Non-mentally ill people are open to suggestion. Bad people who are not mentally ill are bad due to the influences of their lives, and for one reason of another will take risks. A God can certainly make itself known to bad people and guide them to better decisions. Note this can can occur early in life before things get out of hand.How would God communicating to humans directly solve these problems?
As I noted people who are good and in balance don't need guidance. Bad and hurt people do. They need some guidance in life. God is no more involved than any other good influence. If your God exists it stands by and watches the horror as lives devolve little by little into despair. Explain.
Since God is supposedly the more advanced being I find it odd that it can't communicate in whatever language a person knows. Humans are capable but your idea of God isn't. Your God shouldn't;t have created humans in a way that it can't communicate with directly.It would not do a thing because nobody could ever understand God communicating to them directly.
BTW, how does God supposedly communicate with human messengers? It can't be language since that is the most likely form a God would communicate with anyone.