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Atheists believe in miracles more than believers


Well-Known Member
Darwin believed in countless miracles from linear progress to a Creator Who turned over speciation to fitness.

A thought just occurred to me!

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound?

If there were no thinking humans to ponder the fossil record and Darwin was right that every individual was the same species as its parents then could dinosaurs have evolved into birds? We are like Gods since without us birds couldn't chirp or the flowers bloom. Who needs bees when homo omnisciencis rules?


Well-Known Member
Darwin believed in countless miracles from linear progress to a Creator Who turned over speciation to fitness.

A thought just occurred to me!

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound?

If there were no thinking humans to ponder the fossil record and Darwin was right that every individual was the same species as its parents then could dinosaurs have evolved into birds? We are like Gods since without us birds couldn't chirp or the flowers bloom. Who needs bees when homo omnisciencis rules?

Life itself is a miracle bestowed by science and Charles Darwin.


Veteran Member
You've told me before that every birth is the exact same species evolution be damned and every death is of the unfit unless the individual had X or more off spring.,

I have no idea what you are babbling about. I think you don't either.
Sounds like you are mixing things up. Not sure if it's on purpose or not.

It's a miracle. The nature of an individual life is determined by mother nature independently of conception and the individual is unfit unless it lives to a ripe old age.
How is it even possible this can be seen as a scientific argument? It's a miracle!

Yes, yes, it's a "miracle" that the individual who can outrun a lion is more likely to outrun a lion then the individual that can't.

A lion can run up to 50 MPH and no homo sapien could. By your logic I am proven correct that homo sapiens are extinct. The fossil record shows beyond doubt that homo sapiens weren't fast enough. The science is settled. Case closed. Just stay in bed tomorrow we're done now.



"Nature" "reality" is not just a bunch of individuals and species. It is the interaction of every particle in the universe along with the behavior of every individual. This behavior is the result of consciousness and learning in every individual but homo omnisciencis. "Reality" is composed of cause and effect and is the constellation of processes that Darwin failed to describe. The reality is a lion's kill is often consumed by hyenas. Our best abstraction (remember no abstraction is real) to describe this process is "cooperation". Despite being sworn enemies nothing goes to waste because nature would never create a life for the sole use as food. All individuals are equally fit.

Darwin believed in countless miracles from linear progress to a Creator Who turned over speciation to fitness. He believed in steady populations and that it wasn't necessary to understand consciousness to understand speciation. He believed in miracles and that he could induce the nature of reality itself using 19th century assumptions and beliefs. he believed that some conclusions were better than others and experiment wasn't necessary to theory.

His beliefs have already led to centuries of genocide.

In the practical world one could say "science" is chiefly a perspective and as such modern science has utterly failed. From anthropology to zoology science has failed because even most peers have made conclusions.



Well-Known Member
Life itself is a miracle bestowed by science and Charles Darwin.

And obviously we the all knowing willed ourselves into existence; "I think therefore I am".

Our power is absolute. It's a miracle. We are wholly dissimilar to every other life form since even reality itself is man made. There's only one reason a chicken could cross the road; to serve the needs of man.


Veteran Member
A thought just occurred to me!

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound?


If there were no thinking humans to ponder the fossil record and Darwin was right that every individual was the same species as its parents then could dinosaurs have evolved into birds?


We are like Gods since without us birds couldn't chirp or the flowers bloom. Who needs bees when homo omnisciencis rules?


Well-Known Member
I get your points. You aren't even trying to see mine.

Are you unaware that believers in science have spent hundreds (thousands) of posts over the last year maintaining that by definition every individual is the same species as its parents? This is one of YOUR arguments, not mine.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
In all honesty?!?!?! Good thing you stated IMO, because an emotional rant name calling post does not address the issue of proper use of scientific definitions. You have not provided any examples and definitions in your emotional rant.

I am a Theist and scientist with over 50 years experience and education.

Actually you have anti-science agenda concerning the sciences of evolution,

This thread is an example of the classic misuse of terms by some theists. How do you properly define "miracle."

Examples of how atheists fail to research definitions concerning science please!!!
Though an insult to you and @Dan From Smithville, I take the insults of claiming that rational thinkers are atheists as a compliment. And no, I do not believe that one has to be an atheist to reason rationally, but it is nice to be in a group generally recognized as being rational thinkers. Not just by @firedragon, but by every irrational thinker here.
Well since you bring up the subject of revelation I will paraphrase a math teacher of mine. Revelation is worthless, I will teach you to understand.
A very good lesson when it comes to reading a text vs understanding the concept.
i get you want to sound smart so I'm allowing you to lecture me but take notes of the statements you make so when i rebate you don't get confused as usual


Well-Known Member
View attachment 94070

This tiny little pile of debris that required less than .001% as much work as the Great Pyramid and was built by people many centuries later is known by the exact same word "pyramid". Its existence is then used to prove that pyramids were tombs built with ramps by ignorant and highly superstitious people for use as tombs. This tiny little rubble pile fits right into the culture that built it but not the earlier ones since there is no writing from the earlier times when real pyramids were built.

This is what passes for "science" today; semantics, assumptions, and scholarship. This is exactly the same methodology used by the Spanish Inquisition.
No true pyramid is it. That is an interesting variation. The caption for the picture explains it fairly well.
King Teti's pyramid as seen looking north . The casing stones are gone and the mud brick core has eroded to a pile of rubble. At the horizon left: the pyramids of Giza.

So is this part of the proof of Ancient Aliens that "scientists" are covering up as they root out heresy in their church?
I think the appropriate response is; You have jumped the shark.


Well-Known Member
A thought just occurred to me!

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound?

If there were no thinking humans to ponder the fossil record and Darwin was right that every individual was the same species as its parents then could dinosaurs have evolved into birds? We are like Gods since without us birds couldn't chirp or the flowers bloom. Who needs bees when homo omnisciencis rules?
Now this is a good example of metaphysics per the Oxford languages dictionary.
abstract theory with no basis in reality.
@Subduction Zone suporting accepting a burden proof? Jaja good luck with that……………..
The burden of proof is a legal standard that determines whether a legal claim is valid or invalid based on the evidence produced. It is the obligation to establish a contention as fact by evoking evidence of its probable truth. In other words, a party must produce sufficient evidence to support an allegation or argument.

please make sense of this.

1. I made a claim and mentioned my sources as evidence. All I have said so far is not a secret and it's out there for whosoever wishes to scrutinize and widely accepted as authentic materials in terms of reliability amongst others. Now to come here and pretend all I have said is a made-up tells me that you are intentionally playing dumb for the sake of argument or you need help reconciling these facts.

2. Most of the scriptural claims made are historic and therefore the methods or criteria used in determining the authenticity of these materials are applied. And today, it still stands as true. I don't hear any atheist saying the accounts of Alexander the Great are not reliable and they are used in schools today. The same for the Christian scriptures but only then do we find these people making claims and mockery of what has been presented many years ago.

please stop throwing around the burden of proof statement because you don't understand what it is and the premise it should be applied


Well-Known Member
I get your points. You aren't even trying to see mine.

Are you unaware that believers in science have spent hundreds (thousands) of posts over the last year maintaining that by definition every individual is the same species as its parents? This is one of YOUR arguments, not mine.
Yes, Saltation does not happen outside of the geological sense. We are still tetrapods, chordates, mammals, primates, apes etc. The current species is Homo sapiens though eventually it may split and the original line go extinct but our progeny will always be our progeny. Species by the way is a human invoked naming convention for organizational purposes and not an actual measureable quantity.

In biblical terms, everything reproduces after its kind. The observation is at the root of the nested hierarchy of evolution.


Well-Known Member
I was reading through some of those that quoted me negatively and those that agreed with those negative quotes. Given the sources, it should be amusing, but it isn't. I suppose it is an example of the enemy of my enemy is my friend and a continuation of let's pile on the "not a true Christian" as they see it I think.

I said to @leroy, "You do not seem to be able to admit error, I have watched you go to extraordinary effort to divert and avoid admitting errors and personal ignorance of the topics and discussion." What I said was my assessment of the evidence. Not seeming to be able to admit errors does not in any way mean, state, or support that errors are not admitted to by a person. A person could admit some errors and still not seem able to admit them in general. That is what I see happening. I did not say, as I was recently accused of saying, "he could not admit errors". It is clear from my posts that I never made that statement.

I shouldn't have to explain myself to people that claim the high moral ground for themselves, seem to hold pretensions of being error-free and all knowing and like to pick on others that don't agree with them. But I find I can't let that sort of nonsense go unanswered.

This should be the end of this nonsense surrounding what I said. I believe it was an accurate assessment based on the evidence and was not an accusation. It certainly was not the twisted version used to further accuse me. But I do recognize that some seem to support that way of doing things, sadly.

The only apologies warranted are apologies to me. Especially from the person that purposefully twisted what I said into a straw man.

A person could admit some errors and still not seem able to admit them in general
Even ignoring your semantic trick…………..you are still making an unsupported accusation……………where is your evidence that I don’t admit errors in general?,,,,,,,,,,,,,

It is still dishonest to make unsupported accusations


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Generally selects beneficial mutations? Really? Your assertion needs to have verification from something other than your words there.
Don't be obtuse.There have been millions of verifications since Darwin's time.

Pick up any biology journal and you can read of the latest observations. All of biology is based on the verifications. You learned how natural selection works in school. Farmer's have relied on selection for millennia. All the crops and livestock we use are a result of selection. Our pets' features were selected.
I'm sure you've read about peppered moths. Is that not a verification? You've heard of antibiotic resistance. How did that happen?


Well-Known Member
You do realise that atheists are not the only ones, who don’t think @leroy understand science, who don’t think he has done any research whatsoever.

All leroy has done in make a lot of unsubstantiated claims, make up his own definitions to words that no one else use.

@shunyadragon & @Dan From Smithville are theists, not atheists.

All leroy has done in make a lot of unsubstantiated claims,
care to provide an example?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The ongoing heralding of some atheists here that are upholding scientific claims in the form of conclusions despite the fact so many are presumptions + those that claim to believe in God but won't offer reasons why has been very educational.
What does atheism have to do with scientific literacy?
You've been told many times that science is not based on presumption. The conclusions are tested.