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Bahai factions...


For the love of God...

Different Baha'i sects don't poison anyone and they don't exist solely to attack the major branch of the Baha'i Faith. They simply exist due to disagreements. To avoid their information completely would to limit the mind needlessly, and exemplifies qualities which I think go against Baha'i teachings.

But of course, that's just me.


Active Member
Don't bother Wombat. You know as well as I do you're wasting your time.

Albert E (not Newman;-) said "The true definition of madness is repeating the same action, over and over, hoping for a different result."

There is 'method in my madness' Gabriel (though I thank you for the interest and concern;-)...I do not "hope for a different result" and therefore am not "wasting my time"...(and hopefully not,
completely , mad;-)

The propensity for Baha'is to make baseless unsubstantiated allegations against others is deeply ingrained in Baha'i culture and any enquirer into or observer of the Baha’i community has a right to be appraised of this behaviour- its depth, degree and contributing causes.

In short, I only desire that you/others have the oportunity to witness the serious public slander allegations being made re other Baha'i factions constantly attacking the Baha'is with (written?conceptual? spiritual?) "poison" and all requests for any substantiation/evidence steadfastly refused.

The moral/ethical principle is obvious- If you cannot back up and substantiate the allegation then don't make it.

Baha'is do not get this principle (fundamental to- "Justice, the Best Belloved of All Things")...and they don't do substantiation.

Substantiation examples in abundance on request ;-)
All the best.

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Active Member
For the love of God...

Different Baha'i sects don't poison anyone and they don't exist solely to attack the major branch of the Baha'i Faith. They simply exist due to disagreements. To avoid their information completely would to limit the mind needlessly, and exemplifies qualities which I think go against Baha'i teachings.

But of course, that's just me.

Hey Boethiah, Allah'u'abha!

Greetings from Oz...The country that prooves God exists! :yes:

"Different Baha'i sects don't poison anyone and they don't exist solely to attack the major branch of the Baha'i Faith."???
Now why on earth would you be letting the >facts< get in the way of a good accusatory/slandering story? ;-)

Are you not aware that one of the best/simplest ways of establishing esprit de corps and 'UNITY' is by identifying and demonizing- >THE ENEMY< !!!!?????

If the 'enemy' is "poison" to even look upon or hear....then all the better!!!:no:

Pray excuse my sarcasm and cynicism...I am tired of decades of such dialogue that "limit the mind needlessly, and exemplifies qualities which I think go against Baha'i teachings".

Speak to me of Berlin.
Speak to me of One City in One World.
Speak to me of Indiana Hoosiers.
Speak to me of the hope and vision that was enunciated by the Blessed Beauty.

For I am so so tired of false allegations of "attacks" and "poison".....and I'm not even a member of another 'Baha'i faction'.

Here is the world and spirit I inhabit...there is no poison in it, not even from snakes-
YouTube - Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu 'Wukun' - abc.net.au/digmusic

I thank you for your voice of reason.

In His name.


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Well-Known Member
You are intelligent and ambitious enough to pursue this on you own--despite my recommendations--if you so choose.

And YOU are already aware that WE are instsructed to avoid these groups and not promote them, so my position and the reason for it are clear.

So far as I'm concerned this thread has no further purpose to serve.



Active Member
You are intelligent and ambitious enough to pursue this on you own--despite my recommendations--if you so choose.

I am intelligent enough and have been around Baha'i cyberspace enough to know that the allegation that other Baha'i factions spend most of their time attacking Baha'is with any kind of "poison" is completely and utterly false.

It is slander of the worst kind...that which demonizes entire groups without cause or justification.


Active Member
Wombat knows one thing -- ATTACK --

Thank you for providing an allegation so solidly founded and supported by justifying and substantiating examples of my “ATTACK/s”.
What you provide to validate and verify your allegation gives others insight into exactly what you are talking about.


Active Member
"What you provide to validate and verify your allegation gives others insight into exactly what you are talking about." Wombat

Then you are in agreement that you provide >nothing< to validate and verify your allegation" which in turn "gives others insight into exactly what you are talking about." = >nothing<.
Nothing of substance, nothing of merit, nothing worthy of further consideration.

I'm pleased to see we have so quickly established mutual agreement regarding what you bring to the table and its worth. ;)


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
***Mod Post***

This thread has been move to Religious debates.


Active Member
Please observe-
How Baha’i community members treat principles such as- “Justice- The Best Beloved of All Things”, “Slander- Forbidden by God” and the core supporting principles of- Substantiation, evidence provision, justification and rational explanation.

As it is there are two outstanding public accusations from Baha’is that constitute slander-

1/ That other Baha'i factions constantly attacking the Baha'is with (written? conceptual? spiritual?) "poison".
(Seeks without evidence or justification to slander entire groups)

2/ That “Wombat knows one thing – ATTACK”
(Seeks without evidence or justification to slander an individual)

As stated in #43-

“I only desire that you/others have the opportunity to witness the serious public slander allegations being made re other Baha'i factions constantly attacking the Baha'is with (written? conceptual? spiritual?) "poison" and all requests for any substantiation/evidence steadfastly refused.”

I invite the impartial observer to note two things-

1/ How long these accusations have stood (and continue to stand) without any attempt at substantiation.

2/ How few Baha’is will actually step up, stand on the principles their faith enunciates, and call such allegations and slanders into question when substantiation is refused.

‘Deeds’, not words, are the “adorning”...and defence of basic justice principles is a core and fundamental Baha’i Faith >deed< which is not reflected in the culture and conduct of the Baha’i community.


Well-Known Member
Wombat said:
[D]efence of basic justice principles is a core and fundamental Baha’i Faith ... which is not reflected in the culture and conduct of the Baha’i community.

IOW, now HE wants to attack the Baha'i community!


(Why am I not surprised?)



Active Member
now HE wants to attack the Baha'i community!

Is it an "attack" on the Baha'i community to point out the disregard for basic justice principles reflected and displayed in this very thread?

Is it an “attack” to point out and draw attention to the slander and vilification of others that is there for all to see?- Other Baha’i factions spend their whole time “attacking”?...Wombat knows only “attack”.......pointing these baseless slanders out is in and off itself an “attack”?
Oh you poor dear persecuted things ;-).....Did the nasty man “attack” you by drawing attention to your unfounded allegations of being “attacked”? ;-)
Did he use the “poison” of spotlighting your own persecution complex substance and substantiation free slanders?


Yes...It must be wearying to the point of exhaustion to be subject to such ongoing “attacks” and the barrage of unceasing personalized “poison” that is rained down upon you:faint:

(Why am I not surprised?)

Because 'HE' (Wombat) is such a bad/nasty man who is allways attacking the poor persecuted Baha'i community with his poison?:areyoucra


New Member
The reason that he doesnt post is quite simple. A command from Abdul'Baha to avoid covenant breaking material.

As to the websites all you have to do is make a quick search on google and you will see a large number of websites which are members of these smaller groups having anti-Haifen Bahai propaganda...

It's not rocket science.


Active Member
As to the websites all you have to do is make a quick search on google... .

Yea?.....What are the key words to search? 'Attacks on Hafian Baha'is'? 'Anti Hafian Web Sites'? 'Baha'i factions attacking Baha'is'?

Come on...give the folks at home a (rocket science) clue as to how they can confirm these alledged ongoing "attacks" on the Hafian Baha'is

...and you will see a large number of websites which are members of these smaller groups having anti-Haifen Bahai propaganda....

"a large number of websites"?.....what's a large number to you? 3?...4?...?
There are only 9-10 Baha'i factions to start with...are they all attacking the Hafians?

Come on...you guys keep making the same allegation regarding the smaller Baha'i factions being engaged in constant attacks and anti-Haifen Bahai propaganda and you cannot link to a single example.

Here's a link to a Baha'i faction...go right ahead...find the "attacks and anti-Hafian Bahai propaganda.

The Orthodox Bahá'í Faith - National Bahá'í Council of the US

The hystericaly funny thing is that the first thing you find was that the Orthodox Baha'is were UNDER ATTACK IN THE COURTS BY THE HAFIAN BAHA'IS!!!
For Immediate Release: Judgment in favor of the Orthodox Bahá'í Faith

The Hafian Baha'is had attacked the Orthodox with charges of contempt and sought to block the Orthodox from even calling themselves 'Baha'i'.

How dammed nasty and vindictive can an attack get? Can you imagine any Christian denomination seeking to use the courts to debar another denomination from using the very word 'Christian'? Seeking to own the word 'Christian' as copyrighted trademark property?

Yet >that< is exactly what the Hafian Baha'is sought to do in relation to the word 'Baha'i'....and, of course, this pointless and petty attack failed and the judge ruled in favor of the Orthodox Baha'is-
True Bahá'í: Court case

Justice....The Best Beloved of All Things


It's not rocket science.

No...it's not rocket science...It's simply a lie. That other Baha'i factions are engaged in constant attacks and anti-Hafian Bahai propaganda is a falsehood a smear and a slander for which the Hafian Baha'is offer not a single shred of evidence.(While they themselves are attacking other Baha'i factions in court...and loosing):slap:

The reality is that the vast majority of anti-Hafian sentiment comes from former Hafian Baha'is-
The Baha'i Faith & Religious Freedom of Conscience
Freedom of expression and schisms in the Baha'i faith
Unenrolled Baha'i
Former Bahais
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