Although, at different times, I believed three very different things about God... In all of them, part of the belief was that God was inside and communicating with me.
So, is it just the sub-conscious mind, considering that I was believing in something different each time, or was that really a spiritual being talking to me and guiding me? Because deep inside I knew that this God wanted some things to be done other things not done. So, I think it could have been my sub-conscious mind being that little voice inside telling me what was right and what was wrong.
But then there are interactions with people in the other religions. If my mind is locked in on believing certain things about God and what he wants, and a person, like a Baha'i, comes along and contradicts those beliefs, my mind is going to fight against those things... Even if it sounds reasonable... But there's always something that isn't.
It works the other way too. If a Christians tells a Baha'i that Jesus rose from the dead, or that the flood story and creation are real, the things they've implanted into their brain and called "Truth", isn't going to believe it. But both Baha'is and Christians have "God" stuck in their heads and filed away under the heading, "Absolute Truth". To them, it sure seems like, somehow, that is objectively true. And especially for some of them, they do hear and feel God working in them and guiding them. But, just between Christians and Baha'is, that's two very different concepts of God. And they are both guiding people? Or it's all in their heads?