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Athiesm leads to the destruction of humanity - Now with Charts!!


Intentionally Blank
Why the smurf should an atheist care about "advancing the evolutionary chain"? What is the point? We are, after all, just smurfs in the wind.

"Smurfs in the wind...all we are is smurfs in the wind..."
"We are but a moment's smurf, fading on the grass..."


No, of course not. But can you, honestly, tell me, that who you are today is not, in part, due to your religious beliefs/tenets?
Of course, but you don't religious beliefs to make you into something.

What are you getting at?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I'm sure this has been responded to more than once already and probably very well, but I want to add my take. First let me start with "wow".

Society is being led down the dark garden path and the misleaders are godless and observe no morality; their favourite kinds of fools are atheists, atheists who are being cunningly fooled by evil men at a crucial time in mankind's history when for our salvation "God" needs to be understood most clearly, not rejected.

Um...there are people who are religious and believe in God who don't observe morals, and there are people who don't believe in God who observe morals better than most religious people. You should know being "godless" doesn't equal being immoral or amoral. It just means you don't believe in God. Atheists aren't being fooled by anyone anymore than theists are. No, we don't need to understand or follow God or "God" to achieve anything.

All the logical arguments, circular reasoning, materialism and worldliness won't save you in the end from the consequences of your choice; only true wisdom can do that. There is a great difference between wisdom and knowledge, or science. And you won't come to understand this by means of this self-destructive and nihilistic belief, ideology and faith that men now call "atheism".

You seem to have a grave misunderstanding of atheism. Let me clear it up for you. Atheists don't believe in God. They tend to generally believe pretty much everything else theists believe in. Using logic and reason is the best way to go through life, and it leads to wisdom. Atheism is not necessarily nihilistic. Really, I would have expected you to not have these nonsensical misconceptions about atheism by now. What good is hanging out here if you're not going to learn how wrong your misconceptions are?

I myself believe in a personal God, but that's what it is, personal; I am a non-theist in one sense; that I worship God in my heart, and not through scriptures, or rituals, or religious dogma. For me, this is the only kind of knowing that truly matters; the rest is wisdom to be attained.

I'm sorry, that doesn't make any sense to me. If you believe in a theistic god, you're a theist. If you don't, then you're an atheist.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I don't assume it. It's just been in vogue in many conversations I've been a part of.

I see. So, you're making assumptions about what others think and then basing your disdain for them on that. Whatever works for you, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Of course, but you don't religious beliefs to make you into something.

What are you getting at?

"Of course, but you don't [need] religious beliefs to make you into something." (I figured it out)

If religious beliefs/tenets does influence who the resulting persons is.
Then with an atheist, it must come from somewhere else. Since atheism has no religious beliefs/tenets.
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"Of course, but you don't [need] religious beliefs to make you into something." (I figured it out)

If religious beliefs/tenets does influence who the resulting persons is.
Then with an atheist, it must come from somewhere else. Since atheism has no religious beliefs/tenets.

I was simply noting that they can.


Well-Known Member
Hitler was a Darwinist. He believed in survival of the fittest.

Evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins stated in an interview: “What’s to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn’t right? I mean, that is a genuinely difficult question."
byFaith Magazine - In the World - Richard Dawkins: The Atheist Evangelist

only an athiest would ask "was Hitler right?"

Correction, Hitler was a social darwinist. Only a madman would consider the theory of evolution to dictate what kind of society we have, and that was exatly what Hitler was. He was also a religious person and not an atheist. Also, in my opinion, it is not at all a difficult question if Hitler was right or not. He was not. And I am an atheist.
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Empirical Curmudgeon
A slight note on Hitler and Darwin...

I don't know if all the people commenting on that little nugget has actually read neither 'Origin of Species' nor 'Mein Kampf' but it is interesting to know that when doing a quick word count this result comes up on Hitler's little opus:

Darwin: 0 mentions.
Almighty: 6 mentions.
God: 37 mentions.
Creator: 8 mentions.

Still think Hitler's "philosophy" was derived from Darwin? Sure, as mentioned above he would nowadays be considered a "Social Darwinist", but neither Darwin himself nor any Evolutionary Biologist I've ever heard of supports this nonsense.

And the funny thing is that it whether Darwin was a racist or not (He wasn't. Read this: The Mis-portrayal of Darwin as a Racist) is completely irrelevant as to whether the Theory of Evolution is correct or not.

On the other hand, if you want to play that game, Hitler was raised Catholic and never repudiated his faith, and the German soldiers did have "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles.
Should we therefore put the blame on Christianity?


Well-Known Member
A slight note on Hitler and Darwin...

I don't know if all the people commenting on that little nugget has actually read neither 'Origin of Species' nor 'Mein Kampf' but it is interesting to know that when doing a quick word count this result comes up on Hitler's little opus:

Darwin: 0 mentions.
Almighty: 6 mentions.
God: 37 mentions.
Creator: 8 mentions.

Still think Hitler's "philosophy" was derived from Darwin? Sure, as mentioned above he would nowadays be considered a "Social Darwinist", but neither Darwin himself nor any Evolutionary Biologist I've ever heard of supports this nonsense.

And the funny thing is that it whether Darwin was a racist or not (He wasn't. Read this: The Mis-portrayal of Darwin as a Racist) is completely irrelevant as to whether the Theory of Evolution is correct or not.

On the other hand, if you want to play that game, Hitler was raised Catholic and never repudiated his faith, and the German soldiers did have "Gott Mit Uns" on their belt buckles.
Should we therefore put the blame on Christianity?
Exactly, social darwinism is not the same as evolution. For one, evolution is a scientific theory. To claim they are related would be like if someone decided to make a society based on the special theory of relativity, and then when everything went wrong people would blame that theory and not the man who decided to make a society with it as reference point. Scientific theories are explanations of the universe, not recipes for creating societies.