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Barack Hussein Obama is the Final Antichrist


Miss Independent
When you see the PEACE TREATY signed between ISRAEL and PALESTINE, this will mark the beginning of the FINAL 7 YEARS.

Or....when you see Mr. obama get the nobel peace prize...

A man that will make peace or say 'peace peace' yet great trouble is on it's way. (Not that he has made much peace yet has he?). But he got the award for simply hinting in that direction.


Veteran Member
so in wha manner will jesus appear in the 21st century?
There will be two resurrections, then those who were resurrected into Christ's Kingdom, will RETURN TO EARTH to set up HIS KINGDOM ON EARTH.

Christ and his followers will return to earth as IMMORTAL MEN and WOMEN, no longer being subject to death, sin, sorrow, pain, suffering, disease, deformities, disabilities, etc.

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That I know about, that is when we will be judged and then we will go along our merry way, what I am stating is in what manner will he announce to the world that he is Jesus, I mean surely he will not enter riding an ***??


Veteran Member
That I know about, that is when we will be judged and then we will go along our merry way, what I am stating is in what manner will he announce to the world that he is Jesus, I mean surely he will not enter riding an donkey??

Acts 1: 11
Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?
this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven,
shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
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Exactly my point, I see jesus as a very handsome man, and his face will be full of light, and one will be able to regognise him, i am sure God will give him more powers in the 21st century, I see him coming in his own white Plane, and the first place he will land is at Ludd, and find the imposter, when the imposter will have heard of his arrival, he will turn to salt, if will be jesus who will slay him, and show a cloth full of the imposters blood, to tell mankind that tryanny and trangression will end.


Veteran Member
:) you love Jesus don't you :)
I've had some pretty cool experiences with his love.

His love is overwhelming, all consuming and extremely healing.

I've literally walked into his love once, as if I walked right into him (bumped into him).

It's pretty amazing, his love.


And where do you think He has received all these wondrous attributes from? surely and most definitely he is the Messiah, I am still just wondering as to how he will be able to conduct his affairs in the life of the world. For example if he would wish to walk into the UN to proclaim himself the Messiah, I am certain they will all seize him with a terrible seizure will they not, or will he descend up into the skies to protect himself.
I think the Jesus of the 21st Century will be an ordinary man, he will have a family and he will live a normal life, the only difference will be that he will be the tree Messiah, who has been isolated from the entire world, so that he cannot reveal himself, I am certain there are a few who recgonise him as they recgonise their own sons.


Veteran Member
And where do you think He has received all these wondrous attributes from? surely and most definitely he is the Messiah, I am still just wondering as to how he will be able to conduct his affairs in the life of the world. For example if he would wish to walk into the UN to proclaim himself the Messiah, I am certain they will all seize him with a terrible seizure will they not, or will he descend up into the skies to protect himself.
I think the Jesus of the 21st Century will be an ordinary man, he will have a family and he will live a normal life, the only difference will be that he will be the tree Messiah, who has been isolated from the entire world, so that he cannot reveal himself, I am certain there are a few who recgonise him as they recgonise their own sons.
You're still thinking in terms of this LIMITED MORTAL life.

When we return with Jesus Christ to earth we will all be IMMORTALIZED and the wicked men and women of this earth will ALL BE GONE, REMOVED from this earth.

Immortal (no longer subject to death and sin)
Mortal (subject to death and sin)


Well-Known Member
You're still thinking in terms of this LIMITED MORTAL life.

When we return with Jesus Christ to earth we will all be IMMORTALIZED and the wicked men and women of this earth will ALL BE GONE, REMOVED from this earth.

Immortal (no longer subject to death and sin)
Mortal (subject to death and sin)

Hmm. This limited mortal life is all there is mate. Framing your rational thoughts within that framework would be logical.

*glances at thread title*

Sigh. Obama is clearly the anointed one: YouTube - Obama parody so funny "I will follow him" Obama the christ

He will restore the priest hood. This morning I went into my front yard and knelt down by my well for sometime when it came to pass that a saw a tree illuminated by a bright light. Having consumed no food for several weeks and subsisting primarily on chantix and poverty I asked the light which sect of religion was true. so it came to pass. No diety came. But I saw a winged figure who with a voice whose every note was melodic and beautiful I imparted from it that none of them were correct. Suddenly a loud roar was heard and glanced up to see a chariot with wheels and of the color of a setting sun. Emblazoned on the back of that car was the symbol of "O".

has been appearing everywhere. And the symbol after translation led me to the video above.

And it came to pass.


I regret to inform you, but you have been led astray in this version, Jesus will come to this world as a normal man, as he was a normal man aforetime, yes he is and will still hold the degree of the Messiah, he will come to this earth, to rectify all the sinful allegations which has been fabricated in the life of the world, he will rule this earth for 40 years, and then he will die.
The event that you are talking about is the day of judgement, on that day God;s throne will descend down onto mankind 8 angels will bring down his throne, and then all the prophets and their followers will bow down to him, Jesus will also be amongst the prophets, because that is what he was and is, do not be deluded into thinking that he was God, God does not need to eat or sleep, whereas jesus did both of these feats. And yes what I am saying to you will cause strife and confusion, that is why Jesus will come himself and inform his followers the manifest truth, and when Jesus will utter the truth from his mouth, I am certain his followers will be dumbfounded.


Well-Known Member
You're still thinking in terms of this LIMITED MORTAL life.

When we return with Jesus Christ to earth we will all be IMMORTALIZED and the wicked men and women of this earth will ALL BE GONE, REMOVED from this earth.

Immortal (no longer subject to death and sin)
Mortal (subject to death and sin)

Will return to earth? I think not, I just red in the book of revelations that this earth will be no more. God will create a new heaven and new earth.;)


I do enjoy a good fairy tale - especially one that people argue and correct one another about. It's like a competition to see whose imagination is the most vivid.


Indeed the earth will be blasted to smitheerens, and then the trumpet will be blown and we will all scurry forth from our graves as if in a drunken state yet we will not be drunk, each one of us will be racing towards a goal, the gooddoers will be relaxing in the shade and no harm will come to them, but for the wicked, evil will surround them, and they would have wished again and again that they had beleived in the signs which were constantly sent down to them as a reminder, indeed there will be a gate inside will be mercy and the outside will be torment.
What has happened to all of you good people is that you have all been swayed away from the correct path, it is no fault of yours, for you have all not yet been introduced to the manifest truth.
You are all in reality are all good who will come to know in a while the evident truth.


Well-Known Member
It's rather sad this thread is still going. There is no 'thee' antichrist, and if there was, jesus was him. A better question or topic might be, who will be the christ?