I agree with you. The problem is more about my knit picking the nature of analytical science tools. We can measure photons with a photometer. The device is designed to react to the photons, which is then equated to the photon properties. There is a middle man; matter; photons impacts matter and matter responds and this is interpreted. Both mean the same thing. Tools have a middle man. If I stand on an old fashion spring scale, my weight or force creates an opposing force, that moves the dial; action-reaction-output. If I touch a tree my brain is reacting to the sensors in my hand, which are activated by the texture of the tree and pressure I apply. This says the same thing with more detail.
I have been saying this for years. It has been known for some time that some aspect of the DNA hardly ever change, and some aspect have a higher rate of change. It is like two slot machines set side-by-side with two sets of odds. Life can load dice and count cards. The problem is the current empirical organic centric approach is not conductive to the logic needed to infer how and why. The standard approach is more of a result of statistical empiricism and is not a rational and logical model that can extrapolate and predict this.
This is why my approach iso have the water leading, creating organic equilibrium effects that are easier to infer with chemical logic using a basic set of principles, like the water and oil effect. Water and oil want to separate unless we add surfactants to get them to blend; tweak surface tension to dial in the perfect shape in water such a mutations.
The empirical approach to science is sort of similar to getting a new cell phone with a new operating system. At first it seems complicated. You can play with it and through trial and error learn how to use it. Or you can speed this up by reading the owners manual or listen to your peers show you their little tricks and hacks. Getting good at this does not require you have to understand how it works from the inside; hardware and software. This can stay in the black box.
The graphical user interface; GUT, of empirical science can be learned with trial and error, and provides an intuitive way to operate the hardware and software, without having to fully understand phenomena at that deeper level; can stay in the black box. My approach was from the inside. The cell phone is not randomly assembled, but has a logical order; space saving and component interfaces. While the software is based on computer logic. This is much harder to see from an organic centric POV, due to the endless variety of organic materials in life. Water is one thing and touches all the organics thereby simplifying the innards.
When I discuss evolution I do not stay at the GUT level, of statistical empiricism, but I try to also address the hardware and software, which then is mistaken for Creationism, since it seems like magic, if all you know is from the GUT. A GUT approach to evolution and life does not go all the way to the logic inside of life. There is room to improve evolution, but opening the black box takes way the foundation of the GUT approach and is resisted. One does not need to know about the hardware and software to turn the cell phone on and off or play video games. Why confuse things? The answer is if you know the innards and how they work, you can overclock the processor.
Maybe overclocking is too soon, and may looks like magic or religion to the empirical GUT crowd in science. But I am bored waiting and enjoy hacking the living state and the brain with the water logic of the innards.