The Bahai's claim that Bahaullah is the return of Christ, the advent of the Islamic Mahdi, the advent of the Buddhist Maithri, among others of course but this thread focuses on the topic above.
Muhammed, the Buddha, Bahaullah were all manifestations of God. Not just prophets, messengers, philosophers or anything like that but manifestations of God. The Quran, nor the Thripitaka teaches anything of the sort. So where is this belief coming from? It comes from their own teachings of course but that is in question today.
Since they base the coming of Metteya or Maithri as the eschatological figure was Bahaullah which they have taken loosely from the Buddhist scripture, vis a vis the Sutta Pitaka in which a tiny portion has been taken, they should either adopt the whole scripture or have a mechanism of criticism to pick which part is absolutely true and/or which part is false. I would like to know, other than saying "Bahaullah or our teachers said so", what is the methodology of deriving which is which? There is zero about the Buddha being a manifestation of God in it. None.
Bahai's claim the Quran is Gods inerrant word, etc etc, but there is nothing in the Quran that says Muhammed was a manifestation of God. None. The Bahai website is a corpus of apologetics and it may have some explanation to this, but what is the Quranic explanation presented in these websites, other than saying "because Bahaullah or our teachers said so"? If you claim the Quran was Gods word, it should say so.
Is not this a questionable theology which claims all the prophets including Moses, Muhammed, Buddha etc etc were all "manifestations of God" while the Quran nor the Tipitaka has nothing to support that theology?