The entire point of communism is the worker control of the means of the production, essentially the democratization of the economy. How does the government owning the means of production rather than the workers sound like communism? Also as I have said, there have been many societies structured closer to marx’s original vision.
All countries tend towards having a government.
Socialist governments need strong authority in order to prevent free
economic association. Having such power, they'll tend to exercise it.
Governments may claim to be "of the people", but they tend to take on
a separate life of their own.
We observe this in N Korea, the PRC, the USSR, & any socialist country.
Capitalist countries don't need to prevent voluntary communist associations.
So they (eg, Scandinavian countries, USA, Canuckistan) have more liberty.
Marx was a theoretician, unencumbered by actually implementing his
proposals. It's a tempting ideal for those who dream of such a utopia.
But any place where communism is voluntary, people will discover its
reality, & tend to opt out.....when government allows it.