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Atheists and their jargon of insults

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
The philosophy of science limits itself to only things outside us, that can be sensed by the five senses, that we all share.
Humans have 5 senses, maybe.
Other creatures have different ones and sometimes more of them.
No human can echo locate a Moth. Bats can.

Regardless, we can construct instruments that can observe and measure things we subjective limited organic life forms cannot. That are beyond our perception.
Electron microscopes, Telescopes, X-ray machines, Sonar, Radar and many more.


Nothing my eye, Something for sure

What you believe or don't believe is no one's business. All that matters to us is what you assert to be true for us. And since most of these idiot-atheists I encounter assert nothing but that all theists are wrong, they are of no import or consequence to the discussion at all. They are just childish, self-centered annoyances.

Only if they assert them as being true for me. I make such assertions often, but only within the limitations of our all being human.

And it's obviously a big waste of time. Because nothing you post is going to effect the fundi's convictions. They've already heard it and rejected it.

Those aren't "gods", those are god-concepts. It's good to discuss and debate these but it's going to be pointless bickering if we aren't going to address the concepts themselves instead of arguing belief against belief. Belief comes from ego. And the ego blindly auto-defends itself.

That's a political issue, and your own business, respectively. Not theism.

I am against people hiding their bias behind silly labels. Let's either state our positions and discuss/debate them, or shut up and listen until we determine what our position is.

No one cares about what isn't real to you. And there's no reason you should care, either.

Where are you getting the idea that you're being asked to? All any of us can do is share our experience and understanding with each other. And then let others take what they will from it, as we do the same. There is no "fight" here. No one can force anyone to agree to anything. Only a fool would try.
Why should anyone care that your attack on atheists matters? Everything your saying should apply to yourself as well, no?

You are not going to change the atheist mindset right?

People do change their minds. I've heard of RF posters expressing so. Debate is for the benefit of open minded argument. Plenty of people on the fence come and go.

Your demanding that atheists remain quiet so theists can remain unchallenged in their assertions.

The points your making go both ways.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
What you believe or don't believe is no one's business. All that matters to us is what you assert to be true for us. And since most of these idiot-atheists I encounter assert nothing but that all theists are wrong, they are of no import or consequence to the discussion at all. They are just childish, self-centered annoyances.
Speak for yourself PureX.
I am always interested to know a poster's basic position, it makes it that so much easier to understand the context of their statements and arguments. As for your description of Atheists as idiots, well, I am Agnostic, but they are not the ones who make un-testable claims, that are not founded on logic nor science.
Those who live in glass houses, should not throw stones.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
That's a political issue, and your own business, respectively. Not theism.
Obviously theism and politics are both intertwined when considering the nature and ambitions of a theocratic government.
It's the business or within the remit of theists, to answer questions, about theocracy and theocratic rule.


Veteran Member

What you believe or don't believe is no one's business.
Yet you have no probelm telling us what you believe.

Oddly debate forums are all about stating beliefs, and how they were arrived at, and through discourse the truth is distilled from what's false.
All that matters to us is what you assert to be true for us.
There's more than juststaing beliefs. Trump supporters only state beliefs, and can't explain how their beliefs are true (due to reliance on disinformation media). The same with creationists. As I have said, it is the process, the discourse, that matters, not just stating beliefs.
And since most of these idiot-atheists I encounter assert nothing but that all theists are wrong, they are of no import or consequence to the discussion at all. They are just childish, self-centered annoyances.
And here comes your extreme bias at work again.


Well-Known Member
It is frustrating dealing with other peoples' beliefs especially when they have almost no basis in reality and are derived principally from what they think they know. I try to keep in mind that I'm not really any better. Like everyone ultimately I only know what I've been told. Of course in my case I know a few things like that mathematics is real and consistent, reality is more highly complex than almost any believer can imagine, and that my ignorance is near total. I know my every action has repercussions that will reverberate and amplify through time "forever" (or however long time lasts).

I just keep reminding myself that no matter whose opinion it is, it has no effect whatsoever on reality. They can act on their stupid opinions and unforeseen consequences might destroy us all but opinions never hurt or affected anyone but the one who holds the opinion. This is the scariest thing about the modern age. Our most powerful, tools, weapons, and knowledge is in the hands of fools and our foibles.

Homo omnisciencis knows everything except the consequences of his silliest actions. We don't do predictions and some of those in power can't see beyond the tips of their own noses.


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I suggest that "critical thinker" is a skilled thinker. It's not an absolute. We are allk prone to error, and part of debate as a critical thinker is being open to adjust understanding and knowledge to better inform conclusions. I've been plenty wrong about many things, and I do my best to adjust. It's not about making perfect judgments, it's a process like science that adjusts to more accurate ways of knowing and understanding.

As we see there are some members on the forum that have a problem with reason, and even facts, and they have personal bias that leads them to attack this process. It is akin to Trump attacking the media to discredit the reliability of reporting. So when I see someone attack critical thinking, they know they are on the losing side of an issue.

I don't know if this is directly relevant, but I'm often reminded of the Asch Conformity Experiments (Asch conformity experiments - Wikipedia).

It's fascinating how people can be pressured by those around them into believing something that they can see with their own eyes is not true.

It may not be a matter of flawed thinking, but sometimes, people might be tricked into doubting themselves and their own perceptions of reality. Or it could be just a matter of intimidation and peer pressure. Internet echo chambers can also carry a certain measure of that.


Veteran Member
Atheists and their jargon of insults

Is it Reasonable to Compare Gods with Bigfoot, Fairies, Unicorns, and Leprechauns?
When they failed to give any positive " Evidence" for their own ism/s, they used to see Bigfoot, Fairies, Unicorns, and Leprechauns or Flying Kettle in the air, but it is a thing of the past, now, they have reformed, right?
It was a sort of their rhetoric, right?
If somebody still mocks at the believers with their rhetoric /rants, I don't mind, as it only exposes the hollowness of their ism/ianity, please, right?



Well-Known Member
Atheists and their jargon of insults

Is it Reasonable to Compare Gods with Bigfoot, Fairies, Unicorns, and Leprechauns?

If somebody still mocks at the believers with their rhetoric /rants, I don't mind, as it only exposes the hollowness of their ism/ianity,

I sometimes think that religious people would more aptly be called "experiencers" than "believers" which is a term that could be reserved for those who believe in science rather than understanding it. In any case I don't know why "experiencers" (or believers) need to be insulted continually.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
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Everyone else have been frustrated by your claims and your beliefs that are unscientific and with no basis in reality, eg, your beliefs in 40,000 year old science & language.
I don't understand the sort of cocktail party understanding of science that is frequently offered. And I don't have any great understanding of the evolution of personal syncretic belief systems that incorporate that cocktail science, science fiction and pseudoscience with dribs and drabs of various religious mythologies and socio-political views either. Having all that delivered as if factual, revealed truth under a patina of omniscience with heaping helpings of logical fallacies and seemingly willful ignorance is something I find frustrating. But I find the best way to beat it is not to play the game.


Veteran Member
I don't know if this is directly relevant, but I'm often reminded of the Asch Conformity Experiments (Asch conformity experiments - Wikipedia).

It's fascinating how people can be pressured by those around them into believing something that they can see with their own eyes is not true.

It may not be a matter of flawed thinking, but sometimes, people might be tricked into doubting themselves and their own perceptions of reality. Or it could be just a matter of intimidation and peer pressure. Internet echo chambers can also carry a certain measure of that.
I've cited this study quite a few times when there is someone who consistently repeats untrue claims that are part of their social sphere. Much of this behavior is a response to stress, of being outcast and of being shamed. The book Emotional Intelligence covers this in the first part of the book. It cites fMRI and pet scans of brains to reveal what parts are being used when a person thinks certain ideas. The emotion and rewards centers are typically activated in cases of dogma. Reasoning and problem solving activates the frontal lobes. Those asked to ponder religious ideas typically bypassed the frontal lobes.


Veteran Member
I sometimes think that religious people would more aptly be called "experiencers" than "believers"
The religious "experience" their own beliefs as adopted from social experiences, so self-induced and circular. It's not like getting on a roller coaster and experiencing the sensations.
which is a term that could be reserved for those who believe in science rather than understanding it.
As interaction with you reveals it is YOU who has beliefs about science, and lacks understanding how it works. You accuse those who are well educated as having beliefs while you post fantastic nonsense. So irony at work.
In any case I don't know why "experiencers" (or believers) need to be insulted continually.
It's a debate forum, and many, like yourself, has strong, absurd beliefs that are baseless. Yet you refuse to adjust your misunderstanding and beliefs when you are corrected. So the blame falls on you.


Well-Known Member
As interaction with you reveals it is YOU who has beliefs about science, and lacks understanding how it works.

I'm a metaphysician. As such I don't really know how science is supposed to work. Those who understand science don't know much of anything including how science works.

It's like a paradox isn't it? Zeno would be rolling in his grave if he didn't know he first had to roll half way and then another half and another half. It's easier to just rest in peace. If we could harness the energy of all the ancient people spinning in their graves we wouldn't even need green energy. Perhaps this may be possible someday since I heartell that archaeologists find graves to desecrate by listening for the spinning.

I don't believe much of anything at all simply because I don't know much of anything at all. I leave this for the believers in science.

It's a debate forum, and many, like yourself, has strong, absurd beliefs that are baseless. Yet you refuse to adjust your misunderstanding and beliefs when you are corrected. So the blame falls on you.

This has been made painfully clear here. Anyone who doesn't accept dogma, doctrine, and the Holy Scripture of Science is fair game.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm a metaphysician. As such I don't really know how science is supposed to work. Those who understand science don't know much of anything including how science works.

It's like a paradox isn't it? Zeno would be rolling in his grave if he didn't know he first had to roll half way and then another half and another half. It's easier to just rest in peace. If we could harness the energy of all the ancient people spinning in their graves we wouldn't even need green energy. Perhaps this may be possible someday since I heartell that archaeologists find graves to desecrate by listening for the spinning.

I don't believe much of anything at all simply because I don't know much of anything at all. I leave this for the believers in science.

This has been made painfully clear here. Anyone who doesn't accept dogma, doctrine, and the Holy Scripture of Science is fair game.
No. Anyone that manufactures their own facts without presenting any evidence that those manufactured things are facts while constantly repeating them as truths has opened themselves up to challenge.

Your persecuted straw man is noted.

Your move.


Veteran Member
I'm a metaphysician.
How much does that pay?
As such I don't really know how science is supposed to work.
The first accurate thing you’ve said.
Those who understand science don't know much of anything including how science works.
But how would you know since you admitted you don’t know how science works?
It's like a paradox isn't it?
You succeed at confusing yourself.
Zeno would be rolling in his grave if he didn't know he first had to roll half way and then another half and another half.
He’s not here to help you out.

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
I'm a metaphysician. As such I don't really know how science is supposed to work.
Really? It's not that complicated. Essentially science is the objective methodological investigation into the natural and physical universe, from the microscopic to the macroscopic. Scientists do this, by making observations measurements inferences and preforming experiments, in order to put together a framework of understanding, based on the empirically derived data. This is called a scientific theory, it will almost always have both a descriptive explanation and more importantly a mathematical model that can be used to make predictions about physical systems and entities.

For example.

The equation E=MC2 mathematically quantifies the relationship between mass and energy, which can be used to make predictions about the results of conversions of mass into energy and visa versa. Very handy in nuclear physics for example. When working out the potential yields of an atomic weapon, given any amount of supercritical explosive.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I sometimes think that religious people would more aptly be called "experiencers" than "believers" which is a term that could be reserved for those who believe in science rather than understanding it. In any case I don't know why "experiencers" (or believers) need to be insulted continually.

I certainly agree that one should not intentionally insult others. Nothing is accomplished by that.

I would ask, though, what is the appropriate way to challenge a myth that is presented as fact? If a myth is a fiction held to be true by the myth holder, does merely pointing that out automatically rise to the level of an insult to the myth holder? That doesn't seem intellectually honest or fair.