Veteran Member
So am I, and I just got here....I'm out of here.
But before I take flight, Buddha never claimed to be God and that is NOT a Baha'i belief.
Bahais believe that Jesus was a Manifestation of God.
Baha'is are just fallible humans so they can misinterpret our scriptures just like anyone else.
I will leave you with one description I wrote up to help me explain to other people what Baha'is believe about Manifestations of God. The following is what Baha'is believe, collected from various sources on the Baha'i Writings.
A Manifestation of God is another term for a Prophet such as Moses whom God spoke to directly. That is differentiated from the other prophets who had visions and dreams.
Baha’is believe that the Manifestations of God possess two stations: one is the physical station, and one the spiritual. In other words, one station is that of a human being, and one, of the Divine Reality.
Every Manifestation of God is a mirror of God, reflecting His Self, His Beauty, His Might and Glory. These Manifestations of God are called the Primary Mirrors of the Divine Being,
The Manifestations of God are another order of creation above an ordinary man. Their souls had pre-existence in the spiritual world (heaven) before their bodies were born in this world, whereas the souls of all humans come into being at the moment of conception. The spiritual world is where They get their special powers from God. They possess a universal divine mind that is different than ours and that is why God only speaks to them directly and through Them God communicates to humanity.
I am not exactly certain which Prophets are to be considered Manifestations of God. There is no actual list. These are the ones who are commonly cited: Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha’u’llah, but I do not know where this list originated. If it is not in the original Writings of Baha’u’llah, or in the original writings of Abdu’l-Baha or Shoghi Effendi, who were the appointed interpreters of the Writings of Baha’u’llah, then it is not authoritative... I want to look into this some more, I just need the time.