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Atheists have nothing to rely on

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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
We don't have any problem with atheists, unless they try to tell us what to believe.
That is simply patently untrue, as evidenced several times even in this very thread, including but not limited to the OP.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
We don't have any problem with atheists, unless they try to tell us what to believe.

If Christians could only follow this advice... Cripes, You don't see me knocking at peoples doors at 10am..."Excuse me, but have you ever wondered what happens when you die?" I'm running out of good lines for the Jehovah's Witnesses.... Last time they knocked I was like, "Uh, no not really... But, why does it matter? I'm much more interested in LIVING..."

See you want this privilege of not being annoyed, but like most others rarely are you giving it to others. If you can prove one act of your life is the product of divine intervention I'm ready to listen, until then... It's hot air... If we were spending as much time on math and science, or actual direct explorations of spiritual matters as we are on these imaginary friends we could probably all shoot fireballs out of our asses by now.
I only feel they're "imaginary" because there is no ability to either experience this "God" or prove that he has any value beyond a conversation piece. I don't lump everything into that equation -- I think there a lot of self-exploration possibilities in spiritual areas that yield interesting information. But, this isn't the same thing -- this is doing something and receiving the value of the work. Not doing something, and then hoping that it yields a result.

Really, hoping is the garbage people fill their time with the most in religion. Unfortunately, hoping never got anything done... A panacea for a bad case of "average joe"....


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
That is simply patently untrue, as evidenced several times even in this very thread, including but not limited to the OP.

I'm not speaking for the OP, maybe I shouldn't have said we, by we I meant a lot of believers, certainly not all or most, have no problem with people being atheist, for instance I and a lot of other believers don't believe atheists are going to hell just for being atheists, I personally have close friends that are atheists, religion is not a point of contention for us, what gets incredibly annoying is when insecure atheists try to force their views on others, when we are making no attempt to force atheists to be believers. They have a right to their beliefs just like I do.
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Outstanding Member
We don't have any problem with atheists, unless they try to tell us what to believe.

You had a problem with me saying that from an atheist perspective you don't get any support from God.
It is obvious that according to an atheist perspective nobody receives support from God. To have a problem with that is to have a problem with atheism.


Well-Known Member
Religious people have their God/gods to rely on. During difficult times they can seek help in mosque church synagogue or whatever, but atheists rely only on sex drugs alcohol for "spiritual comfort".
There have been arguments that religions are like drugs, I think drugs are false comforts as so would religion be for me since I don't believe in it.

I believe in having a clear mind, nature is plenty of "comfort" for people like me. Though I don't think of it as comfort, but something we all come from and go to.


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
You had a problem with me saying that from an atheist perspective you don't get any support from God.
It is obvious that according to an atheist perspective nobody receives support from God. To have a problem with that is to have a problem with atheism.

Yeah that's you trying to force your belief on me. Why not just say "I don't believe I get any support from God", why do you have to bring me into it, you don't even know me, you don't even have any idea what God, or kind of God I am talking about, so maybe you should just try to speak for yourself.


Well-Known Member
i like to think of it this way. the Bible says no one can come to Jesus unless the Father calls him. so the atheists are the ones God rejected


Outstanding Member
Yeah that's you trying to force your belief on me. Why not just say "I don't believe I get any support from God", why do you have to bring me into it, you don't even know me, you don't even have any idea what God, or kind of God I am talking about, so maybe you should just try to speak for yourself.

I am not forcing anything on you. I was speaking from an atheist perspective. You can certainly, and you do, have your own perspective.
If you have a problem with my perspective on this particular case, you have a problem with atheism. There is no way around it.

Just to put things on perspective: You claim you get support from God. I claim the opposite. What I've said is forcing my beliefs on you, but what you've said isn't ? How come ?


Be your own guru
Religious people have their God/gods to rely on. During difficult times they can seek help in mosque church synagogue or whatever, but atheists rely only on sex drugs alcohol for "spiritual comfort".
Believe that Servant will always come up with something very funny. Good, Servant. And what does relying on God achieves in a war, earthquake, flood, hurricane, forest fire, typhoon, tsunami or a volcanic eruption?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
i like to think of it this way. the Bible says no one can come to Jesus unless the Father calls him. so the atheists are the ones God rejected

How do you know? Maybe God likes atheists better because they're not so completely annoying. :) Nothing is more annoying than a room full of sycophants...

My problem with God even goes to the mechanism of worship -- people have no idea actually how God would want to be recognized. So people assume that means:

A) Obedience.
B) Conformity.
C) Tradition for traditions sake.
D) Preaching.
E) Reading the Bible. (which has obviously been butchered millions of times, by human hands... no matter where it came from...)
F) Doing good deeds. (Good as defined by the individual denomination the person follows... Not based on metrics such as measuring results and scoring based on overall actual improvement of the human condition.)
G) Presuming anyone not doing these things the way they do is inferior, stupid, or a lesser human. Yes, you are an arrogant lot aren't you? You still don't know if A-F mean anything to God, or that God exists.

If behaving like a lemming, and trusting other people on what is moral or good is what it takes to sign up with God then I'm glad I have not found Jesus, Allah, God, or Santa. In all of my years in living on this planet the number one trait I find that all humans embrace is telling lies. We all lie a bit, but these religionists tell lies to the point where it is almost like Chinese propaganda. It's just terrible...
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"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
I am not forcing anything on you. I was speaking from an atheist perspective. You can certainly, and you do, have your own perspective.
If you have a problem with my perspective on this particular case, you have a problem with atheism. There is no way around it.

Just to put things on perspective: You claim you get support from God. I claim the opposite. What I've said is forcing my beliefs on you, but what you've said isn't ? How come ?

The answer is quite evident, I'm not telling you you can't be an atheist, but you're telling me I can't believe in God because God doesn't exist, it would be like me telling you that atheism doesn't exist, that there is no such thing as an atheist.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Religious people have their God/gods to rely on. During difficult times they can seek help in mosque church synagogue or whatever, but atheists rely only on sex drugs alcohol for "spiritual comfort".

Even if true (I personally don't usually need spiritual comfort, whatever that is), that would still fail to increase the likelihood of God's existence.


- viole


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Religious people have their God/gods to rely on. During difficult times they can seek help in mosque church synagogue or whatever, but atheists rely only on sex drugs alcohol for "spiritual comfort".

During difficult times I look within myself and seek the love and wisdom to understand the tragi-comedy of the human condition. it can takes a while, but it hasn't failed me so far.


Veteran Member
I'd hate to be living without the support I get from God.
Perhaps your God lends support to us atheists as well.

Religious people have their God/gods to rely on. During difficult times they can seek help in mosque church synagogue or whatever, but atheists rely only on sex drugs alcohol for "spiritual comfort".
First, let me tell you that I've used sex, drugs and alcohol for comfort many times and it was almost entirely a great deal of fun. During the really difficult times I generally seek the support of those I love.


Outstanding Member
The answer is quite evident, I'm not telling you you can't be an atheist, but you're telling me I can't believe in God because God doesn't exist, it would be like me telling you that atheism doesn't exist, that there is no such thing as an atheist.

No. I have never said you can't be a theist.
Everything I have, everything I own, everything I have to give.......comes from the God I worship. I don't think any atheist could begin to understand, hence the ridiculous comments.
Everything I have, everything I own, everything I have to give.......comes from the God I worship. I don't think any atheist could begin to understand, hence the ridiculous comments.

Well, let me ask you, what is it that you have that you would not have if you didn't believe in God? Your clothes, your home, your food, the people who love you? Which of these would be taken away if you didn't believe that they came from God? Let me give you an example that I always fond curious. When I eat with Christians, they sometimes say grace before they eat. They thank God for the food they are eating. Now, on any given night when they say that prayer of thanks, 40,000 people will die from hunger. Most of them children actually. Without respect as to what they believe or don't believe, they die from starvation. Do you think God gave you more to eat than you need, and chose to give them nothing? Why do you suppose God favored you? How do you think all this happens? I'm not challenging you - just asking for your ideas on these matters that I find curious.

All the best
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