What are pathetic is that you continue to misunderstand and misrepresent what “metric” means.
Metrics are units of measurement, like measuring volume of liquid by “litre”, and not by “cubic metre”, ”litre” or the symbol of litre with the letter “l”, those would be the metric. For a empty space or solid object, then cubic metre or m^3 would be used as metric.
if you were to measure the mass of physical objects, then the metric would be “gram” or ”g”, or “kilogram” or ”kg”, or the “metric tonne“ which equate to 1000 kg. These would be what you would be your metric for measuring masses.
if you were measuring electricity through conductors, then you could measure the electric current, so your metric would be “ampere” or “A”.
Your silly hypothesis A & observation B example, provided no measurements at all. What are you measuring exactly? Unless you know what you are measuring, you cannot have any metric. It is utter meaningless to talk of using A & B when there are nothing to measure.
Without specifics (as in more information of what you are talking) in your example of hypothesis A & observation B, then I got absolutely nothing to work with. What exactly are you trying “TO MEASURE“?
There are no specific measurements in your example, so it is meaningless to ask for metrics.
You expanded on your A & B, but you have picked the worse one.
There are no metrics for people’s testimonies.
Plus, testimonies of people seeing ghosts, are claims, not evidence. Claims are not evidence.
Testimonies or claims can be wrong, or be the act of wild imagination or delusion, or the people could be lying to gain fame, or so on. People lying, is the act of fraud. These claims cannot be measured.
Unless you can actually detect, measure & test the ghost itself, you have no evidence that a ghost even exists. There wouldn’t be any metric needed.
You need evidence to measure something against. If ghost is your example of evidence, then HOW do you measure a “ghost”?
The study of paranormal, like Parapsychology is not a scientific study, because it isn’t science. It is what we would call pseudoscience.
You have chosen to give poor examples.