I cannot imagine anyone who has spent much time thinking about what two and two equal -- or sum as -- would argue that they sum as whatever you want them to sum as.
But that is precisely what faith is and allows. By faith, anything can be believed or its mutually exclusive polar opposite. As you know, the problem is solved by simply refusing to believe by faith, and instead, turning to nature to see what is true about the world and what is not. By this method, at most only one of these competing ideas survives empirical testing.
But what you cannot imagine is exactly what faith did to this person :
“If somewhere in the Bible I were to find a passage that said 2 + 2 = 5, I wouldn't question what I am reading in the Bible. I would believe it, accept it as true, and do my best to work it out and understand it."- Pastor Peter laRuffa
Where is the virtue in this kind of thinking? I cannot accept that any sentient intelligence greater than man would respect belief by faith, much less require it.
And in case anybody thinks that this kind of thinking is a one-off and extreme, look at the pride this well-known creationist has in his blind adherence to his faith-based beliefs. The moderator in the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham on whether creationism is a viable scientific field of study asked, "What would change your minds?" Scientist Bill Nye answered, "Evidence." Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham answered, "Nothing. I'm a Christian." Elsewhere, Ham stated, “By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record."
Minds like these can believe that 2 + 2 = 5 if they can be convinced that their god thinks so.
God only wants us to exalt and worship Him for our sake
I don't see a benefit there, at least not for me. Personally, I find worship in the literal sense beneath human dignity. Presently, I stand as an autonomous citizen and kneel to no master or king. That was kind of the point of the American Revolution. Worshiping would degrade my life.
I had a similar transition in my own life when I went from Christian to secular humanist. With that went the invisible spy watching, recording, and judging my every act and thought. Now, I run my life. I have no incentive to return to that state, so I ask, how would making that transition back into worship, faith-based thought and a supernaturalistic world-view be for my sake if shedding it made life better?
God does not need our belief. If He did he would provide proof of His existence, God wants us to believe in Him, but only on His terms.
Then this god and skeptics like me are at an impasse. I have no reason to believe that any idea that any human being proclaims came from a god or describes a god is more than just some person's opinion. No argument that begins with the assumption that gods or any particular god exist has any persuasive power with somebody who does not accept that premise.
its really none of our business to question God
I think that that is a dangerous attitude. It puts one at the mercy of those claiming to speak for a god. I still require evidence for a god before being interested in what others claim it told them to tell me.
He says God would/should communicate directly to everyone on earth if God existed based upon nothing other than that is what he wants, as if God was a short order cook
These gods we keep hearing about do less than a short-order cook. I expect nothing from any of them any longer. Not even a Denny's Grand Slam breakfast.
True, it's quite strange that Atheists ask so much for evidence that Reality exists. I know for a fact the Reality exists because I experience the consequence of it's existence. Atheists will always confuse me but they're damn entertaining to watch.
Atheist don't request evidence for reality, just evidence for a god - very different.
Do you have any? I didn't think so.
Proof of God does exist
No, it doesn't - not for critical thinkers. Proof is that which convinces. Every atheist is telling theists that they failed to convince.
There is evidence and the Bible is part of the evidence.
The Bible is evidence that it was written, not evidence of a god. Evidence for a god would be an observable finding that was better explained by a supernatural explanation than a natural one. We have no such evidence, including any holy book. I have no reason to believe that men didn't write them all themselves absent divine intervention
In much the same way as a single cell in our bodies is not capable of grasping the whole body within which it resides, and from which it derives it's existence, sustenance, and purpose.
That's a useful metaphor. Each cell is capable of being reached and communicated with by the collective, the organism. If I want to reach a sensory neuron such as the temperature receptors on my skin, I send it a message that it can receive - a neuronal stimulus. If I want to "speak" to a leukocyte, I do so with a foreign antigen, which it will engulf if it is a macrophage, or elucidate antigen-specific antibodies if it is a B-lymphocyte.
The point is that we can communicate with these cells according to the limits of our abilities to reach them. You and I are capable of much more sophisticated reactions. We can understand and use language, for example.
Yet no god is speaking to me, and I'm pretty sure I know why. If such a god exists, it has no more interest in you or me than we have in the 13-millionth oldest leukocyte in our immune systems at this instant. This idea of a concerned god existing that hasn't or can't reach us is ludicrous.
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