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Awkward, embarrassing and humiliating


Well-Known Member
Actually I thought of something, I do have an embarrassing moment but it's more of a downer, sorry.
I was 16 waiting at the traffic lights and this older man in van made fisting signs are me.
I was so embarrassed and ashamed I couldn't tell anyone for a few weeks.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
My sister was doing beautiful dives into a pool on a fine summer day, and my aunt was judging her dives as if she were in the Olympics. Not to be out done, I get out of the pool and ready myself for a dive. I make a big theater of it, getting just the right stance, raising my arms with a flourish, and then executing the most beautiful, breath-taking swan dive I could muster.... which ended with my face grinding into the bottom of the pool.

I seriously thought I died. Then I realized, "Nope, you are still thinking which means you aren't dead." Then, I figured I must be paralyzed. But I could wiggle my toe, so that's all right. Then I realized that I was still at the bottom of the pool and I really needed to breathe, so I kick to the surface. I feel my nose, thinking it's broken, but it seems okay too. And that's when I finally find out what's wrong. My tooth. My beautiful front chomper. I'm missing about half of it. I look, as my sister so eloquently put it, like the guy on Dumb and Dumber.

After a day or so of intense embarrassment and teasing, my tooth is fixed by a kindly dentist who comes in on a Sunday to release me from my torture. Ten plus years later, his handiwork still graces my mouth. The other front tooth was pushed in slightly and has a hairline crack. But both teeth lived, if slightly more tilted than before.

And the kicker of it is that I was a lifeguard at the time. It was my job to prevent idiots like me from doing stupid stuff that could cause them to die, or be paralyzed... or even just chip their front teeth.
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Cosmic Vagabond
I know that I've had my share of awkward experiences, but only one comes to mind at the moment.

Once, when I was a teenager, we lived a few blocks from the downtown of a small historical town. I didn't have much to do back then, so I would walk downtown and take my laptop to the coffee shop, where I knew everyone, and stay there for a few hours, then maybe go to the guitar shop and play the guitars for a little bit; sometimes I visited the locally owned book store.

So, one hot summer afternoon, I think I had spent my time at the coffee shop earlier, my stomach had been feeling pretty irritated, and I had just left the guitar shop. Suddenly, as I started walking in the direction of my house, in a sudden terror, the realization of what was going on struck me: diarrhea. I had at least 3/4ths to a mile to walk, in the heat, cars passing constantly, people walking the sidewalks, and I had to hold it; there was no choice.

So, I did my best to appear nonchalant as I walked toward my house in painful determination. I was so sure that I appeared so awkward to passersby as I was walking, but the terrifying prospect of it happening in public kept me going. If I could only make it home, I would be ok.

That walk seemed to take forever and, when I got home, I was more relieved than I had been about almost anything in my entire life. Sweet relief!


I was walking in the mobile home park I live in and I see a girl who looks like another girl who lives in the park and I say, "Hi, (insert name here)!" And the girl just stares me and I realized it wasn't the girl.

This one time I was in Food4Less and I just started dancing to the Ievan Polkka in the alcohol section of it. People were staring and I didn't realize what I was doing until I opened my eyes to see. Then, I hid in the cookie section for an hour.

I once sang Taylor Swift REALLY loud in Wal*Mart because she was playing(okay a lot of times I've done this). I was with friends most of the times I've done this and I swear people were recording the horror. Dx

In the sixth grade, the whole middle school was playing basketball in their classes. In my class, were in groups of 3+ kids and playing Chicago Shoot Out. I shot the ball, missed and ran to grab the ball. A girl on my court (who didn't like me) threw the ball in the net, it went through and hit me in the back of the head. My glasses then flew off my face and the lens popped out. I started crying and NOBODY helped me find my lens. I found it ten minutes later. T_T

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Out of all of my experiences, the worst one to happen was probably one that had happened to most of us - having a conversation with a person before you figure out they're on the phone...


Agnostic Pantheist
One reason that surprises me, Dan, is that I've been told by no less than a field biologist that there are almost no verified incidents of wolves attacking people in North America. However, he insisted the reports were skewed because no one was considering Inuit accounts of being attacked as "verified".
I remember seeing a documentary about wolves attack specifically on people.
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from the Blood tribe
My reputation power is 0, my plan to erase myself is almost complete and only after a few days. I guess I wont be writing that book on how to win friends and influence people. My life has been hard to say the least. Neighbor hood bully attempted drowning, jumped by 2 and stabbed, poisoned, electrocuted, all this b4 10, I could go and on like the energizer bunny. If reincarnation is true, I was really rotten in another life.That or the powers that be hate my guts. But there is no normal life, just life. The funny thing about being stabbed, I was more worried about the hole in my school shirt and blood on my clothes, + trying a explain what happened. I didnt know I was stabbed till a bystander told me afterwards.