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Atheists: What would be evidence of God’s existence?


Veteran Member
Are you serious? Animals can't be intelligent unless they use their intelligence to help Humans? What an arrogant and human centered idea.
Sorry, I am not going down this road with you. I am not saying that animals never help humans, I am only saying that humans have the capacity to do things that other animals cannot do

Why humans are more intelligent than other animals?

There are two reasons. First, brain structure is more important than brain size, and human brains with their highly folded and complicated cortex can do things no other brains can. Second, relative size is more important than absolute size. ... The human ratio is highest at about 1:50.

Why aren't animals with larger brains more intelligent than us?

Are you seriously saying that wisdom is not related at all to intelligence?
I am not saying they are never related, I am saying they are not always related. Sociopaths can have a very high IQ, they often do, but murdering people is not a wise action.


Well-Known Member
Okay, only you know what you have done.

I asked because you said you used your own judgment and verified there was nothing special about it.

No, I just used my own judgement and I have VERIFIED that there is nothing special about your faith, and that Baha'i is built on the same logical fallacies and unsupported claims as any other religion.
#2255 Tiberius, Yesterday at 8:55 PM

What I say might turn some people away from it because they might not like the teachings or the laws or the principles or the vision of the Baha'i Faith. It has nothing to do with me because all I do is impart accurate information about the religion. The Baha'i Faith does not appeal to everyone for various and sundry reasons. Most people just want to maintain the status quo, the religion they were raised in, they don't want to see any change. The Baha'i Faith is a religion of change.

If people do not believe that the world needs a new religion why would they want to join the Baha'i Faith?
Most religious people are waiting for Jesus to return or for the promised Messiah to of their religion to come and they will continue to wait until hell freezes over. Meanwhile the Baha'is are working on building a new world order.

So, you agree that it has been verified that Baha'i is just as flawed as any other religion out there, correct?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Okay, only you know what you have done.

I asked because you said you used your own judgment and verified there was nothing special about it.

No, I just used my own judgement and I have VERIFIED that there is nothing special about your faith, and that Baha'i is built on the same logical fallacies and unsupported claims as any other religion.
#2255 Tiberius, Yesterday at 8:55 PM

What I say might turn some people away from it because they might not like the teachings or the laws or the principles or the vision of the Baha'i Faith. It has nothing to do with me because all I do is impart accurate information about the religion. The Baha'i Faith does not appeal to everyone for various and sundry reasons. Most people just want to maintain the status quo, the religion they were raised in, they don't want to see any change. The Baha'i Faith is a religion of change.

If people do not believe that the world needs a new religion why would they want to join the Baha'i Faith?
Most religious people are waiting for Jesus to return or for the promised Messiah to of their religion to come and they will continue to wait until hell freezes over. Meanwhile the Baha'is are working on building a new world order.
Leadership is a human spiritual natural teaching.

Not a scientist...discussed science causes. As relative reasons why life was sacrificed...history of causes.

Like the Jesus man review...all men in their era challenged temple pyramid elite. Jew Christian movement.


Science. Status of group mentality.

Was murdered for the challenge in their past. Lots of documented Christian murders. As they challenged science. Proof Baha'i statement his personal motivations real involved phenomena as spiritual support.

Life harmed versus science and the want to rebuild old technology by resurgence maths thesis.

Sharing ideas is not a new world order. When information a way to live life is about human community and family safety.

The science argument creation is a totally separate subject. The historic records kept as proof science lies.

Baha'i message tried to lovingly reason with science. Science gave him their answer.

Rome threatened science in their past jailed them. Didn't work either.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Sorry, I am not going down this road with you. I am not saying that animals never help humans, I am only saying that humans have the capacity to do things that other animals cannot do

Why humans are more intelligent than other animals?

There are two reasons. First, brain structure is more important than brain size, and human brains with their highly folded and complicated cortex can do things no other brains can. Second, relative size is more important than absolute size. ... The human ratio is highest at about 1:50.

Why aren't animals with larger brains more intelligent than us?

I am not saying they are never related, I am saying they are not always related. Sociopaths can have a very high IQ, they often do, but murdering people is not a wise action.
Humans came out of the eternal spirit after animals owning created in the image presence of the spiritual being who sent us out.

Why we are the highest consciousness from the same body substance.


Veteran Member
Aesop's fable of the Crow and the Pitcher could have been written about a raccoon. Researchers at the USDA National Wildlife Center and the University of Wyoming gave raccoons a pitcher of water containing marshmallows and some pebbles. In order to reach the marshmallows, the raccoons had to raise the water level. Half of the raccoons figured out how to use pebbles to get the treat. Another simply found a way to knock over the pitcher.Raccoons are also notoriously good at picking locks and can remember solutions to problems for three years."
I'll second that! The resident raccoons are very clever, as they figured out how to knock the bird feeders down so they could eat all the suet that was in there, but I am smarter than they are because I figured out where to hang it where they could not possibly reach it. I had to go to Lowes and buy some hooks and screw them in, another things the racks cannot do. But they are smart, because they figured out that once the curtain goes up there will be no more food for them until the next day.

And speaking of knocking over pitchers, the racks were knocking over the water buckets when I put the water out before the food, just to get me to put the food out faster, so now I always put the food out first and then the water.

Late at night after al the birds and squirrels are no longer active I try to sneak out onto the deck through another door to fill the bird feeders but the racks figured out what was going on and the came running. I told them sorry, I did not come out to feed you. They got the point.

Many years ago, a raccoon dug under my cat fence that is planted one foot under the ground in order to get into the cat enclosure. He then came through the pet door into the house and ate all the cat food and drank all the water. No cats were hurt in the process but I saw the aftermath. :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Could you explain what you think the difference is?
Rather than posting a whole bunch of definitions I am going to keep it simple.

Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. https://www.google.com/search

Evidence: anything that helps to prove that something is or is not true: evidence

Now, look at the definition of proof:

Proof: evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement:

In short, evidence indicates or helps to prove that a religious belief is true or that God exists, but evidence does not establish that God exists as a fact.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Science is who said God is a Fact. Why science says by maths science i will find and own God. By fact I use factoring maths.

So o earths god status circular theorising said I had to name the planet a God versus satanisms that theories for no form existing.

By status burning themes nuclear converting themes energy changing states.

Hence humans have to believe in God O earth for life safety holiness a teaching. A human. So we said a human is with God the earth.

Against big bang blasting theisms.

Science never believed in God. Their thesis satanisms only.

The reason.

So today science tries to plead with God theists as a science there is no God it is only theist satanisms and you are to blame.

As science only theories satanisms factually and never God earth.

So a natural human non science status has to be forced to quote science is just a liar. For humans sake as you are both categorically wrong.

I said I don't believe in God as a Planet owned no name first.

And I am correct. Yet I was forced to infer to your God satanisms


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I am not going down this road with you. I am not saying that animals never help humans, I am only saying that humans have the capacity to do things that other animals cannot do

So what? Other animals have the capacity to do things that humans cannot do.

You seem to have this idea that humans = best and are trying to find some way to justify your conclusion. I, on the other hand, recognise that Humans are just another species of animal and we aren't separate to the environment, we are part of it.

Why humans are more intelligent than other animals?

There are two reasons. First, brain structure is more important than brain size, and human brains with their highly folded and complicated cortex can do things no other brains can. Second, relative size is more important than absolute size. ... The human ratio is highest at about 1:50.

So what? You seem to be taking only the very highest performer and then claiming that all other species have failed.
I am not saying they are never related, I am saying they are not always related. Sociopaths can have a very high IQ, they often do, but murdering people is not a wise action.

Don't do this again. You literally said they are unrelated. Don't try and go back on it now.


Well-Known Member
If you are talking to me I have no idea what you are referring to.

I think it's quite clear that I was talking to the person I was actually quoting.

Was this not obvious to you? You saw me quoting an entirely different person and you thought, "Hmmm, maybe Tibs is talking to me"?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
No, your babbling has nothing to do with science.

You do realise that no one has any idea what you are trying to say, right?
Oh you mean human babbling was science caused change to gods support that affected human bio body blood cells and conscious natural brain balances!!

Science is only practiced by humans as a chosen human choice. Humans first living who apply maths as you don't end maths as count number one.

As relative idealism do you.

O one planet mass.
One heavens mass.
One of any natural species.
One human.

No he says I say two of multiplication and addition +.

OO not two earths.
Not two heavens

Two of each natural species not one.

Science is a liar.


Well-Known Member
I meant that proof does more than just indicate, it proves.

You specifically said "DOES NOT."

If you go to the mechanic and say, "My car does not start," he is not going assume you mean that it does MORE than just start.

There is no rational way anyone can interpret "Proof does not indicate" to mean that proof indicates and then it does more.

The fact that you think anyone is going to believe that is simply astounding. It makes no sense whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
Oh you mean human babbling was science caused change to gods support that affected human bio body blood cells and conscious natural brain balances!!

Science is only practiced by humans as a chosen human choice. Humans first living who apply maths as you don't end maths as count number one.

As relative idealism do you.

O one planet mass.
One heavens mass.
One of any natural species.
One human.

No he says I say two of multiplication and addition +.

OO not two earths.
Not two heavens

Two of each natural species not one.

Science is a liar.

No one has any idea what you are trying to say.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Why not? I used a method of verification which is perfectly valid for getting true results, at least by what you've said.

It's verified.
Science the men human liar infers a static machine body to being exact in thesis to God the earth as a natural reactive planet.

By one the machine.
By two the machine reaction.

Two position I create said science the human..it is not God it is a Satanism of no God planet substance in natural form existing afterwards.


Science says to a natural human I am right.

First I theory about natural earths substance as God.

Really. Earth was formed in cosmic space. You human never invented earth

The relativity teaching.

Theist today says in energy earth is not really a planet. Claiming he is correct. It's not really real the planet it's just energy he says.

Reality science was theoried to get just energy.

It was never theoried to just be a planet.