Well, we're at loggerheads.
We're at the point where you're asked to back up your claims and just refuse to do so. We've hit this point a couple of times now, in this thread.
I'll put this a different way, but I'm pretty sure you'll still disagree:
Your team is making the implicit claims that allowing people who look like men into women's safe spaces does not put women at increased risk, nor does it infringe on womens' privacy.
No. You are claiming that "allowing people who look like men into women's safe spaces puts women at increased risk."
To that I say, there isn't any good evidence demonstrating that has or will happen. Do you have any? And apparently that means we're at loggerheads, because you refuse to provide any data that does back up your claim. Though we do have some data that shows your claim to be erroneous. But you don't like that data and you're going to stick to your guns.
To that, I also say that transwomen don't look like men.
And to that, I ask, how is it you think my privacy, as a woman, is being infringed upon by (continuing to) allow people to use the rest room they feel most comfortable in? To me, it's the same thing we've all been doing since we were born.
And the point that keeps coming up (and ignored) over and over is, how are we going to make sure people are in their "proper" rest room that matches their biological sex? It seems to me, that would be infringing upon
their right to privacy.
I think those are extraordinary claims. Claims that defy common sense, and defy the stories I've heard from real, live women. This is also something you can go research, which I also know you will not do.
You're making a case you can't back up. So you cry "common sense" as though that's an argument for anything.
How am I supposed to "go research" stories that you claim "real, live women" have told you??