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Baha'i vs End Times Christianity


Well-Known Member
Ya, I quickly looked at the approch that you posted for interpretation, i think they are good. Ok, Thanks. If you would be interested then, choose any of the topics which i proposed and share your view further, and then i also share my understanding as well.
Ok, cool, I will try. First, I agree that the stars all falling to earth is symbolic of what John saw. It may have looked like that so that is what he wrote. When Jesus first came, they wanted to make him King, even hung the title on the cross, but when he came the first time it was to die and rise again for our sins. The Bible says he will come again, this time in power and glory as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and will rule and reign on the earth. So, he really is a King, so I would take that literally. As far as him coming in the clouds, at the Ascension, he went up in the clouds and disappeared from their sight, and the angels asked them why they were still gazing at the sky and said in the same manner that he left, he would come again. In 1 Thess.4 it says we meet him in the air, which is what I call the Rapture of the Church. Then at the 2nd Coming he comes on a white horse to the earth. So, while he did not come in the air the first time at his birth he will at the Rapture and again at the 2nd Coming, Although he does not touch earth at the Rapture. So I take that as literal. That is just what I believe, and I hope it answered your post from above, post #14...Thanks!


Judging from the history of early Christianity, it seems that the people who accept the Messiah are generally not the religious leaders who know the scriptures and prophecies. Jesus' apostles were simple men who accepted Jesus for what they saw in Him, not from scripture or prophecy. The Jewish scholors of the time denied that Jesus fulfilled their prophecies: Jesus did not come to deliver them from the Romans; He was not descended from King David; He did not bring world peace; the prophet Elijah did not return as was promised in scripture; Jesus' name was not Emanuel as promised.

Jesus explained that John the Baptist was the "return" of Elijah, even though John denied this. Jesus said that His Kingdom was not of this world. So here is a clear example of how the Jews rejected Jesus because of their literal interpretations of their prophecies. Baha'is say that the same thing is happening in this day. Most prophecies have a spiritual meaning and those who cling to the literal meaning miss the most important event in their lives and never know it. Only those who are willing to investigate the truth of Baha'u'llah's advent will ever understand or recognize Him. It's exactly the same situation as 2,000 years ago with the advent of Jesus.


Veteran Member
Yes, all of the prophecies in Old Testimony regarding Messiah was fulfilled with Jesus. But in a Figurative and Spiritual sense, not physically.

For example, even the first time Jesus was 'King' but not literally. A King conquers the land but looses it after he dies. But King of Kings conquers the heart of men, and still owns them after leaving. that's why Jesus said "My kingship is not of this world" John 18:36.
and this statement would be correct with regards to His second coming. that is, His Kingdom never will be in a physical sense and worldly.

Even the first time He came from Heaven. That is His spirit came. Not His Body!
and He did come in the cloud the first time!
Even as the clouds prevent the eyes of men from beholding the sun, so do the Vain Imaginations of people, specially the Divines and Religious Leaders of that age, prevented men from recognizing Him.

The same thing was true with respect to His second coming. That is His spirit came from Heaven, but His body was born. and He did come in the clouds!
So, all the prophecies regarding the second coming is also fulfilled, in a figurative and spiritual sense.


Veteran Member
Actually, we don't really see the spiritual destination that members reach as being all that important. It is basically the quest for knowledge that unites us. Although I am unable to attend services due to being in a rural area, I am told that the church is often a stepping stone for people hunting for a religious path.

We view all, or at least the vast majority, of religious paths as being valid. There is no one truth that will work for everyone. The focus of the serices is on compassion, tolerance, and love for other people.

"The seeker of the Reality...must be like the butterfly who is the lover of the light from whatever lamp it may shine, and like the nightingale who is the lover of the rose in whatever garden it may grow." -- Abdul'baha


Well-Known Member
Clearly not!

First off, there are four--and ONLY four references to the antichrist in the Bible: ALL in the epistles of John!

And if you read them carefully, you'll discover two important points:
  1. The antichrist was a former Christian, and
  2. He was alive at the time John was writing.
So since Baha'u'llah, founder of the Baha'i Faith, was neither ever a Christian nor alive back then, He clearly doesn't qualify for this!

Further, the other things you mention are seen by many people of good will as virtues, not defects!

As to the "tower of Babel" story, it is frequently interpreted as simply being about humans presuming to act as gods rather than as follwers or servants of God.

Additional evidence of the goodness of the Baha'i Faith is found in the fact that it matches exactly the list of "good fruits" listed in Galatians, as well as the fact that First John 4:2 states plainly that anyone who confirms that Jesus did indeed come in the flesh is of God--something Baha'u'llah clearly confirmed!

And for these reasons, it's also therefore truly a pity that your thread subject says "vs." Christianity when ALL Baha'is accept, love, and respect both Christ and the Bible, and have the greatest respect for Christianity as a religion of God!

BTW, it is not strictly necessary to post exactly the same question in more than one subsection here.

Just the facts.

Peace, :)



Well-Known Member
It is more accurate to identify the Baha'i Faith with the "new name" mentioned at least twice in Revelations

It should be noted that in addition to the two mentions in Revelation 2:17 and 3:13, the Jewish scriptures also promise this in Isaiah 62:2!

Best, :)



Well-Known Member
I'm not quite sure I see the point of trying to figure out the mystery "end times" religion.

In fact, in the Baha'i view the "end times," which refer to the end of the Age, not the end of the world (the latter was merely a mistranslation of the KJV compilers), in fact already occurred around a century and a half ago when the Baha'i Faith began (fulfilling numerous prophecies in the process)!

And JJ, the "rapture" stuff is PURE MAN-MADE EXTRAPOLATION from a single Biblical verse (the word "rapture" doesn't even occur in the Bible)! It has no reliable basis in Christianity or any other religion, and is a prime example of trying to get twenty gallons from a ten-gallon hat.


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Well-Known Member
Well, we sure do interpret scripture much differently. I have many books on the Rapture and its not from one verse. It is not my intent to argue a case for the Rapture, but I believe in it, for sure. It is my blessed hope that I may be 'caught up' (greek harpazo, latin rapiro--where we get the word rapture from 1 Thess 4) I can give a couple verses, if there is any interest, but one can also learn it online.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God. Trust in me also. "There are many rooms in my Father's house. If this were not true, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. If I go and do that, I will come back. And I will take you to be with me. Then you will also be where I am. Jn 14:1-3

Brothers and sisters, we want you to know what happens to those who die. We don't want you to be sad, as other people are. They don't have any hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again. When he returns, many who believe in him will have died already. We believe that God will bring them back with Jesus. That agrees with what the Lord has said. When the Lord comes, many of us will still be alive. We tell you that we will certainly not go up before those who have died. The Lord himself will come down from heaven. We will hear a loud command. We will hear the voice of the leader of the angels. We will hear a blast from God's trumpet. Many who believe in Christ will have died already. They will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up (rapiro, The Rapture) together with them. We will be taken up in the clouds. We will meet the Lord in the air. And we will be with him forever. So cheer each other up with these words of comfort.1 Thess 4:13-18

Listen! I am telling you a mystery. We will not all die. But we will all be changed.
That will happen in a flash, as quickly as you can wink an eye. It will happen when the last trumpet sounds. The trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised to live forever. And we will be changed. 1 Cor. 15:51-52


Veteran Member
Well, we sure do interpret scripture much differently. I have many books on the Rapture and its not from one verse. It is not my intent to argue a case for the Rapture, but I believe in it, for sure. It is my blessed hope that I may be 'caught up' (greek harpazo, latin rapiro--where we get the word rapture from 1 Thess 4) I can give a couple verses, if there is any interest, but one can also learn it online.

Thanks, for sharing.

Briefly, this is what the Baha'i belief is:

As to the meaning of ‘Dead’, ‘Alive’, ‘Resurrection’ and ‘Day of Judgment’ other meanings was intended from the teachings of Jesus.

For example, Jesus said: “Let the dead bury their dead.” Luke 9:60.

Reflect, had these souls been ‘quickened’ by the trumpet-call of Jesus, had they risen from the grave of error by the power of his love, the ‘judgment of death’ would certainly not have been pronounced against them.

In every age and century, the purpose of the Prophets of God and their chosen ones hath been no other but to affirm the spiritual significance of the terms “life,” “resurrection,” and “judgment.”

Another meaning of “Resurrection” is the rise of the Manifestation of God to proclaim His Cause.

...as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. - Rom. 6:4

By “trumpet” is meant the trumpet-call of Messiah’s Revelation, which would be sounded in the heart of the universe to proclaim the Cause of God.

Baha'is believe that this trumpet-call has already given by Baha'u'llah for this age.

The Cause of Christ, the resurrected body of Christ, was then incorporated into the early Christian eklesia (in-gathering or church). Paul wrote:

Now ye are the ‘body of Christ’, and members in particular. - I Cor. 12:27

When we accept the Manifestation of God, are "born again," i.e., we are raised from "the tomb of unbelief" to a life of faith and service.

The rapture, or translation, of the church, terms which are never actually used in the New Testament, are also references to the resurrections of unbelievers. I offer the following quote from the first epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Thessolonians. Commentary is included in brackets:

...we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve, as do the rest who have no hope [There IS hope beyond the grave for those who sleep, i.e., who are dead.]. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again [resurrection of the Cause of Christ], even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus [Christians, when they leave this world, will be allowed to draw close to the Presence, the Will, of God.]. For this we have to say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain [in this world] until the coming of the Lord Himself [the return of Christ] shall not precede those who have fallen asleep [died]. For the Lord [return of Christ] will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trumpet [call] of God; and the dead in Christ [those Christians who have passed into the Kingdom of God Beyond - the next world] shall rise first [have the blessing of being the first to arise, from the Kingdom of God Beyond, and bow down to the returned Christ]. Then we who are alive and remain [still in this world] shall be caught up together with them [the great believers who have attained a high station in the Kingdom of God Beyond] in the clouds [while still in the physical body] to meet the Lord [the return of Christ] in the air [the Kingdom of God, including the Kingdom of God Beyond and the Kingdom of God Revealed], and thus we shall ever be with the Lord [in the everlasting Kingdom of God]. - I Thes. 4:13-17, New American Standard Version.
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Veteran Member
Brothers and sisters, we want you to know what happens to those who die. We don't want you to be sad, as other people are. They don't have any hope.

Thanks for sharing your message of hope.
The Baha'i view of life after death gives a great hope:

According to Bahá'í teachings human nature is fundamentally spiritual. Although human beings exist on earth in physical bodies, the essential identity of each person is defined by an invisible, rational, and everlasting soul.

The soul does not die; it endures everlastingly. When the human body dies, the soul is freed from ties with the physical body and the surrounding physical world and begins its progress through the spiritual world. Bahá'ís understand the spiritual world to be a timeless and placeless extension of our own universe--and not some physically remote or removed place.

Entry into the next life has the potential to bring great joy. Bahá'u'lláh likened death to the process of birth. He explains: "The world beyond is as different from this world as this world is different from that of the child while still in the womb of its mother."

"Know thou, of a truth, that if the soul of man hath walked in the ways of God, it will, assuredly return and be gathered to the glory of the Beloved," Bahá'u'lláh wrote. "By the righteousness of God! It shall attain a station such as no pen can depict, or tongue can describe."

In the final analysis, heaven can be seen partly as a state of nearness to God; hell is a state of remoteness from God. Each state follows as a natural consequence of individual efforts, or the lack thereof, to develop spiritually. The key to spiritual progress is to follow the path outlined by the Manifestations of God.

Beyond this, the exact nature of the afterlife remains a mystery. "The nature of the soul after death can never be described," Bahá'u'lláh writes.


Veteran Member
As I said we do interpret the Bible quite differently. Peace.

Yes, it's quite different. Well, Bible can be interpreted in different ways.
Though, the reason that Baha'is have such a different interpretation, is due to the belief that Baha'u'llah, being the return of the Messiah, has given the interpretation of His own Book (Bible).
According to the Bible, He would come with a different name.
In the sight of Baha'is the revealing of the mysteries and signs of the Bible is one of the irrefutable proofs given by Baha'u'llah, and acceptance of it is considered to be a test for keeping the covenant with regards to His return, even if it's totally different from what human’s mind had imagined about it. when the verses are irrefutable, then they are from God.

. . . even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts. THESSALONIANS 2:4
For to this end I also wrote, that I might put you to the test, whether you are obedient in all things. CORINTHIANS 2:9

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Well-Known Member
How would you take these signs literal:

"Among other things it is said that the stars will fall upon the earth. The stars are endless and innumerable, and modern mathematicians have established and proved scientifically that the globe of the sun is estimated to be about one million and a half times greater than the earth, and each of the fixed stars to be a thousand times larger than the sun. If these stars were to fall upon the surface of the earth, how could they find place there? It would be as though a thousand million of Himalaya mountains were to fall upon a grain of mustard seed. According to reason and science this thing is quite impossible. What is even more strange is that Christ said: “Perhaps I shall come when you are yet asleep, for the coming of the Son of man is like the coming of a thief.
It is clear and evident that these signs have symbolic signification, and that they are not literal.

Let's keep in mind John was attempting to describe a vision of end time events, far in the future, using first century terminology. What looked like a star falling from the sky, to John, could be a meteor, comet, or asteroid to us today. The book of Revelation, as well as other verses scattered througout scripture, describe cataclysmic events that will literally shake the foundations of this earth!

Falling meteors, comets, or asteroids could possibly be one of them. Revelation 8:11 states, "The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter."

Scientists theorized on the effects of an asteroid or comet's collision with Earth. An applicable scenario theorizes a chemical change in the atmosphere due to "heat shock" during entry and/or impact of a large asteroid or comet, reacting oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere to produce nitric acid rain. The bitterness produced by the Wormwood Star upon a third of the Earth's potable waters could be the Biblical prediction of "acid rain" from the "heat shock" of a large comet or asteroid's impact with Earth.

Also, in Old testimony, Messiah was supposed to be a 'King'. But jesus was not literally a 'King' Why didn't you take that literal?

At His first coming, He had to be the sacrificial lamb so mankind can receive forgiveness of our sins, as indicated by many OT verses. The Jews completely missed this! This is why to this day, they do not believe Jesus is the Messiah. His second coming is the literal Kingly appearance they were anticipating at His first!

Other examples of figurative language in Old Testimony was that Messiah would come from sky in the cloud "And behold, one like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven" (Daniel 7:13).But He was born from Marry. and what happened to the clouds of heaven?In New Testimony, it also says Messiah for the second time comes from sky, in the clouds. Why do you necessarily expect to see He comes from sky with clouds again?

Daniel was describing a vision God revealed to him of end time events! As the context of the chapter clearly indicates. Daniel is describing Christ's literal second coming! Not his first! How wonderful is the truth of God!
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Veteran Member
Let's keep in mind John was attempting to describe a vision of end time events, far in the future, using first century terminology. What looked like a star falling from the sky, to John, could be a meteor, comet, or asteroid to us today. The book of Revelation, as well as other verses scattered througout scripture, describe cataclysmic events that will literally shake the foundations of this earth!

Daniel was describing a vision God revealed to him of end time events! As the context of the chapter clearly indicates. Daniel is describing Christ's literal second coming! Not his first! How wonderful is the truth of God!

Precisely, the authors were well aware that the Messiah would return to be a literal King. And this is reflective in their writings!! If you are sincere about seeking the truth, I urge you to first pray and ask God for understanding. Then read the verses above in a spirit of humility and without prejudice and it will become apparent that a literal 2nd coming is the only interpretation that makes any sense!

Although, you are making an attempt to show, that the End Time, and the 'signs' of second coming of Messiah is literal.
But we can not reject with a logical argument, the possibility that those verses are metaphorical and figurative, as the Bible has metaphorical and figurative verses as well.

As we have already seen that the return of Elijah was not literal in a sense that the same person returned.
Wouldn't you agree with this? or you believe that Elijah was physically and literally returned 2000 years ago? (Even though the OT didn't explain that it wouldn't be metaphorical)

Another example of metaphorical verse: “Let the dead bury their dead.” Luke 9:60

So, clearly, it is a fact that Bible does use a mixture of literal and metaphoric language and signs, and does not necessary say, which verse is figurative and which verse is literal. (in case of “Messiah being King” and return of Elijah, the OT didn’t say they are not literal)

Now, the ultimate Author of the Bible is God, as Bible was inspired by God. Logically speaking, whenever the End Time and second coming would occur, the Manifestation of God (the second Messiah), would give the correct interpretation of the Bible verse.

Now, If Christ and John the Baptist at their second coming, tells us that the signs of End Time was described figuratively and not literally, shouldn't we accept???
If they reveal Books as a proof of it, shouldn’t we accept?

We must accept, unless, we can repudiate, and prove with a logical argument that, it is impossible that those verses be figurative.

The Bab, being the second coming of John the Baptist and Baha'u'llah being the second coming of Messiah have fulfilled, both the prophecies of OT and NT.
I recommend the "Book of Certitude" revealed by Baha'u'llah. and selected writings of The Bab. Also, some answered questions by Abdul'baha.

I think, by reading these Books, the matters become more clear.
you can get them from here:
Baha'i Reference Library


Well-Known Member
Although, you are making an attempt to show, that the End Time, and the 'signs' of second coming of Messiah is literal. But we can not reject with a logical argument, the possibility that those verses are metaphorical and figurative, as the Bible has metaphorical and figurative verses as well.

I've always said the bible should be interpreted literally, until proven otherwise. I agree, the bible does contain some figurative verses and phrases. Most of them can be correctly interpreted based on other verses plus its historical, situational, cultural, and logical context. For instance, Mat 5:29 reads, "If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you". Should we take this admonition literally? Of course not. Why? Because we know even a blind person can sin as well as other obvious reasons. This is a classic case of being proved otherwise, due to logical context.

If you read the verses I listed describing the return of Christ, they do not make any sense if they're interpreted figuratively. Therefore, they must be taken literally. It cannot be both! The Bible also tells us that God is not the author of confusion. (1 Cor 14:33) To interpret these verses figuratively, will create way too much logical ambiguity and confusion .

As we have already seen that the return of Elijah was not literal in a sense that the same person returned. Wouldn't you agree with this?or you believe that Elijah was physically and literally returned 2000 years ago? (Even though the OT didn't explain that it wouldn't be metaphorical)

But it was literal in the sense that, John The Baptist, did return--not as a reincarnate figure of Elijah but-- "...in the spirit and power of Elijah." Luke 1:17

Another example of metaphorical verse: “Let the dead bury their dead.” Luke 9:60

This is obviously another one of those instances where the context proves otherwise. Similar to the eye for an eye example above, this is a hyperbole which defies logic. Therefore it cannot be taken literally. In contrast, all of the verses describing Jesus Christ and His Saints returning to rule the earth can be interpreted literally because the context of each verse does not give us any reason not to!!

So, clearly, it is a fact that Bible does use a mixture of literal and metaphoric language and signs, and does not necessary say, which verse is figurative and which verse is literal. (in case of “Messiah being King” and return of Elijah, the OT didn’t say they are not literal)


Now, If Christ and John the Baptist at their second coming, tells us that the signs of End Time was described figuratively and not literally, shouldn't we accept???

Unfortunately, this is a leading false assumption based on misinterpretation.

If they reveal Books as a proof of it, shouldn’t we accept?

The only book that counts is the Bible. (2 Tim 3:16)

We must accept, unless, we can repudiate, and prove with a logical argument that, it is impossible that those verses be figurative.

Which the text undoubtedly does.

The Bab, being the second coming of John the Baptist and Baha'u'llah being the second coming of Messiah have fulfilled, both the prophecies of OT and NT. I recommend the "Book of Certitude" revealed by Baha'u'llah. and selected writings of The Bab. Also, some answered questions by Abdul'baha.

I think, by reading these Books, the matters become more clear.
you can get them from here: Baha'i Reference Library

Thank you for info. Perhaps I'll read it for comparative purposes. Scripture contains everything we need to know about who we are, what we are, and where we're going.


Veteran Member
Zechariah 9 vs 9,10 mentions Jesus as king [or God's future anointed king designate]
who as king Jesus has subjects or citizens from sea to sea. [earthwide]

This ties in with Psalm 72. In verse 8 Jesus dominion is also mentioned as being from sea to sea and from river to the ends of the earth. Thus Jesus has subjects on earth.
Daniel 7vs13,14

Daniel shows Jesus as Messiah coming in two different roles:
One: on behalf of the humble meek.-Psalm 37vs11,29,38
Two: to annihilate all who oppose rulership by Christ.- Isaiah 11v4; Rev 19vs11,14,15.

The resurrection during Jesus 1000-year reign will allow for fulfillment of Daniel's prophecies. Daniel looked forward to resurrection morning, so to speak, when during Jesus millennial-long day the sleeping dead will awaken from death's sleep to have the opportunity to obey Christ's rulership, some to heaven, most to have everlasting life in view on a paradisaic earth.
Daniel 12vs2,13; Acts 24v15


Veteran Member
I agree, the bible does contain some figurative verses and phrases. Most of them can be correctly interpreted based on other verses plus its historical, situational, cultural, and logical context.

Ok, lets go step by step together. Just for the sake of argument, Lets assume that we were born with Jewish belief and we already didn't belief in New testimony.

Based on this assumption, consider these 2 cases:
1- Can we just by using only the literal interpretation of old testimony, conclude that Jesus was the King Messiah?

Consider, the old testimony refers to Messiah as a King, but Jesus was not a Worldly King. (As He said, "My kingship does not belong to this world")
Now, if We based on Old testimony insist, that, the verses of old testimony must be interpreted literally, can we justify that Jesus was the King Messiah?

(Before Jesus appears 2000 years ago, all Jewish people, expected that a worldly king appear)

2- Can we just by using only the literal interpretation of old testimony, conclude that John the Baptist was the literal return of Elijah?
Consider, the old testimony does not literally say, Elijah would appear as John.

If you read the verses I listed describing the return of Christ, they do not make any sense if they're interpreted figuratively.

But if we read the Baha'i Scriptures, Then "All the verses describing the return of Christ, Does make sense when they are interpreted figuratively."

For the sake of argument, you choose one of the signs of the end time, then I give you the figurative meaning of it, that would make sense.
and then for the rest, you can read those Books.

So, the point is that, the correct interpretation of the Old Testimony was revealed after the appearance of the first coming of Messiah (Jesus).
Therefore, it's not baseless to say, that, the correct interpretation of the New Testimony, would come also after the second appearance of Messiah. Does this make sense?
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Veteran Member
The resurrection during Jesus 1000-year reign will allow for fulfillment of Daniel's prophecies. Daniel looked forward to resurrection morning, so to speak, when during Jesus millennial-long day the sleeping dead will awaken from death's sleep to have the opportunity to obey Christ's rulership, some to heaven, most to have everlasting life in view on a paradisaic earth.
Daniel 12vs2,13; Acts 24v15

The same answer's that I posted for 'james2ko'. I direct them to you as well. Let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member

Ok, lets go step by step together. Just for the sake of argument, Lets assume that we were born with Jewish belief and we already didn't belief in New testimony.1- Can we just by using only the literal interpretation of old testimony, conclude that Jesus was the King Messiah?

Of course. There are many OT scriptures referring to the first and second coming of the Messiah. But as I mentioned in a previous post, the Jews misinterpreted scripture and thought He would set up a literal kingdom at His first coming. Many scriptures indicate He will do so at his second coming. In John 1:41, Andrew said to his brother Peter, "We have found the Messiah". Andrew must have known about the OT scriptures referring to the coming Messiah. Keep in mind Andrew uttered these words at a time when all they had was the OT!!

Consider, the old testimony refers to Messiah as a King, but Jesus was not a Worldly King. (As He said, "My kingship does not belong to this world")

The Greek word for "world" is kosmos which literally means "age". Jesus did not come the first time to become the king of this age. Satan is the current god of this world [age] (2 Cor 4:4). Scriptures indicate He will be the King of the next age! Jesus Himself said so!! Notice how Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, "Are you a king then?" Jesus answered, "You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." (John 18:37)!

2- Can we just by using only the literal interpretation of old testimony, conclude that John the Baptist was the literal return of Elijah?
Consider, the old testimony does not literally say, Elijah would appear as John.

I believe I covered this already?

But if we read the Baha'i Scriptures, Then "All the verses describing the return of Christ, Does make sense when they are interpreted figuratively."

The overwhelming historical and archeological evidence points to the Christian Bible as being the one and only true Word of God.

Therefore, it's not baseless to say, that, the correct interpretation of the New Testimony, would come also after the second appearance of Messiah. Does this make sense?

So your saying we cannot understand Christ second coming until after He returns? This would be contradictory to scripture. Amo 3:7 states, "Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." He has revealed to a few His Son's literal return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Will you be ready?
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Veteran Member
The overwhelming historical and archeological evidence points to the Christian Bible as being the one and only true Word of God.

Yes, Bible is Word of God. But, the Bible never says that, after Bible, no other scriptures will come from God. You are saying that, at the second coming of Christ, God is not allowed to add a new Book to guide people or have any writings to clear things for them, or to resolve their differences. Well, clearly at the second coming, He would clear out the differences between Christian sects. He would do that by new Scriptures, so, when they read, they understand and agree.

Even if He says, something that is against our desire, we should obey.

. . . even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts. THESSALONIANS 2:4

I don't think we have the right to say that after Bible he cannot add new Scriptures. He can do as He wishes and we need to be obedient!

For to this end I also wrote, that I might put you to the test, whether you are obedient in all things. CORINTHIANS 2:9

The Jews also didn’t want any new Scriptures after OT, but NW came after them, whether they want or not!

So your saying we cannot understand Christ second coming until after He returns? This would be contradictory to scripture. Amo 3:7 states, "Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." He has revealed to a few His Son's literal return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Will you be ready?

Actually, I am not sure how you concluded that from Amo 3:7. I don’t see any contradiction as you mention above.

I am saying, that the signs of the second coming, were written in a figurative way, so as to be revealed when the End Time comes. This is why the Bible doesn’t say when and where exactly He would come. Clearly that was kept as a mystery in the Book. If God wanted to say it clearly ad literally He would have said it. But Bible keep asking to watch.
Clearly, Christians have different opinions regarding interpretation of the Bible. That means they can not understand it’s interpretation, unless the Author Himself explains it to them.