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Atheists believe in miracles more than believers

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Well, yes. If you assume methodlogical naturalism. But there is no verification for methodological naturalism. That is the base for that verification makes sense.

To understand the difference between truth/proof and evidence you have to do philosphy and philosophy of science.
I never claimed or implied that verification is proof. That was why I was being very careful with my terminology.

But how many times do I have to have a friend drop a hammer on my head before I realize that it is a bad idea to stand under a falling hammer. Sooner or later it is absurd to not treat some basic scientific ideas as facts. One should never stop trying to learn where or how they are wrong. But there are also times to accept them without too much judgement.

Looking for how our current ideas are wrong is a difficult but needed part of science. And of course one should apply that to methodological naturalism too. But one cannot go crazy in denying it. The time to test it is not when one is trying to cross a busy street or walking along a cliff edge.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Your example is too simple. Evolution relies on in part the assumption that the overall regularities of the present are the same for the past.
As far as I can tell that is what @YoursTrue doubt.
I would say that there more assumptions than that which are guiding the rejection of science.
Genesis must be interpreted as literal.
Anything that does not support that premise is false.
Science does not support a literal interpretation of Genesis.
Therefore, it is false.

Also, and incidental to the discussion.

Any person that claims to be Christian must interpret Genesis as literal and factual.
Any Christian that does not is a false Christian.

While not being stated directly (Heaven forbid), it can be interpreted to exist based on how I have been "handled" and treated in these discussions.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Your example is too simple. Evolution relies on in part the assumption that the overall regularities of the present are the same for the past.
As far as I can tell that is what @YoursTrue doubt.
No, such a simple concept is needed for her to understand the sciences. I gave the warning that it was very simple. As to a belief that things were different in the past the burden of proof would be upon her since every force or event that we can test appears to be the same now as in the past. I have already said that scientists do have to keep an open mind, but you seem to need to realize who has the burden of proof and why.


My own religion
I never claimed or implied that verification is proof. That was why I was being very careful with my terminology.

But how many times do I have to have a friend drop a hammer on my head before I realize that it is a bad idea to stand under a falling hammer. Sooner or later it is absurd to not treat some basic scientific ideas as facts. One should never stop trying to learn where or how they are wrong. But there are also times to accept them without too much judgement.

Looking for how our current ideas are wrong is a difficult but needed part of science. And of course one should apply that to methodological naturalism too. But one cannot go crazy in denying it. The time to test it is not when one is trying to cross a busy street or walking along a cliff edge.

Yeah, as long as objective reality is real and fair, that belief system of verification works. BTW I believe in it too.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, yes. If you assume methodlogical naturalism. But there is no verification for methodological naturalism. That is the base for that verification makes sense.

To understand the difference between truth/proof and evidence you have to do philosphy and philosophy of science.
The philosophy of science is what I can consider to be the philosophy relevant to science and not nebulous, empty and repeated reference to metaphysics. Reference that has been left unsubstantiated in any event.

I'm reading some introductory work on the philosophy of science right now. It is fascinating, but I don't pretend to be an expert philosopher as a result.


My own religion
I would say that there more assumptions than that which are guiding the rejection of science.
Genesis must be interpreted as literal.
Anything that does not support that premise is false.
Science does not support a literal interpretation of Genesis.
Therefore, it is false.

Also, and incidental to the discussion.

Any person that claims to be Christian must interpret Genesis as literal and factual.
Any Christian that does not is a false Christian.

While not being stated directly (Heaven forbid), it can be interpreted to exist based on how I have been "handled" and treated in these discussions.

Yeah, we agree. But the point is that @Pogo used methodlogical naturalism. I am just pointed out how that in effect is also a belief system. BTW it is the one I believe in.


My own religion
The philosophy of science is what I can consider to be the philosophy relevant to science and not nebulous, empty and repeated reference to metaphysics. Reference that has been left unsubstantiated in any event.

I'm reading some introductory work on the philosophy of science right now. It is fascinating, but I don't pretend to be an expert philosopher as a result.

Well, in effect the problem are really in epistemology and logic for the justification of knowledge as such.
Metaphysics is not so much a problem as the 2 other ones.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
And verification is as good as it gets in the sciences. There is no absolute proof. but the theory of evolution has been verified millions of times in millions of ways. Creationism at best has only been shown to be wrong in claim after claim.
When has it been shown wrong?
I argue that it's "not even wrong".

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, in effect the problem are really in epistemology and logic for the justification of knowledge as such.
Metaphysics is not so much a problem as the 2 other ones.
I don't have any real issues with metaphysics and any application to science, but @cladking bandies it about without apparent understanding, explanation or connection to the discussions where it is raised.

It seems to be used like a club in those many instances to beat on others with and without need or reason.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
the Bible ... can be properly used as a source for lessons on how to treat your fellow human beings.
Funny you should say that. Do you really believe that or are you just being friendly? I can't find anything of value there. You surely don't mean that there is a lesson on treating others in the story of the kids left alone with the snake, choosing knowledge of good and evil over unquestioning obedience, and then they and all of their descendants punished severely for that.

Nor can you mean the story about the god who created man, regretted his own engineering failures, nearly sterilized of all terrestrial life to correct its error, but used the same breeding stock and wound up with the same species with the same sin nature. What life lesson does that teach?

Or how about the Tower. Again man strives to grow as with the apple in the garden and is punished. Is there a message on how to treat one's fellow human being there?

I really don't understand why people praise those stories. Believers have to, but unbelievers are free to call it like they see it. Do you really see value there? Is there value for you? Not one ethical principle I subscribe to comes out of that book or any other. Where there is overlap, that's coincidence. If I don't murder, it's not because I was told not to, and reading those words not only had little effect on me, it doesn't on adherents, either. How many love one another? How many don't lie?

What do you think?
Here is your error. The Iliad and the Odessey just like the New Testament were not historical documents. They may contain facts but to treat them as historical is to completely misunderstand them. They are representations of truth within the context of a religion. Treating them as truth of factual events is to degrade their meaning.
I agree with your main point: historical fiction is not history.

I'll ask you the same thing as I asked Subduction Zone. Do you really find meaning in those books? I've read them both, enjoyed them with their characters and feats of daring and hubris, but that's also Star Wars, which also taught me nothing. Nor Harry Potter, nor The Hobbit. It's all just entertainment to me.

Digression: An interesting distinction between all of these books just mentioned and the Bible is that nobody ever says that one need divine assistance to understand them or a special way of reading them. Maybe that's because nobody's trying to believe that they aren't just stories. Throw in that any of these come from a god, and that's when we hear that from the believers if someone tells them that they're just the words of man and are often vague, ambiguous, incorrect, or self-contradictory. That's when the magical reading method is, and anybody who sees these things just doesn't know the proper way to read them.
Just wondering what scientists say makes - causes a mutation.
I gave you two mechanism for point mutations.

Or try Google. If you're unfamiliar, here's a demonstration: https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+causes+a+mutation?
Reality is immutable but human estimation of reality is highly ephemeral because we see what we believe. Every theory is founded not in reality but in our definitions and beliefs.
Fortunately, you don't use that kind of thinking in daily life. You wouldn't be able to get out of bed. What's really out there outside of bed? How are consciousness, fitness, theories, and metaphysics deceiving me?

Instead, you get up, go about your day maybe working, shopping, driving, etc.. with little to no difficulty, then come home to ruminate on how nothing can be known, science is wrong, and the like.
Life is very complicated and so are the causes of speciation. How anyone thinks you can summarize it with "survival of the fittest" while ignoring consciousness and communication is beyond me.
Are you aware that there are other kingdoms beside animals that also evolve? Plants and fungi also evolve. They speciate. And they do so unconsciously.

But you probably call them conscious, although I doubt that you try to communicate with them. Or maybe you do.

They communicate, but chemically, which is a metaphorical usage of the word. Here are the literal meaning of the word and one metaphorical use:


If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a sound?
No. It makes sound waves. It takes a brain and mind to convert that to and experience sound.
If there were no thinking humans to ponder the fossil record and Darwin was right that every individual was the same species as its parents then could dinosaurs have evolved into birds?
Could they? They did.

Don't be confused by the fact that once there were no humans, that every offspring is the same species as its parents, that humanity exists now, and that nevertheless, there were no first humans: Sorites Paradox (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
most people call "science" is a belief system used to guard the status quo.
Why should that matter? Most people don't know what science is. They just know that it has something to do with lamps glowing if you plug them in and turn them on and space probes.
Reality will forever be beyond what we see because every experiment shows we see what we believe.
Many RF posters like to address that, but I have no problem there. My understanding of reality, however filtered and distorted by the process that generates conscious content, tells me what I need to know to accomplish my goals. I can't actually use more knowledge about the ultimate nature of reality that lies outside of the mind and in part informs it.

Incidentally, now you're approaching a definition of metaphysics actually in use and the one I use.
The greatest fear for a man of reason is to make the world a better place by dying than all the good he ever did.
I am a man of reason who holds no such fear and have never heard anybody else but you make that comment.


Well-Known Member
But you claim your interpretation as the only valid interpretation.

No. I state everything as tautology to try to be understood. I believe change in species is sudden and caused by consciouasness.

I have no idea what homo omnisciencis circularis rationatio is or is supposed to represent.

I believe homo sapiens became extinct at the tower of babel and we are still to confused too be able to see it.

It is established that it is not a truism. Not only established on your failure to present an argument, but on the facts that change in living things is not universally sudden as demonstrated by all the evidence of change that has been presented.

You doubt the nature of abstraction!

NO! You have never explained anything you mean about consciousness and consciousness and evolution beyond the repetition of claims.

I have several times and seeing as how science lacks even a definition for the word it follows you can not refute it with experiment. My definition is founded in experiment and it's impossible for you to refute any part. Now you'll repeat your claim that science doesn't need any stinking definitions or experiment and that consciousness is directly observable in humans despite the evidence I've presented that consciousness applies to all life forms and least of all to humans. You will appeal to authority and old wives tales.

This is your opinion based on what you believe...

Exactly. We all reason in circles; homo circularis rationatio. We are confused and see only what we believe as demonstrated time and again by experiment. It's not just me and you confused but priests, scientists, and Charles Darwin.


Well-Known Member
Fortunately, you don't use that kind of thinking in daily life. You wouldn't be able to get out of bed. What's really out there outside of bed?

I try to use it in daily life by having no beliefs but my mind is still formatted by the language that confused us. I have built models of other ways to think but it's hard to live in them all the time I still usually experience "thought".

How are consciousness, fitness, theories, and metaphysics deceiving me?

They may not be true.

Even the best crafted theory must be modeled by each observer and no two models are identical. Those whose models come closest to being identical are often referred to as "Peers" by many.

Instead, you get up, go about your day maybe working, shopping, driving, etc.. with little to no difficulty, then come home to ruminate on how nothing can be known, science is wrong, and the like.

This is less true.

I perform ongoing experiments and observations. I discuss these beliefs with others. While nothing can be known other than what is experienced it's still a big world with much to learn. As a metaphysician I am learning different things than most.

No. It makes sound waves. It takes a brain and mind to convert that to and experience sound.

"Sound" is an abstraction so the question isn't even sound and can't have an answer.

This is pretty much the same plight every question suffers.

Don't be confused by the fact that once there were no humans, that every offspring is the same species as its parents, that humanity exists now, and that nevertheless, there were no first humans: Sorites Paradox (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

More abstractions and definitions that are meaningless to the reality that exists. It's like asking if unicorns were real how many young are typical from each pregnancy.

Why should that matter? Most people don't know what science is. They just know that it has something to do with lamps glowing if you plug them in and turn them on and space probes.

This is a discussion about science.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
No. I state everything as tautology to try to be understood. I believe change in species is sudden and caused by consciouasness.
I know that is your belief. Your belief is not fact and can be dismissed without further review.
I believe homo sapiens became extinct at the tower of babel and we are still to confused too be able to see it.
I know that is part of your belief system. There is nothing to support it as fact. You never have.

Again, something that can dismissed without further review.
You doubt the nature of abstraction!
Nebulous. No idea what this is supposed to tell anyone.
I have several times and seeing as how science lacks even a definition for the word it follows you can not refute it with experiment.
Never once have you supported your claims regarding consciousness, nor defined terms or shown any experiments.
My definition is founded in experiment and it's impossible for you to refute any part.
This is just another empty claim. There is nothing to refute. It can be ignored.
Now you'll repeat your claim that science doesn't need any stinking definitions or experiment and that consciousness is directly observable in humans despite the evidence I've presented that consciousness applies to all life forms and least of all to humans.
I've made no such claims. You've presented no evidence. You have defined no terms.

All you claim has no basis and none is ever offered. You post it like it is revealed truth. Religion. Not science.
You will appeal to authority and old wives tales.
No. Sorry. Reach all you like to nebulous denigration. I've been asking you and it is YOU that is non-repsonsive.
Exactly. We all reason in circles; homo circularis rationatio. We are confused and see only what we believe as demonstrated time and again by experiment. It's not just me and you confused but priests, scientists, and Charles Darwin.
I don't believe asking you to support and explain your claims is circular. At worst, it is joining you in your circle with the expectation that you will actually answer when history and the evidence tell me that you never will.

Again whatever it is that you mean homo circularis rationatio to represent is your own secret and meaningless to me, this conversation or science.

I'm not confused. I think the evidence supports that I have come to the best interpretation here.

You've never presented any valid experiment to support anything you have claimed.

Appealing to a list of people you claim are confused isn't helping, isn't supporting evidence for your claims or useful in any way. It tells me something, but that something is not flattering to you or your position.

What I see and have seen coming from you best fits with a religious position. And not one I'm interested in joining. It seems that your religion consists of a deity, a prophet and acolyte that all one person. A personal trinity. A polymeism.
Last edited:


My own religion
Isn't any philosophy tantamount to a belief system?

As a global general skeptic I believe that all systems of in effect knowledge are not really that, but belief systems.

In short nobody seems to have solved Agrippa's Trilemma and Descartes' evil demon. Combine those and you can understand how there is no proof or truth, but rather the axiomatic assumptions as per methodlogical naturalism for knowledge.

In other words science is as methodoligcal naturalism the acknowledgement that there is no proof or truth for the universe as such.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
No. I state everything as tautology to try to be understood. I believe change in species is sudden and caused by consciouasness.

I believe homo sapiens became extinct at the tower of babel and we are still to confused too be able to see it.

You doubt the nature of abstraction!

I have several times and seeing as how science lacks even a definition for the word it follows you can not refute it with experiment. My definition is founded in experiment and it's impossible for you to refute any part. Now you'll repeat your claim that science doesn't need any stinking definitions or experiment and that consciousness is directly observable in humans despite the evidence I've presented that consciousness applies to all life forms and least of all to humans. You will appeal to authority and old wives tales.

Exactly. We all reason in circles; homo circularis rationatio. We are confused and see only what we believe as demonstrated time and again by experiment. It's not just me and you confused but priests, scientists, and Charles Darwin.
And still no evidence from you supporting your prior claims. Just a repetition of a few of those claims.

I can't find the rhyme or reason of it outside of a prophet revealing his truth.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I try to use it in daily life by having no beliefs but my mind is still formatted by the language that confused us. I have built models of other ways to think but it's hard to live in them all the time I still usually experience "thought".

They may not be true.

Even the best crafted theory must be modeled by each observer and no two models are identical. Those whose models come closest to being identical are often referred to as "Peers" by many.

This is less true.

I perform ongoing experiments and observations. I discuss these beliefs with others. While nothing can be known other than what is experienced it's still a big world with much to learn. As a metaphysician I am learning different things than most.

"Sound" is an abstraction so the question isn't even sound and can't have an answer.

This is pretty much the same plight every question suffers.

More abstractions and definitions that are meaningless to the reality that exists. It's like asking if unicorns were real how many young are typical from each pregnancy.

This is a discussion about science.
Your side of it has all the trappings of being a religious discussion.

There's those nameless, faceless "Peers" again. The devil in the dark that is driving the global conspiracy to cover up your revealed truths.

I have wondered if you have tried publishing some of your unique ideas and they didn't get past the review phase. Thus this campaign where "Peers" are the devil.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
As a global general skeptic I believe that all systems of in effect knowledge are not really that, but belief systems.

In short nobody seems to have solved Agrippa's Trilemma and Descartes' evil demon. Combine those and you can understand how there is no proof or truth, but rather the axiomatic assumptions as per methodlogical naturalism for knowledge.

In other words science is as methodoligcal naturalism the acknowledgement that there is no proof or truth for the universe as such.
I tend to be a practical sort. I also tend to be different as a Christian than some I see here and really am interested to know things. So I read and seek to understand what it is that I read. I don't want to claim understanding I don't really have or miss that fact.

That is my view. No means to make absolute statements, since some unfound evidence could persist that would refute the absolute.