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Ban Flag Burning?


This I ask from an Aussie point of view, we who are known world-wide for our multiculturist society.

Should flag burning be banned??

I say yes. It is hard enough keeping a mutlicultural society together without such displays of racism etc.

Also, i have heard that in America, when a flag touches the ground, it is burned. As a patriotic person, this custom seems odd to me. Could someone provide some more insight please :D


A flag is just a symbol, a colored peice of cloth. To pass a law banning the destruction of such an object would be in opposition to the idea of freedom itself. To me this is not arguable.
But, I ,myself, am highly offended by such an act.

If you want an analogy, just look at the absurdity that came from the derrogatory cartoons of Mahammed.


Glass half Panda'd
Mike182 said:
"although i detest what you say, i will fight to the death for your right to say it"
is that futurama or family guy?

flag burning is silly, i guess it gets the point across? what point? Psh, hell if i know!


†ßig Dog†
I agree. It might turn my stomach, but it's a way of protest that is a part of freedom. I find it offensive, but then again, I find Britney Spears offensive. Cute, but offensive. If someone burned her it would be wrong also... But enjoyable to watch in a demented kind of way.. :D


Veteran Member
jeffrey said:
I find Britney Spears offensive. Cute, but offensive. If someone burned her it would be wrong also... But enjoyable to watch in a demented kind of way.. :D
...Chimp passes lighter fluid to Jeffrey. Start the BBQ ! :D

As much as I abhor seeing people burn our flag, I wouldn't want it outlawed. Freedom of speech is an American mainstay. Fortunately flag burning doesn't happen often.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Banninng flag burning repudiates the freedom the flag represents. Destroying an actuality to preserve its symbol is a bit absurd.

...and what does flag burning have to do with racism?


Seyorni said:
Banninng flag burning repudiates the freedom the flag represents. Destroying an actuality to preserve its symbol is a bit absurd.

...and what does flag burning have to do with racism?

It is absurd and offensive but, if thats how people want to get their point across then let them. At least they aren't harming anyone.


Well-Known Member
No, we don't burn the flag when it touches the ground. At least, not that I've ever heard of. You're not supposed to let a flag touch the ground, and I think when a flag is too old and worn out the be used anymore you burn it, that might be it.

I think it should be allowed, as long as you're not burning down buildings too or something, and the flag belongs to you and so on. I don't like it, but I can't think of a good legal arguement for taking away freedom of expression when it's unpopular expression.


Active Member
When a flag is old or weather-worn then, and only then, it should be destroyed under a military code of honor (I heard that somewhere, I don't remember where).


A fool
I hate patriotism and I honestly cannot understand why some people are offended by flag burning.

In my mind it is an irrational emotional response to feel that the value of a symbol is in anyway inherent in that symbol and then to react as if that value is somehow being destroyed in the destruction of the symbol.

What harm does it cause beyond the sensitivities of perhaps the majority of people?


Terrible Dancer
If the flag is your property, you've got every right to set fire to it. As long as you're not doing somewhere where the fire is likely to spread and destroy squares kilometres of bushland or something, anyway. It's just a piece of cloth.


Flaming Queer
i agree with fluffy, ive never been one for nationalism, and if i was ever totally let down by my government, i would have no problem burning the flag


Virus of the Mind
A Flag is a symbol that stands for more then a government . As such , I don't agree with flag burning . Those doing the burning see the flag as being symbolic to something that could be totally different then those offended by the burning see , and in that regard is very disrespectful , to say the least . But banning flag burning would only fuel those who are already displeased with what they see the flag representing . Fuel they don't need .


Veteran Member
To me it's not about the fact that's it's just a piece of cloth. And I'm not a hugely patriotic person either. But when I see people (it's usually done in a group) burning our flag I cringe because I am so thankful to live in the US. Burning the flag is such an extreme way of showing your displeasure. I am not always happy about our policies, war decisions or governmental intrusions. But, I wouldn't go so far as to burn our flag to protest my point. It's just too disrepectful and you probably only gather other's disdain for your position more than their sympathies.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Samara said:
This I ask from an Aussie point of view, we who are known world-wide for our multiculturist society.

Should flag burning be banned??

I say yes. It is hard enough keeping a mutlicultural society together without such displays of racism etc.

Also, i have heard that in America, when a flag touches the ground, it is burned. As a patriotic person, this custom seems odd to me. Could someone provide some more insight please :D
Should flag burning be banned??
I know I am in the minority here, but I say yes. A flag is a symbol of a Country; burn the flag, and you show great disrespect for the Country that flies it.


Oldest Heretic
Burning a flag is disrespectful to those who cherish it.

To be disrespectful in any other way is not illegal.
Why should flag burning be any different.

To burn flags to cause or provoke violent reaction, could be illegal in the UK.
But not more so than any other way to provoke violence.

Blessed are the pure of heart, they shall behold their God.


Virus of the Mind
Terrywoodenpic said:
To burn flags to cause or provoke violent reaction, could be illegal in the UK.
But not more so than any other way to provoke violence.

Blessed are the pure of heart, they shall behold their God.
Good point . In protest , perhaps it should be allowed ? But then , perhaps it could also fall under a " hate crime " at times . Hmmm ? Perhaps the act shouldn't be banned , but the reasons for the act .... or perhaps I'm just being Canadian , and doing the Canadian fence sitting thing ? :)


Flag burning is not a simple activity people perform when they are simply displeased. It occurs with heated issues, heated debate and heated displays (excuse the pun!). There is a limit to freedom of speech, and I'm sure huge riots and settign objects on fire in/on/around public grounds is one of them. Additionally, freedom of speech is all good and well, but when it brings about direct displays of racial/national disrespect, religious intolerance, discrimination, then perhaps the PUBLIC display of burning flags should be banned. Do it in your homes, no one will know!

...and what does flag burning have to do with racism?
It becomes racial when it is aimed at specific groups. Recently (last year sometime) Sydney had a large problem with riots. Ther were all racially orientated. Flag bruning from both sided FUELLED the riots. Many people were hurt.

One more point...
In the world we live in today, if governments all over the world are STILL tryign to convict people of treason, then perhaps burning of your own countries flag isnt such a possitive view.
In the world we live in today, if world diplomacy is so fragile, then perhaps burning of another countries flag isnt such a possitive view.