Our "sex ed" consisted of "condoms don't work that well," "sex outside of marriage ruins sex," "abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy," and "a woman's sexuality is comparable to a piece of tape of chewing gum."
In health class, rudimentary text book drawings of the internal anatomy was it, and biology, things like "labia" and "clitoris" where all lumped together as "what the woman sees" as though it were shameful to call them by name and actually talk about them (and the teacher for this class was female).
Had you mentioned hermaphrodites/intersexuals, heads may have exploded.
Where did you go to school? The Catholic Church?
I mean yeah, it took until grade 9/10 to cover things like full in depth anatomy (with crappy text books cuz public school.) But Labia, clitoris, ovaries, testes, these were all frankly discussed in Biology and sometimes the yearly Sex Ed courses. With the school nurse. We got over the giggles in such classes I think back in grade 7/8. Health class was literally listing the names of the (then known) sexually transmitted diseases, the various ways they could be transmitted (oral, anal etc) and how to prevent them. I mean the sure the School Chaplain might pop in to stress abstinence occasionally, but you know fine. It was also a cooking class and focused on basic nutrition information and warnings about various eating disorders, so that was a thing I guess. Sex ed was where we learnt about various ways to prevent pregnancy, the pros and cons of various contraception methods and the obligatory how to put a condom on. And free condoms, which we of course turned into water balloons the second we left class. And pocketed a few, you know, better safe than sorry. IIRC a few were even flavoured, though I don't think that was intentional lol. And you know, the other obvious ones. What exactly happens during a Menstrual Cycle (biologically and emotionally speaking) how pregnancy works, puberty etc etc etc.
Mind you I live in a pretty conservative state all things considered. So I might have gotten the shorthand version, as it were.
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