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Attempting to Censor X in the UK


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Summary: The UK is experiencing a lot of rioting these days, and one of the measures some politicians are calling for to combat this unrest is to attempt to censor comments made on twitter.

The video below provides evidence of these attempts at censorship and goes further to claim that in many cases the media in the UK (and elsewhere), are often not reporting the truth and that in many cases, the most accurate reporting is coming from sites like X.

This is yet another attempt to curtail free speech and we cannot give an inch. If we lose free speech, we've lost our freedoms in general.


Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Twitter was dictating censorships...now with Elon Musk it has become more "just" and "livable".
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Veteran Member
I think we need to clarify a difference between speech for profit and an individual's right to speak their mind. The former to be strictly monitored and controlled and the later to be free and protected.

Corporations like Fox Opinion-Pretending-To-Be-News should not be allowed to exist. They present a huge danger to our society and they have no moral compass but their own greed. This is a disastrous combination and they should not be tolerated in a sensible civil society.

On the other hand, every individual should have the right to speak their mind to others about anything regardless of how untrue or inciting their opinions may be. (Though we should be held liable for any illegal consequences of our speech).

Greed and selfishness poisons everything it touches and freedom of speech is no exception. Get the profit motive out of the public square and allow a free exchange of ideas and opinions and people can then decide for themselves without the coercive power and profit motive warping the dialogue.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Absurd at best. More like misinfirmation amd disinformation that is causing destruction. That's the norm for Twitter and Facebook.
I think this is a good example.

CNN starts its article with a thought terminating cliche, i.e. "far right riots". Really?

If you have any concerns about mass immigration you're "far right"?

If you bring up Islamic grooming gangs in the UK you're "far right"?

Sounds like a colossal false dilemma to me.

You mean the snowflake who censors criticism against him and wants to sue companies who pulled advertisements from Twitter?

Another thought terminating cliche "speaker X once said something I don't like, therefore I can disregard any of his other ideas".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
CNN starts its article with a thought terminating cliche, i.e. "far right riots". Really?

If you have any concerns about mass immigration you're "far right"?

If you bring up Islamic grooming gangs in the UK you're "far right"?
If it were my wording, as the resorted to violence I would have called them extremists.
Resorting to violence over decades long "concerns" that have never really been a thing, they are extremists.
It's like Trump's remarks of painting immigrants, en masse, as dangerous people. That's just not the case.
It's like when Eric Clapton said England is for white people.
Another thought terminating cliche "speaker X once said something I don't like, therefore I can disregard any of his other ideas".
This is nothing like that but rather pointing out the brazen hypocrisy of Musk.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Summary: The UK is experiencing a lot of rioting these days, and one of the measures some politicians are calling for to combat this unrest is to attempt to censor comments made on twitter.

The video below provides evidence of these attempts at censorship and goes further to claim that in many cases the media in the UK (and elsewhere), are often not reporting the truth and that in many cases, the most accurate reporting is coming from sites like X.

This is yet another attempt to curtail free speech and we cannot give an inch. If we lose free speech, we've lost our freedoms in general.

The UK has given up their freedoms ever since they gave up their firearms and millions of government cameras were set up to spy on the public by their own government with a massive surveillance network.


Well-Known Member
I think this is a good example.

CNN starts its article with a thought terminating cliche, i.e. "far right riots". Really?

If you have any concerns about mass immigration you're "far right"?

If you bring up Islamic grooming gangs in the UK you're "far right"?

Sounds like a colossal false dilemma to me.

Another thought terminating cliche "speaker X once said something I don't like, therefore I can disregard any of his other ideas".

If you are part of a mob trying to set fire to hostels containing asylum seekers - some of them children - I think it's a given that you are far right.

The rest is you you being disingenuous again.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Advertisers who?
The banking élites? The Freemsonic secret lodges?

That's a relief. Much cleaner space.
No, your fantasy boogeymen didn't leave. And they left because Musk believes amd promotes garbage like this:

"Jewish communties [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them."


Well-Known Member
The UK has given up their freedoms ever since they gave up their firearms and millions of government cameras were set up to spy on the public by their own government with a massive surveillance network.

At least I have the freedom to walk the streets of the UK without the fear of being shot.

We didn't give up our firearms btw. As in most civilised countries, civilians never had them in the first place, apart from a handful of regulated hunting weapons.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
No, your fantasy boogeymen didn't leave. And they left because Musk believes and promotes garbage like this:

"Jewish communities [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them."
Do you have a source?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The UK has given up their freedoms ever since they gave up their firearms and millions of government cameras were set up to spy on the public by their own government with a massive surveillance network.
Don't hate to break it to ya, there's no correlation between guns and freedom.