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Atheists believe in miracles more than believers


The Lost One
You're welcome, but I'm a little confused. I thought what I read (or what wasn't there for anyone to read) came from another source.

@mikkel_the_dane got that from here, when I was replying to @leroy:

No, you don’t understand, that the evidence is both the test and the observations.

You are so utterly ignorant, that the evidence ARE THE TESTS!

It is the evidence that are needed TO THE HYPOTHESIS or TO TEST THE THEORY…

The evidence are used to determine whether a hypothesis is science or not science.

And the evidence will determine whether a current existing theory should be amended/updated or should be replaced by better theory.

Evidence are evidence. And a scientific theory is only valid as science, if the theory is based on the evidence, and not the other way around.

That‘s what you don’t understand. Your ignorance are just staggering…and that you refused to see that you repeating the same errors and make the same faulty claims, make it blind ignorance.

That is the rest of my post.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
You don't think/believe/ or realize that mankind is ruining the earth? I am not going to argue about deadliest humans, although gorillas have not invented plastics and other products that are literally ruining the environment.

How many people do hear about being killed by gorillas v's other humans?

Then explain again how humans are superior.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
I'm talking about truth. You always whinge that science is being truthful when they say this is what the evidence show, they don't claim proof.

And yes I did and no I've never had covid.
Me neither. Considering how much contact I've had with people over the last few years, I'm either not very susceptible, the vaccines did their job or I have been amazingly lucky.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
While there is no "proof" of what cladking says, some of her viewpoints make sense. Who knows? Maybe "scientists" will say one day, "Oh, yes, we found some evidence that backs up her ideas." I'm not saying I believe everything that cladking says, but it makes more sense to me than imagining that fish evolved by "natural selection" to become Tiktaalik and emerged to become (after a long time of mutations, of course) land dwellers. :)

Name a few that make sense. You're great at claiming stuff and not giving examples.


Veteran Member
So you have separated the zealous from the humble.
Yes. Gandhi once said that "lying is the mother of all violence". Violence being the harm we do to ourselves and others. And it's true.

We humans can never know the truth of things with any surety because we are not omniscient. So when we pretend to ourselves and each other that we can and do know (we become 'believers'), we are being dishonest with ourselves and with each other. And this dishonesty is the cause of much harm. Which is why honesty and humility are such important character traits for we humans to embody. But to do that we need to learn to reign in our fear and ego. The very things that criminals in government, business, and even religion want to foster in us so as to then exploit for their own gain.

And now we live in a whole culture that constantly promotes fear and ego, and eschews honesty and humility. And look where we are as a result.
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Veteran Member

If you do not believe God exists you need to change your choice of belief on you page to Atheist.
Not believing that God exists does not make one an atheist. In fact, rocks do not believe that God exists. And certainly rocks are not atheists. Nor are atheists, rocks.

Belief has nothing to do with anything. Theism and atheism are philosophical propositions. They are not types of humans, or types of anything else. Theism is the proposition that God/gods exist, and atheism is the antithetical counter-proposition that they do not exist. What we humans choose to do with or about these propositions does not define the propositions. We may agree with one of them, both of them, neither of them, or just not care. And then we may immediately change our minds. None of this defines the propositions. They remain as they are.

I am profoundly agnostic about the nature and existence of any gods. I can and do choose to trust and hope in the existence of some kind of benevolent higher power as an act of faith. But there is nothing I can do about the fact that you will refuse to understand or acknowledge any of this.
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Veteran Member
Where did you read that quote? It looks like someone has paraphrased it and taken it out of context.
I am probably paraphrasing, and the context speaks for itself. I have no idea when or where I came across it. And it doesn't matter in this context. It is quite clear that dishonesty and egotism are the root cause of a great deal of harm that we do to ourselves and each other.

Actually, I think I read it as quoted by Thomas Merton in his book "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander".

(An excellent book, by the way.)


Active Member
I am probably paraphrasing, and the context speaks for itself. I have no idea when or where I came across it. And it doesn't matter in this context. It is quite clear that dishonesty and egotism are the root cause of a great deal of harm that we do to ourselves and each other.

Actually, I think I read it as quoted by Thomas Merton in his book "Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander".

(An excellent book, by the way.)

If irony and hypocricy had a child you would be it.


Well-Known Member
Did you mean the hydrologic cycle?

I doubt that they understood that,

It is apparent they understood it just as they knew about germs. They said what they knew but we ignore it;

1140c. (he is dried) by the wind of the great Isis, together with (which) the great Isis dried (him) like Horus.
1146a. N. is the pouring down of rain; he came forth as the coming into being of water;
1146b. for he is the Nḥb-kȝ.w-serpent with the many coils;

We decided they were stinky footed bumkins because we decided the Bible writers were ignorant and believed rain came from a firmament above. We never considered that the Bible writers confused ancient knowledge OR that there is no such thing as linear progress. By the same token it would never occur to us that Darwin flushed the toilet that homo omnisciencis is now spiraling downward within because we've been killing in his name for over a century while ignoring all forms of common sense.

We don't get to decide reality. Not even experiment can decide reality. Reality was decided long before our species existed and is still being decided based on forces and processes we hardly begin to fathom. Our job isn't to understand reality because we never will: It is to understand experiment and the current paradigms have all FAILED utterly to do so. We can't even explain how the hydrologic cycle was understood many thousands of years before the Bible and why Egyptologists never noticed the characteristics of a language they claim is gobbledty gook!!!

Every belief that has been handed down to us through confused language (every belief) is wrong and these beliefs underlie modern science, its definitions, and its axioms. They underlie Darwin because he believed in linear progress. Beliefs provide fear and ego whether that means eternal damnation or the certainty that we are masters of reality. Whether we believe in salvation or annihilation at the hands of others it is a form of hubris that makes us close our eyes to the reality before us.

You are fearful of losing your faith in linear progress so you parse my words wrong and call them irrelevancies. The reality is your premises are wrong so you attack the messenger rather than deal with the message.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe that, but it's just as irrelevant to rebutting my claim as your last comment.

Of course they could see it was round. Where did this nonsense come from? Just stand by the ocean or lake and look? Wait for an eclipse and observe the shapes of the shadows? Watch the round moon orbit and affect the water in ways we call "tides" and implies we know everything about gravity. Even rainbows are round. It's rather a theme in reality that we can't see.

We are beyond confusion because we are "homo omnisciencis circularis rationatio" and we know everything as proven by our ability to create reductionistic science with flawed premises and turn our backs to the pyramids without ever even studying them!

No fact and no experiment can be jettisoned to study reality. Every fact and every experiment MUST NECESSARILY apply to every paradigm as surely as every process, every law, and every force applies to every every event in reality. We know this yet virtually every scientist still ignores it most of the time.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what you mean by metaphysical language. I'm referring to the writing of words as symbols with conventional (artificial and agreed upon) meanings.

First off our language, our words are symbolic. When we say "bear" you must parse it in context to know whether it is a large mammal or the ability of a table to support weight. Then you must determine the type of "bear" because it would be a bear if you parsed it wrong and were eaten. We don't even differentiate between a real bear and a picture of a "bear". We even use the word abstractly on multiple levels in sentences like "all bears are the same species as their parents". The word is analog because a bear can be anywhere from 20 lbs to 1000 pounds. It can be mean or friendly. It can be "intelligent" or acting on instinct. If you're under a table it would still be a bear if it collapsed because it couldn't bear the weight of hundreds of bear sculptures.

Even the way that modern words are employed in sentences is symbolic and analog. Then perspective holds that all things are seen from infinite distance in real time. Grammar requires a subject, verb, and predicate providing clues to parsing the sentence which few people will listen to anyway because we tend to look for emotions and an opportunity to speak rather than to listen properly. We parse sentences according to our own beliefs and definitions rather than the speaker which leads most of us to never realize that everyone makes perfect sense.

No one will even try to parse these paragraphs as they were intended so when I tell you how metaphysical language is different it will be invisible to you and you'll believe I never said what metaphysical language is.


Well-Known Member
Metaphysical language is wholly and utterly different. It is like computer code where each word is representative of either data (nouns) or operations. Rather than meaning being stated it is implied by understanding the code. Every word of necessity has a single meaning that does not vary over time or from user to user. Each word is binary and representative. It is a bee's Waggle Dance that each observer can use to know the source, direction, and size of a food source. Like Bee it utilizes all the knowledge of Beekind to communicate. The "words" themselves, their grammar, and their meaning requires that every observer must know everything about the nature of being a bee in order to understand the meaning which is not parsed but rather is apparent through context and a perspective that sees reality from the inside rather than infinite distance.

Metaphysical language is like mathematics that has no concept of any numbers but 1 and 0 just like the brains of each of its users. Virtually all brain cells are either on or off.

The use of such language makes the user not even experience "thought" which is why such words didn't even exist before the Tower of Babel but linguists couldn't possibly notice because they know the "tower of babel" is superstitious nonsense. They already know everything just like the rest of us. Homo omnisciencis; hear us boast.
I don't know what you mean by metaphysical language. I'm referring to the writing of words as symbols with conventional (artificial and agreed upon) meanings.