Just want to make sure I'm hearing you correctly. Yes, God is love, perfect love and He is no respecter of persons. He demonstrated His love by sending His son Jesus Christ to be the perfect sinless sacrifice that paid for our sin. Jesus said, " I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE, no one gets into heaven except through me." It's our choice to believe in Him as the only true living God or not. No matter what religion you come from or were born into, Jesus is waiting at the door of your heart. He says "I am at the door and knock, if you open the door and invite me in I will dine with you" meaning He will come into your life, the Holy Spirit will come into you and you will be saved. He will never leave you and no one can take you from Him! This is the Love God has for everyone because He doesnt want anyone to perish in hell! So He did what was possible to allow us to spend all eternity with Him in heaven and not hell. However, it is our choice where we want to spend eternity. This is what He did for us, this is the love He offers to all who will accept His free gift of salvation, pretty incredible isnt it? The Ten Commandments were written by God Himself. In the very first commandment He says "I am the LORD God. Second commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods." This means Allah or any other god people worship. Third commandment, " No graven images or likenesses." So its pretty clear God is saying I am the only God so dont worship any other god(s) and dont make little figurines and worship those either. Its a very strong message! Now, having said that, "tawheed/tawhid" has nothing to do with you as a person loving and forgiving others, even the people you dont like as Jesus commanded. The Quran does NOT promote this kind of love as the bible (the word of God Himself) does. That was the point I was trying to get across and ex-muslims will tell you the same thing. Its why Muslims are leaving Islam and converting to Christianity. If they are going to worship a God, they want the real one who promotes love not violence. Think about this for a moment. What other god has claimed to have created the universe, the stars, the moon, this earth and all life on the earth including human beings? Which god has ever said that he will die and pay the price for your sin so that you can live with him forever in heaven? NONE OF THEM except Jesus Christ. Doesnt that tell you something? It should. Maybe people should listen to what He has to say and free themselves from being bullied by an ideology that if you leave you will be subject to being killed. What a messed up belief system that is!