It is highly illogical to try to deduce anything at all from a book of magic. But Egyptologists started with the assumption that "gods" (neters) were imaginary consciousnesses because this is what "God" meant to the authors of the "book of the dead". Once you start with a false assumption you will reason back to that assumption which is why I often call our species "homo circularis rationatio". It's what we do and "homo omnniscience" is the result of what we do. By reasoning in circles we have each learned everything giving us both the right and the duty to attack heretics, naysayers, and anyone who argues against Holy Scripture.

Any ancient people or any animal that put its fait in the hands of God would quickly become extinct because their neighbors or their animal competitors would always eat their lunch. Ancient people used logic and science to thrive. Success was based not on "fitness" as Darwin believed nor on "superstition" as archaeologists believe. It was based on consciousness, science, and knowledge (the Holy Trinity) also expressed as "Knowledge> Understanding> Creation". It was behavior and consciousness which invented cities and agriculture and after the tower of babel it created religion and it was religion that gave birth to "Gods" and "God".

If this isn't clear I can clarify or elaborate.

I might add that all of the most ancient writing was not only interpreted in terms of later writing but was even translated in terms of later writing. Without late versions of "Gilgamesh" there would be no possible way to decipher the older highly fragmented versions wreitten in different language.

There simply were no "gods" until after the language began to fail and then religions were organized after the tower of babel trying to rediscover ancient knowledge.


Well-Known Member
You quoted me quoting you, so quoted yourself stating a claim of one of Darwin's supposed assumptions (which it wasn't) and then posted this.

Wibble. :confused:

Well, then, I don't know much of anything except people are like cattle and believe anything.

Now we're supposed to believe the world can be saved only by decreasing bovine flatulence which will require lower human populations in fly over country. I don't know. It doesn't sound likely to me but I'm pretty darn sure (99.9%) that people will believe anything.

Be careful what you believe. This IS the most important advice to young people. The rest of us are all beyond hope and then science changes one funeral at a time.

It's little wonder I am confused.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I am pointing out that belief is not knowledge.
It can be. It depends how the belief was arrived at. If it was arrived at and confirmed empirically, that is, through the proper of evaluation of evidence, then it can be called knowledge. Belief arrived at by any other means is believed by faith, and is not knowledge.
Science does not define what is or is not 'knowledge'. Science does not define what is or is not evidence.
Each scientist does that for himself. So do I. Knowlege is the collection of demonstrably correct ideas. Evidence is whatever is evident. What it is evidence of requires critical analysis.
It's direct experience. I know my car is in the garage when I see it there. I believe it's in the garage when I don't see it there, but I presume it's there anyway.
That was in response to, "Can you explain the difference between belief and knowledge." Those are both examples of knowledge. Before going to the garage, the knowledge is that is probably there. After seeing it, the knowledge changes to it is there today. It's odd that you don't consider such beliefs knowledge, but not uncommon on these threads to see this kind of epistemic nihilism, especially coming from those whose beliefs get a lot of blow-back - the people who want their soft thinking respected more, but don't get that affirmation from the critical thinkers. It feels like if they can't defend those beliefs, their approach is to attack contrary belief as we see with the creationists, who, unable to make any argument for creationism, choose to attack the science they don't like.

But you think exactly that way yourself in the matters of daily life. After you type about not having any knowledge regarding your car's whereabouts until you see it, you make plans that depend on it being where you think it is - plans you wouldn't make if you thought it was in the shop for repairs. I've never had a car be anywhere but where I thought it was except the time it was towed, so, I'm justified in saying that it is over 99.9% likely to be where I think it is. That's knowledge. When I see it, and it contains my personal effects, and my key starts it, the number jumps to nearly 100% (beyond reasonable doubt).
How often to you say to yourself, "I know I'm an atheist an all, but it really is quite possible that God exists
"God" to me is the god of Abraham, since most people using that word with a capital G are referring to that god. I can rule that god out based on the fact that much of what it is alleged to have done having falsified by science, but not other less well-defined gods, like the deist god. Change that to a small-g god, and I say it quite frequently - every time I refer to myself as an agnostic atheist. Here are several examples from this month:


faith does not require that we ignore doubt.
Faith is believing anything lacking sufficient evidentiary support.


Veteran Member
Talk to any autistic people recently?
Autism does not imply anything about consciousness. Animals are conscious, too. If you mean self-awareness, or even conceptions about theself, then those are nuanced elements that need to be clarified. I notice those who are vague and ambiguous are trying to hide something. I suspect you (try to) hide your ignorance about science.

What you should have asked is: Talk to any people in a coma recently?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
All of the most ancient writing is believed to be magic and incantation by linguists.

Are you saying that the modern professional linguists of today view ancient writing to be *literally* magical and represent literal magical incantations, or are you saying that they believed the ancient writers themselves considered their writing to be literally magical and magical incantations?

I can't tell if you are implying modern professional linguist believe in literal magic (as opposed to metaphorical, poetic, fictional magic).


Veteran Member
How is not accepting the claims of believers unfounded?
That's just nonsense. What does their belief have to do with anything?
Notice this is the default in logic, that ideas claims, and propositions are deemed untrue UNTIL they can be shown to be true, or at least likely true.
Again, this is nonsense. A proposition is logically deemed undecided until one can determine if it is valid or not. To determine that a proposition is invalid until it is proven to be valid to the person that has already determined it to be invalid is that old "kangaroo court" thing that so many atheists really, REALLY love to engage in.
This is how trials work as well, that an accused is considered by default innocent until evidence demonstrates guilt beyond reasonable doubt.
Philosophy is not a court of law, and does not follow the same logical rules or restrictions. If it were, you would have to default to the proposition being valid (innocent) until you could prove it otherwise (guilty). And you clearly have no intention of doing that.
We are all "believers" in the sense that we make judgments about ideas.
We don't have to believe a judgment to make judgment.
HOW a person makes judgments is what we are discussing.
No, what you are discussing is how you think they should be making judgments. I'm trying to point out that this is not our job. Nor our responsibility. We are not here to correct anyone else's judgment process (unless they are asking us to). We are here to share our own, so other people can draw what they want or need from that, and we can do likewise from them.
It's what I do. Notice you push back on my explanations and try to poke holes in what I say that don't really address the evidence, rather the process. On another thread you stated that science doesn't make life better, but then said that it is a choice to use science to make life better. You seem to be your own victim with your bias against science, but also the recognition that science does make life better. You have work to do for your own clarity. You can't debate with such inner confusion.
I have a very discerning mind when it comes to conceptual details after many years of study and practice. I can see subtle but important differences often when others cannot. But instead of learning from this, all many want to do is defend themselves, blindly and stupidly, and so they ignore the subtle but important distinctions that I point out to them by insisting that they aren't there.

But that's not for me to fix. All I can do is offer what I have to offer and if they can't accept it because their ego is hurt that's their issue to deal with. Not mine. So I move on.
Speak for yourself. You like to confuse yourself to fit your agenda and beliefs, which includes bias against science and reason.
I am neither confused nor do I hold to any particular "belief". My first goal is to be honest and my second goal is to be logically precise. I do take the time to explain to people why I define words and ideas the way I do but they ignore this because their goal is to negate whatever I say instead of learning from it, or even just leaving it be if they have no interest in it.
What does this have to do with the fact that you insist we aren't equipped to debate, but are arguing your position (which is irony at work, are you even self-aware of it?).
Very few people are actually equipped to debate anything. Which is why "debates" here pretty much always fall into name-calling and endless tit-for-tat talking past each other with no possible resolution, ever. And to be honest, I really don't think debate is an especially effective means of sharing valuable diverse perspectives, anyway. It's too much of an antagonistic methodology.
You write posts about yourself that you phrase as if you are referring to some other category of people. More of your inner confusion?
We are all members of the same collective, and yet we are all unique individuals. I am not confused about this at all, even as I can speak at any time from either perspective. I'm sorry if this confuses others, but I can't un-confuse them. They have to do that for themselves.
More of the "others", and nothing about yourself?
They ARE me and I AM them ... generally speaking. Specifically, though, not so much. (I am a Taoist, remember, so this makes complete sense to me.)

A lot of people around here tend to fall into the "Nut-huh, YOU did!" argument. They think that if they can accuse the accuser of the accusation being aimed at them, that this somehow magically negates the accusation when in fact all they did was further sustain it. I long ago got tired of responding to this kind of childish nonsense and the people that do it are so intellectually immature that they would only fight any response I gave them, anyway. So why bother?
And you are again rejecting the meaning of "critial thinkers" who are those with skilled reasoning ability. Why are you avoiding the real meanings and going off on some invented definition?
I'm not the one having trouble understanding it. I have participated in professional criticism for many decades. Still do on occasion. I understand how it works and what it's for. And it's not what I see you and some others here thinking it is.
More of your inner conflict that you can't reconcile?
We humans are; "wonderfully and frightfully made" - so saith the the Book of Eclesiastes. I have no problem with the yin and the yang creating and upholding each other as they express the 'Way of All Being' (Tao). I am neither confused nor one-dimensional.
Could it be you see yourself as those you have contempt for, and this is confusing?
It's uplifting: "I am he as you are he as you are me
And we are all together" :)
I suspect you need to examine why you have bias against science and reason so you can let go of your inner conflict.
I am not biased against science. Or atheists. I think science is a very powerful and potentially elevating endeavor. I am very worried, however, about this weird pseudo-worship of science as the singular fountain of all things good and true. And especially so when I can see that the people engaged in it cannot see themselves engaged in it. AND they are so intent on fighting against any hint of it.

It's spooky, and it won't end well.
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Well-Known Member
Are you saying that the modern professional linguists of today view ancient writing to be *literally* magical and represent literal magical incantations, or are you saying that they believed the ancient writers themselves considered their writing to be literally magical and magical incantations?

For the main part the vast majority of professionals consider that only the writers believed in the magic and it has no power otherwise. HOWEVER a significant minority act as though it's effective magic and this is part what drives them to try to understand,. A very few apparently believe that the magic was real and they want to find a means to visit the dead kings in heaven. Even more professionals believe that if we better understood this magic then we'd better understand the writers and ourselves.

Of course it's all balderdash because there is no belief in magic for the original authors. I've proven this but it is ignored. It was by coming to understand the meaning that I was able to see that there is no infrastructure for magic. You can't believe in magic if you have no word that means or even connotes "belief". Because I understand the writing I can see that it breaks Zipf's Law and there are not even any abstractions!!! An Egyptologist can't even get out of bed without reciting a litany of abstractions but the very concept of "abstract" didn't even exist!!@! They can't see this because it doesn't coincide with their beliefs. I can see it not because I'm intelligent (I'm not) or because I'm more expert than they (I'm not), I can see it because I understand it. I understand it because I started with a different set of beliefs. I believe everyone makes sense in terms of their premises so I seek not meaning in words but rather premises. People are open books to me because of what they say. My models assume every sentence makes sense and then they attempt to manifest the premises that led to such a statement.

Ancient premises were mostly coincidentally similar to my own. I've always been lazy enough to seek the simple and I organized my knowledge around simple and my thought around jumping to conclusions (which is the only exercise my mind ever gets any longer). It isn't purely coincidence because I started with simple assumptions like that reality is only what it appears to be. Then experiment shows everybody sees this reality in terms of what they believe and express it in terms of their premises.

Such is life.

There were no Gods and no mechanism that would allow the invention of God(s). People were wired to nature by means of their brains and a metaphysical language. "God" and "Gods" are a 4000 year old invention that arose with abstraction in the dust of the tower of babel.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
You don't own the public forum. So you don't get to tell other people what they must keep private. If they want to share their faith choices, they can. You are not expected to choose them just because they have. And you are not in charge of judging and correcting theirs. Even though you apparently think you are.
I never demanded that people keep their religion to themselves. Public ideas will always be confronted, especially those that condemn others of non belief.

If they don't like honest non belief then don't post to a public debate forum.

If you can sit there and correct me, then others should feel free to voice their opposition.


The Lost One
All of the most ancient writing is believed to be magic and incantation by linguists. All of it. Nowhere does it define the nature of "God" or exactly how "Gods" are believed to do anything at all. This is the belief of ALL Egyptologists and Sumerologists. There is the story of Gilgamesh which is widely believed to date back to even before 3200 BC which clearly is not magic and incantation but I do not consider this an exception due to the fact every early version is so highly fragmented it's impossible to determine if it's a "story" or not.

There are new researchers who say that our translations of the story and utterly wrong and the meaning is wholly distinct from what is believed. The professionals got everything wrong because of Champollion. Young was much closer to the reality but Champollion lies at the root of the last two centuries of madness and led to to Darwin, Freud, et al. We reason in circles so when our premises are wrong we are wrong.

It is highly illogical to try to deduce anything at all from a book of magic. But Egyptologists started with the assumption that "gods" (neters) were imaginary consciousnesses because this is what "God" meant to the authors of the "book of the dead". Once you start with a false assumption you will reason back to that assumption which is why I often call our species "homo circularis rationatio". It's what we do and "homo omnniscience" is the result of what we do. By reasoning in circles we have each learned everything giving us both the right and the duty to attack heretics, naysayers, and anyone who argues against Holy Scripture.

Any ancient people or any animal that put its fait in the hands of God would quickly become extinct because their neighbors or their animal competitors would always eat their lunch. Ancient people used logic and science to thrive. Success was based not on "fitness" as Darwin believed nor on "superstition" as archaeologists believe. It was based on consciousness, science, and knowledge (the Holy Trinity) also expressed as "Knowledge> Understanding> Creation". It was behavior and consciousness which invented cities and agriculture and after the tower of babel it created religion and it was religion that gave birth to "Gods" and "God".

If this isn't clear I can clarify or elaborate.

You were writing about how all Egyptologists and Sumerologists wrong with translations with ancient texts, and even bring up the Epic of Gilgamesh as an example.

Fine. But nowhere in the above post of yours did you list some of these alleged included the translations of the Epic of Gilgamesh, to support your claims that the translations were wrong.

Then you throw in a few names like Jean-François Champollion and Thomas Young, both of them were Egyptologists responsible for deciphering the Egyptian hieroglyphs from the Rosetta Stone during the early 19th century. Again, you say Champollion were wrong, and Young were right, but you have provide no specifics in which you have claims where Champollion was incorrect and Young were correct.

it is just more vague claims, but no specifics as where they were wrong and you are right. You do that a lot, making vague claims that you cannot support.

And besides that. Neither Champollion, nor Young, have ever translated the Epic of Gilgamesh, as both men were never responsible for translating Sumerian cuneiform texts.

Then you go and throw more names into your post, such as Freud and Darwin, where neither of them were ever in Egypt or in Iraq. None of these 2 men were ever responsible for translating Egyptian hieroglyphic or Sumerian cuneiform texts, and neither men were archaeologists or philologist/linguists…so why bring up Freud and Darwin, and blame both men for something they never did?

Plus, Champollion and Young weren't biologists, like Darwin. So not only Darwin's works have no bearing to Champollion's & Young's works, their works have no bearing on Darwin's biological theory. Their jobs have nothing to do with Darwin or with Freud.

You do that a lot. You bring up names of people being incorrect with their works, all vague (no specifics) and all unrelated…but hey you, cladking, are always right, as if you are omniscient.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Again, this is nonsense. A proposition is logically deemed undecided until one can determine if it is valid or not.

I'm no logician, but this struck me as wrong. It would be my assumption that propositional logic would be strictly true/false. I quickly found this:

"The most thoroughly researched branch of propositional logic is classical truth-functional propositional logic, which studies logical operators and connectives that are used to produce complex statements whose truth-value depends entirely on the truth-values of the simpler statements making them up, and in which it is assumed that every statement is either true or false and not both." LINK
I don't think you mean to refer to logic or propositions. Perhaps you mean to refer to a guess, a speculation, or perhaps even a hypothesis.


Veteran Member
That's just nonsense. What does their belief have to do with anything?
This is a debate forum where ideas are debated. Debating beliefs is why these sites exist. And guess what? YOU DO IT TOO. You argue for your beliefs. Why do you act as if you are above it?
Again, this is nonsense. A proposition is logically deemed undecided until one can determine if it is valid or not.
Yeah, not true, not false. That's why we non-believers don't believe: there's not adequate evidence for religious claims. We are not convinced.

And how is that nonsense? Care you explain your belief?
To determine that a proposition is invalid until it is proven to be valid to the person that has already determined it to be invalid is that old "kangaroo court" thing that so many atheists really, REALLY love to engage in.
Most religious claims are invalid due to a lack of evidence. And others are invalid due to fallacies. In any event religious claims routinely fail because they aren't arguable.
Philosophy is not a court of law, and does not follow the same logical rules or restrictions. If it were, you would have to default to the proposition being valid (innocent) until you could prove it otherwise (guilty). And you clearly have no intention of doing that.
Why should philosophy have a lower standard than the law? The bottom line is standards for truth, and those who have low standards won't find any truth.
We don't have to believe a judgment to make judgment.
I'm not sure what you mean.
No, what you are discussing is how you think they should be making judgments. I'm trying to point out that this is not our job. Nor our responsibility. We are not here to correct anyone else's judgment process (unless they are asking us to). We are here to share our own, so other people can draw what they want or need from that, and we can do likewise from them.
How people make judgments is crucial, and there are standards like logic that govern good judgment. It is the poor judgment of people who have poor arguments. That is why the reasoning process is critical. That is why skill is crucial. It is believers in dubious ideas that avoid reasoning and skill, because that isn't how they arrived at their beliefs. And when they try to argue for their beliefs they fail. Lack of evidence, lack of skill.
But that's not for me to fix. All I can do is offer what I have to offer and if they can't accept it because their ego is hurt that's their issue to deal with. Not mine. So I move on.
Debate is a shared experience, and participants should want to work towards what is true. That comes from following evidence. Sometimes there is no rational conclusion, and that is what is revealed.
I am neither confused nor do I hold to any particular "belief". My first goal is to be honest and my second goal is to be logically precise. I do take the time to explain to people why I define words and ideas the way I do but they ignore this because their goal is to negate whatever I say instead of learning from it, or even just leaving it be if they have no interest in it.
I'm sure you believe this. I've seen times when you are like this, but often you are not. I think you are still sorting out some fundamental things, but are impatient.
Very few people are actually equipped to debate anything. Which is why "debates" here pretty much always fall into name-calling and endless tit-for-tat talking past each other with no possible resolution, ever. And to be honest, I really don't think debate is an especially effective means of sharing valuable diverse perspectives, anyway. It's too much of an antagonistic methodology.
I disagree. There are quite a few very well equipped debaters. I will say the claimants are often so bad that even mediocre skill is adquate to expose the poor judgment.
We are all members of the same collective, and yet we are all unique individuals.
I'm not.
I am not confused about this at all, even as I can speak at any time from either perspective. I'm sorry if this confuses others, but I can't un-confuse them. They have to do that for themselves.
Yet your posts suggest otherwise. If it was only me that has noticed this, then you might have a point.
They ARE me and I AM them ... generally speaking. Specifically, though, not so much. (I am a Taoist, remember, so this makes complete sense to me.)
Then say "we". When you refer to "them" that means not you.
A lot of people around here tend to fall into the "Nut-huh, YOU did!" argument. They think that if they can accuse the accuser of the accusation being aimed at them, that this somehow magically negates the accusation when in fact all they did was further sustain it. I long ago got tired of responding to this kind of childish nonsense and the people that do it are so intellectually immature that they would only fight any response I gave them, anyway. So why bother?
This is why having integrity and standards is important. When a person lacks these for the sake of their dogma then they can't debate successfully, or be logically coherent. They have much to learn. Will they listen? That is a lesson too.
I'm not the one having trouble understanding it. I have participated in professional criticism for many decades. Still do on occasion. I understand how it works and what it's for. And it's not what I see you and some others here thinking it is.
As I have noted you are able. You just have strong biases that inhibit a consistency. Your disdain against science and atheists are notable.
I am not biased against science. Or atheists.
Yet your words show you are. Bias tends to be a blind spot. I suggest you listen when others notice it.
I think science is a very powerful and potentially elevating endeavor. I am very worried, however, about this weird pseudo-worship of science as the singular fountain of all things good and true. And especially so when I can see that the people engaged in it cannot see themselves engaged in it. AND they are so intent on fighting against any hint of it.
This is vague, so I'm not sure what you mean. It wasn't science that dropped atomic bombs on Japan, it was politicians. Atomic bombs are just how nature works, and until humans are more reliable and stable there will continue to be a threat for their use again. Frankly I'm impressed w have gotten this far. But with the rise of authoritarians worldwide I worry the unreliable leaders might lead the world into more war.


Veteran Member
I'm no logician, but this struck me as wrong. It would be my assumption that propositional logic would be strictly true/false. I quickly found this:

"The most thoroughly researched branch of propositional logic is classical truth-functional propositional logic, which studies logical operators and connectives that are used to produce complex statements whose truth-value depends entirely on the truth-values of the simpler statements making them up, and in which it is assumed that every statement is either true or false and not both." LINK
I don't think you mean to refer to logic or propositions. Perhaps you mean to refer to a guess, a speculation, or perhaps even a hypothesis.
No one is suggesting that we presume a proposition to be "both" true and false. Though most are depending on their relative context. Basic logic dictates that we not presume any conclusion until we have the sufficient factual context to do so. And the fact that you are trying to argue with this is inexplicable considering that ou fancy yourself to be among the "critical thinker" crowd.


Veteran Member
I never demanded that people keep their religion to themselves. Public ideas will always be confronted, especially those that condemn others of non belief.
Yes, and usually for the wrong reason. Namely, ego. In which case the confrontation achieves nothing of value.
If they don't like honest non belief then don't post to a public debate forum.
No one cares about "non-belief". It's just meaningless gibberish coming from people that lack the clarity, honesty, and courage to state and defend their own position.
If you can sit there and correct me, then others should feel free to voice their opposition.
Attacking theists for being theists isn't voicing opposition. It's attacking theists for being theists. I attack cowards and bullies that call themselves atheists, but then try to run and hide when they're asked to defend their atheism. Even though they constantly attack theists and demand the same justification.

I think they deserve it.